Democrat Women Fleeing Hillary Clinton in Droves! So long sweetie


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Democrat Women Fleeing Hillary Clinton in Droves! - Eagle Rising
Hillary Rodham Clinton is suffering rapid erosion of support among Democratic women — the voters long presumed to be her bedrock in her bid to become the nation’s first female president.

The numbers in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll are an alarm siren: Where 71 percent of Democratic-leaning female voters said in July that they expected to vote for Clinton, only 42 percent do now, a drop of 29 percentage points in eight weeks.

I just wish Hillary would wavy goodbye already.

Read more at Democrat Women Fleeing Hillary Clinton in Droves! - Eagle Rising
i hope one of many reasons could be that most women are very aware of what is going on in Iran and that Hillary hasnt even brought up taking out Iran before they take us out?
Democrat Women Fleeing Hillary Clinton in Droves! - Eagle Rising
Hillary Rodham Clinton is suffering rapid erosion of support among Democratic women — the voters long presumed to be her bedrock in her bid to become the nation’s first female president.

The numbers in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll are an alarm siren: Where 71 percent of Democratic-leaning female voters said in July that they expected to vote for Clinton, only 42 percent do now, a drop of 29 percentage points in eight weeks.

I just wish Hillary would wavy goodbye already.

Read more at Democrat Women Fleeing Hillary Clinton in Droves! - Eagle Rising

Too bad. The Liberals really wanted so much to have Bill back in the White House. There are probably a few mothers of female interns breathing a little easier though. I hope she stays in for a little while longer though, I so wanted to see how many of Bill's bimbos would come forward.
she can not name her number one accomplishment while she was secretary of state, yet you libertards will defend the dumbbitch to the very end.., WHY??????

(Daily Caller) Hillary Clinton could not name her “number one accomplishment” while she was secretary of state during her first live interview of the campaign season with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Thursday.

Read more at Hillary can’t name top accomplishment as sec. of state
Democrat Women Fleeing Hillary Clinton in Droves! - Eagle Rising
Hillary Rodham Clinton is suffering rapid erosion of support among Democratic women — the voters long presumed to be her bedrock in her bid to become the nation’s first female president.

The numbers in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll are an alarm siren: Where 71 percent of Democratic-leaning female voters said in July that they expected to vote for Clinton, only 42 percent do now, a drop of 29 percentage points in eight weeks.

I just wish Hillary would wavy goodbye already.

Read more at Democrat Women Fleeing Hillary Clinton in Droves! - Eagle Rising
this is Hillary responding to a "Mike Dookakis Type Question",,,Hillary: well when it comes to the crisis of Iran building nuclear bombs intended for the United States, what I would do is invite the President and Vice President of Iran to the White House for a Macaroni and Cheese Summit, and I, Joe Biden and John Kerry will sit with them to work out a comprehensive and fair deal to stop the Iraqians from sending a bomb to New York or Los Angeles.
Bbbut just a few weeks ago the left on here were screaming the millennials and women adored Hillary, what happened?
Democrat Women Fleeing Hillary Clinton in Droves! - Eagle Rising
Hillary Rodham Clinton is suffering rapid erosion of support among Democratic women — the voters long presumed to be her bedrock in her bid to become the nation’s first female president.

The numbers in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll are an alarm siren: Where 71 percent of Democratic-leaning female voters said in July that they expected to vote for Clinton, only 42 percent do now, a drop of 29 percentage points in eight weeks.

I just wish Hillary would wavy goodbye already.

Read more at Democrat Women Fleeing Hillary Clinton in Droves! - Eagle Rising
this is Hillary responding to a "Mike Dookakis Type Question",,,Hillary: well when it comes to the crisis of Iran building nuclear bombs intended for the United States, what I would do is invite the President and Vice President of Iran to the White House for a Macaroni and Cheese Summit, and I, Joe Biden and John Kerry will sit with them to work out a comprehensive and fair deal to stop the Iraqians from sending a bomb to New York or Los Angeles.
and as an added bonus, Hillary will show them how to wipe a hard drive clean during dessert.
Got a real source? Hardly expect women to vote for the average Republican, especially Trump or Fiorina.
hillary clinton email women fleeing - Google Search Google found 1.5 million sources for this.
The way that usually works out is 1.5 million references to the same article, NOT 1.5 million sources. :laugh2:
OOPS, did the search again and now Google has found 3.8 million sources for women fleeing Hillary.

This means hat at some point women in other country's will start fleeing her as well.

women fleeing hillary clinton - Google Search

Have fun reading, and don't get run over by the stampede of Democratic women fleeing Hillary, some of them chicks weigh 500lbs or more, I wouldn't want to be in their flight path.
If Alfred Hitchcock was around, this would be his next film. "The Hillary's". pretty much the same scenario as the birds, only it will be thousands of witch like Hillary's flying thru suburbs as white women flee for their lives.
Democrat Women Fleeing Hillary Clinton in Droves! - Eagle Rising
Hillary Rodham Clinton is suffering rapid erosion of support among Democratic women — the voters long presumed to be her bedrock in her bid to become the nation’s first female president.

The numbers in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll are an alarm siren: Where 71 percent of Democratic-leaning female voters said in July that they expected to vote for Clinton, only 42 percent do now, a drop of 29 percentage points in eight weeks.

I just wish Hillary would wavy goodbye already.

Read more at Democrat Women Fleeing Hillary Clinton in Droves! - Eagle Rising

Too bad. The Liberals really wanted so much to have Bill back in the White House. There are probably a few mothers of female interns breathing a little easier though. I hope she stays in for a little while longer though, I so wanted to see how many of Bill's bimbos would come forward.
If Bill Clinton took Levitra, and had a 4 hour erection, he could he set the international record for bimbo interns screwed in a 4 hour period?
OOPS, did the search again and now Google has found 3.8 million sources for women fleeing Hillary.
Still going with that "sources" lie, eh? A truly honest person would call them cites. They probably all refer to one or two actual "sources". Have fun while you can, but used to saying President Hillary Clinton. :biggrin:
They don't care, as long as they get away from the flies around Hillary.

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