Democrat State Level Contributions Shrink


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
My, my, the future looks bleak for the party of Slavery.

The DLCC and its affiliated organizations in the second quarter of 2020 pulled in just $5.8 million, the party committee responsible for electing Democrats to state House and state Senate chambers nationwide announced this week. That means the DLCC has pulled in around $30 million total this whole cycle, $20 million short of the committee’s stated $50 million cycle-long goal.
The DLCC’s second quarter fundraising was dwarfed by its Republican counterpart, the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC), which announced it and its affiliated organizations hauled in nearly double the amount of the Democrats at more than $10.5 million in the second quarter. The RSLC and its affiliated organizations have pulled in $35 million cycle-to-date, meaning that the Democrats were on par with the Republicans on this front until the second quarter of this year dried up, leaving the Democrats $5 million behind.
“Placating the woke Left’s tirade against America may play well on Twitter and cable news, but it looks like anarchy is too tough a sell for liberal enablers like the DLCC to persuade donors to keep contributing to their radical mission,” Lenze Morris, the national press secretary for the RSLC, told Breitbart News. “Defunding the police, overreaching economic shutdowns, and shaming those who are proud of their country – it’s all a bridge too far for Americans, and state Democrats right now own every bit of this ludicrous agenda.”
Bloomberg didn't kick in his $billions yet, neither did Soros and the other big money democrats.
They wait until the cycle is nearly over and no one notices.
Bloomberg didn't kick in his $billions yet, neither did Soros and the other big money democrats.
They wait until the cycle is nearly over and no one notices.
Right, so there is no real reason for anyone to give money because of those two money bags.

After all, democrats want the rich to pay for everything else as well, so why should this be any different?

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