Democrat scandal California gun control senator Yee heads to prison gun trafficking.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
California Democrats are speechless as they watch their prized Sacramento gun control senator, Leland Yee, head to prison for weapons trafficking, accepting bribes, and extorting money.
Democrat Scandal: California Gun Control Senator Yee Heads to Prison: Gun Trafficking

oh imagine that a democrat caught running guns, must have been the fall guy for someone he screwed over so they fkd over their own. Kind of like Obama , Clinton, and Holder did as they Brian Terry gets shot to death while running guns. Fast and Furious in disguise and the liberals to stupid to realize how holder said " we have to brain wash the peope into hating guns"........

Then take into consideration this bastard " HOGG" going on a gun take down mission like the dumb sob knows what life is about. This idiot hasn't even experienced life yet.
He will probably end up being a crooked pos FBI agent who turns snitch on his own Country and President kind of like the pricks from with in are doing to Trump.


1995 Video of Eric Holder: We Must ‘Brainwash’ People Against Guns
Gun control lines his pockets. Like it does all criminals involved in the black market gun trade.

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