Democrat-Generated Cultural Change -


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
- has driven the kids mad.

Although the study, published in The Journal of Pediatrics, does not establish causation, Spiller and his co-researchers believe that the dramatic increase likely has much to do with the rise of smartphones and social media, and the profound shifts in how teenagers spend their time and connect with others day-to-day.

Youth Suicide Attempts Have Dramatically Increased, New Data Shows
- has driven the kids mad.

Although the study, published in The Journal of Pediatrics, does not establish causation, Spiller and his co-researchers believe that the dramatic increase likely has much to do with the rise of smartphones and social media, and the profound shifts in how teenagers spend their time and connect with others day-to-day.

Youth Suicide Attempts Have Dramatically Increased, New Data Shows
Ah Billy, it pains me to see you join the club that uses this type of news to belittle the political party you oppose. Wake up! You have too much class to stoop to this kind of low.
- has driven the kids mad.

Although the study, published in The Journal of Pediatrics, does not establish causation, Spiller and his co-researchers believe that the dramatic increase likely has much to do with the rise of smartphones and social media, and the profound shifts in how teenagers spend their time and connect with others day-to-day.

Youth Suicide Attempts Have Dramatically Increased, New Data Shows
Ah Billy, it pains me to see you join the club that uses this type of news to belittle the political party you oppose. Wake up! You have too much class to stoop to this kind of low.

Who pushed the use and growth of social media among youth?
- has driven the kids mad.

Although the study, published in The Journal of Pediatrics, does not establish causation, Spiller and his co-researchers believe that the dramatic increase likely has much to do with the rise of smartphones and social media, and the profound shifts in how teenagers spend their time and connect with others day-to-day.

Youth Suicide Attempts Have Dramatically Increased, New Data Shows
Ah Billy, it pains me to see you join the club that uses this type of news to belittle the political party you oppose. Wake up! You have too much class to stoop to this kind of low.

Who pushed the use and growth of social media among youth?
Who pushed the use and growth of social media among youth?[/QUOTE]""

I have no idea. I've opted out of the scene of constant contacts. But evidently it is the wave of the future accessed and promoted by all phases of society these days. Who promotes on-line banking and buying? Yesterday a friend told me that newer vehicles no longer come with CD players because of the promotions of the people who favor 'streaming'. So Sony and Samsung and Facebook and Twitter are all contributors.
I don't know the answers, billy and I'm glad my parenting days are long gone, but neither do I trust pat/glib answers. One thing is certain, life is no longer valued as it once was, I think, not even one's own life given the rate of suicides..even among children, and the spate of mass murders and attempted mass murders.

But I think one of the factors is the creation of boogy-persons as evil spread far and wide thru social media in an effort to make invalid political points. I know you are way above that.
The kids have been thoroughly consumerized(brainwashed) to the point of no desire to live in a country that thrives on war as a means to exist..
- has driven the kids mad.

Although the study, published in The Journal of Pediatrics, does not establish causation, Spiller and his co-researchers believe that the dramatic increase likely has much to do with the rise of smartphones and social media, and the profound shifts in how teenagers spend their time and connect with others day-to-day.

Youth Suicide Attempts Have Dramatically Increased, New Data Shows
Ah Billy, it pains me to see you join the club that uses this type of news to belittle the political party you oppose. Wake up! You have too much class to stoop to this kind of low.

Who pushed the use and growth of social media among youth?
Who pushed the use and growth of social media among youth?

I have no idea. I've opted out of the scene of constant contacts. But evidently it is the wave of the future accessed and promoted by all phases of society these days. Who promotes on-line banking and buying? Yesterday a friend told me that newer vehicles no longer come with CD players because of the promotions of the people who favor 'streaming'. So Sony and Samsung and Facebook and Twitter are all contributors.
I don't know the answers, billy and I'm glad my parenting days are long gone, but neither do I trust pat/glib answers. One thing is certain, life is no longer valued as it once was, I think, not even one's own life given the rate of suicides..even among children, and the spate of mass murders and attempted mass murders.

But I think one of the factors is the creation of boogy-persons as evil spread far and wide thru social media in an effort to make invalid political points. I know you are way above that.[/QUOTE]

Take it easy. Life is still valued.
The kids have been thoroughly consumerized(brainwashed) to the point of no desire to live in a country that thrives on war as a means to exist..
Moonglow, todays kids live in a different world, and if we were kids, we'd be just like them. Not sure about the 'war' thought though. I grew up during WWII and the sense of togetherness of purpose hasn't been matched since IMHO. If anything, today's generations of youth have much less community purpose, I think, and generally know little of the sacrifices of war, but if push comes to shove I believe they'll come thru just like their forefathers did. Keep the faith!
Parents overworked to support the capitalist system to raise kids for more workers to enrich the richest more...
- has driven the kids mad.

Although the study, published in The Journal of Pediatrics, does not establish causation, Spiller and his co-researchers believe that the dramatic increase likely has much to do with the rise of smartphones and social media, and the profound shifts in how teenagers spend their time and connect with others day-to-day.

Youth Suicide Attempts Have Dramatically Increased, New Data Shows
Ah Billy, it pains me to see you join the club that uses this type of news to belittle the political party you oppose. Wake up! You have too much class to stoop to this kind of low.

Who pushed the use and growth of social media among youth?

I have no idea. I've opted out of the scene of constant contacts. But evidently it is the wave of the future accessed and promoted by all phases of society these days. Who promotes on-line banking and buying?

There is no existing study of which I am aware indicating that online banking and buying has driven American youth to suicide.

Yesterday a friend told me that newer vehicles no longer come with CD players because of the promotions of the people who favor 'streaming'.

I wouldn't know. My 2006 utility car has a CD player. My 1970 Olds has a cassette player.

There is no existing study of which I am aware indicating that CDs vs. streaming has driven American youth to suicide.

I don't know the answers, billy and I'm glad my parenting days are long gone, but neither do I trust pat/glib answers. One thing is certain, life is no longer valued as it once was, I think, not even one's own life given the rate of suicides..even among children, and the spate of mass murders and attempted mass murders.

But I think one of the factors is the creation of boogy-persons as evil spread far and wide thru social media in an effort to make invalid political points. I know you are way above that.

Our current culture is the direct result of the so-called counter-culture Age of Aquarius crap that was birthed in the West in the late 60s, and the resulting rational opposition to it. Read the writings of the campus radicals of the time, and you'll find that their sentiments match precisely the current sentiments of the Democrats and their supporters. Those goobers grew up, got into the system and trained their ill-begotten offspring in the same nonsense packing their own craniums. Gradually, they managed to make much of their nonsense mandatory curriculum in the public school system.

The Democratic Party has become The Merry Pranksters of the 21st Century. Give credit where credit is due.

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