Telemundo held a Democrat debate last night. I had no idea they were having one. I think that's the plan. Don't let anyone see Hillary get hammered like Donald Trump has been on her email server. Let's face it, they were the first moderators that asked the question that they dare not ask. "Who gave you the okay to have your own server and will you quit running if you are indicted?"
She once again claimed that everyone else did it. Wrong. Nobody else conducted State Department business on their own private non-secured server.
She said she wouldn't even answer the question about the indictment. That's just too silly.
Once again, Hillary claimed she did nothing wrong. Everyone with any knowledge of the law knows that is an outright lie. But denial, stonewalling, and bringing counter accusations is what the Clintons do. They never lied in their entire lives and they have been the most transparent public servants in modern times. Oh, and yes....she was dodging sniper fire in Bosnia.
The truth is Democrat voters should be pissed. They don't have a choice in this election. They either have to vote for this lying bitch, or vote for one of the Republicans. Democrats will most likely stay home in droves, unless the establishment is able to create enough fear that the GOP candidate is a racist madman who wants to eat their children. Voting for Bernie Sanders is a wasted vote because according to the rules, Hillary can bribe Superdelegates into voting for her. So basically, your vote doesn't count.
The Republicans are going about it another way. They want to prop up the other 3 candidates so that Trump can't get to the magic number of 1237 delegates and hold a Brokered Convention literally stealing the nomination out from under the Republican base. Once they do that they can put Mitt Romney in or some other schmuck and run him against Hillary, essentially dividing the Republican vote and causing a Civil War. Many of them claim Trump's just a ploy by Hillary to tear apart the Republican party. This is total bullshit. The Establishment has only themselves to blame for the mess they're in. I could handle a Trump vs Sanders general election because it would allow the people to have a voice. If Hillary is running against one of the GOP's hand picked stiffs, the election will be a sham. A fake. To think that the only thing keeping Hillary from doing the perp walk is her winning the White House. This isn't the first time in American history, but this is the first time it has been so obvious. I believe that 30% of the American voters have no problem with putting a felon in the White House. You figure 10% of them are blacks, another 10% are Hispanics, and the rest are Hollywood elitists and old women that want a woman president because is sounds cool.
I don't think the college kids will show up to vote for the Hillary because they want Bernie Sanders and his free college tuition.
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