Demand for forensic audits of 2020 election in all 50 states rapidly gaining support

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Originally signed by 41 state legislators from 15 states, open letter prompted by Maricopa County voting review has now been signed by 150 from 38 states.

izona state Sen. Wendy Rogers, a Republican, published a letter to the American people following the release of the Maricopa County audit results on Sept. 24 calling for forensic audits of all 50 states' 2020 election results.

Originally signed by 41 state legislators from 15 states, the letter has now, less than a month later, been signed by 150 lawmakers from 38 states.

Claiming that "our representative republic suffered a corrupted 2020 election," the letter states:

"In addition to Arizona, sworn affidavits have accumulated from many states detailing rampant corruption and mismanagement in the election process. Fraud and inaccuracies have already been shown through multiple audits and canvasses in multiple states, as well as through lawsuits challenging the validity of election results in several counties in multiple states.

"We have come to the conclusion that all 50 states need to be forensically audited. Voter rolls should be scrubbed with a canvass of the voters to ensure future integrity of our elections. ...

"We call on each state to decertify its electors where it has been shown the elections were certified prematurely and inaccurately."

The letter was published after the highly anticipated Maricopa County audit report found, according to Rogers, there were "too many discrepancies to declare an outright winner of Arizona's electoral votes."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It is all political Kabuki unless and until some state legislator has the backbone to decertify a county or precinct that did not follow the law.
Shouldn't we really know how much Trump really lost by?
The Trumpbots have had ample opportunity to prove their point. Continuing on is to say there is not one republican smart enough to figure out how democrats performed a miracle of election theft.
The Trumpbots have had ample opportunity to prove their point. Continuing on is to say there is not one republican smart enough to figure out how democrats performed a miracle of election theft.

The Arizona audit showed that Trump lost by even more than initially claimed. If they want to know how much Trump actually lost by, let long as they pay for it.
The Arizona audit showed that Trump lost by even more than initially claimed. If they want to know how much Trump actually lost by, let long as they pay for it.
The fraudit was seemingly a useless exercise that didn't change a single mind. As an intelligence gathering operation for actual election theft it was wildly successful. Any county that uses the same machines, procedures and ballot forms after a fraudit is fucking up.
The fraudit was seemingly a useless exercise that didn't change a single mind. As an intelligence gathering operation for actual election theft it was wildly successful. Any county that uses the same machines, procedures and ballot forms after a fraudit is fucking up.

We know already how all this works. And it did work.
We know already how all this works. And it did work.
Trump fucked up telegraphing his intent to challenge an election loss. No one wanted to be Palm Beach county circa 2001 and tightened up their procedures. Even Florida voted without a crisis. When they went looking for irregularities they found practically nothing to work with.
Was the Arizona fraudit not embarrassing enough for you?
The only thing that's embarrassing is the level of intensity the Democrats have used to obstruct the process. Election integrity should be a primary bipartisan goal but it isn't. Comprehensive audits of every state would be much easier, more accurate and cheaper if the Democrat party showed any desire to cooperate. Their stonewalling just makes it obvious that they have something to hide.
The only thing that's embarrassing is the level of intensity the Democrats have used to obstruct the process. Election integrity should be a primary bipartisan goal but it isn't. Comprehensive audits of every state would be much easier, more accurate and cheaper if the Democrat party showed any desire to cooperate. Their stonewalling just makes it obvious that they have something to hide.
Imagine we were to let the folks over at Antifa audit an election? Unelected, unaccountable partisan extremists should never be allowed to touch election infrastructure. It's why we have non-partisan accredited auditing firms to check the validity of any accusation of election shenanigans. You just don't like the answer they are giving.
I don't mind just doing post mortems on elections to see what went right and what went wrong so we can make them run smother in the future. Not sure why anyone would TBH.
Imagine we were to let the folks over at Antifa audit an election? Unelected, unaccountable partisan extremists should never be allowed to touch election infrastructure. It's why we have non-partisan accredited auditing firms to check the validity of any accusation of election shenanigans. You just don't like the answer they are giving.
Non partisan and accredited are two words that are shamelessly misused when they refer to our government. The audits are necessary because so many antifa like radicals were working the polls of swing states where election results mysteriously changed from big Trump wins to Biden victories in the wee hours of the morning. It happened in Pennsylvania, not only with Trump but with incumbent rep Susan Wild who was getting her ass kicked Thursday night but then mysteriously claimed victory on Friday morning, crooked lowlife that she is. Most people would like to be reassured that our elections are fair. That's what these audits are for.
Was the Arizona fraudit not embarrassing enough for you?
how was it embarrassing?

it showed many irregularities that have yet to be fully investigated..

oh, that's right... you become blind suddenly when reading about that part of the story.. dim hack syndrome goes with the TDS disease
Non partisan and accredited are two words that are shamelessly misused when they refer to our government. The audits are necessary because so many antifa like radicals were working the polls of swing states where election results mysteriously changed from big Trump wins to Biden victories in the wee hours of the morning. It happened in Pennsylvania, not only with Trump but with incumbent rep Susan Wild who was getting her ass kicked Thursday night but then mysteriously claimed victory on Friday morning, crooked lowlife that she is. Most people would like to be reassured that our elections are fair. That's what these audits are for.
fair elections?

who needs that, say the dimcraps

winning is worth selling our soul for..
how was it embarrassing?

it showed many irregularities that have yet to be fully investigated..

oh, that's right... you become blind suddenly when reading about that part of the story.. dim hack syndrome goes with the TDS disease
Sorry guy, you all had ample opportuinity to prove there was something. After all 8 million fake votes would leave a pretty large footprint no one could miss or dispute. This shit has become a religious faith that requires the kind of blind zeal we normally attribute to cults. This is me laughing in your stupid cult member face. You all couldn't look more ridiculous if you were chanting "Trump won" in airports beside the Hare Krishnas.

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