Dem to introduce bill forcing Pentagon to change confederate base street names


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Dem to introduce bill forcing Pentagon to change Confederate base, street names

In the wake of violence at a protest against removing a Confederate monument in Charlottesville, Va., last weekend, a New York Democrat has announced plans to introduce a bill that would force the Defense Department to rename any military installation or other property named after those who fought for or supported the Confederacy during the Civil War.


And it's going to keep going and going and going until we have nothing left of American symbols , Until we have nothing left. We need to keep memories of why streets are named after historical people for whatever reasons.

You idiots who remove statues, rename streets and anything else you retarded assholes dream up you are going to regret your actions when in sixty years you assholes realize YOU BROUGHT IN THE COMMUNIST FASCIST NATION you protested against thinking that's what we have presently and because of your stupidity and not knowing history , being indoctrinated by MSM you are going to live in total hell if you win this battle.

It is a shame you losers are to stupid to realize what it is you do the best part is , all your retard actions are based off of false information.
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How much can the GOOD OLD BOYS ENDURE?----------I have a feeling that Dixie is being
PUSHED TOO FAR---------and may secede
Cretins tend to do things like that. And like most things cretins try to do, other than suicide, shall end as laughable failure.
Simple solution: introduce a bill requiring any and all Federal buildings, roads, and properties named for anyone known to have belonged to a racist organization to be renamed.

Start in West Virginia.
Much like muslim crybabies they fellate, liberalfilth are violently offended by EVERYTHING and have baby tantrums over it. And too arrogant to understand that nobody gives a fuck anymore. They've killed that particular golden-egg goose. In the 44 years I've walked this earth, I have never seen creatures that fill me with a more vomitous hatred. Anywhere on the planet.

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