Dem Sen. Hirono: I Told a Class of 8th Graders Their Abortion Rights Are Under Attack

Here is the quote:

“I just met sixty 8th graders from a public school in Hawaii, and I told them I was coming to a rally in front of the Supreme Court. And they said, why? I said, it is because we are -- we have to fight for abortion rights, and they knew all about it. And I asked a girl in that group from 8th graders, how many of you girls think that government should be telling us women when and if we want to have babies? Not a single one of them raised their hand. And then -- (Cheering and Applause) -- boys who were there among the sixty, I said you know, it's kind of hard for a women to get pregnant without you guys. (Laughter) They got it. How many of you boys think that government should be telling girls and women when and if we're going to have babies? And not a single one of them raised their hand." (Cheering and Applause)

You may not like her stance on abortion but there is nothing untoward in what she said and the subject of reproductive rights is perfectly acceptable in an 8th grade class.

I do not agree-----to young for that kind of discussion------it might
be ok for a few at that age----but not all----AND there is also a
religious issue that could play out on the playground in kids
that young

They are old enough to get pregnant so, yeah, they should be able to handle a conversation about their rights.

They are not old enough to get pregnant------the discussions should
be more like "WHY NOT TO....." Not "don't worry ----you can always
get rid of it" Abortion is not a benign procedure. It has both
psychological and physiological repercussions. Reminds me of
my youth-----in Health class when the RIGHT TO SMOKE AND
DRINK came up. I do not see any of it as a "right" for a 14 year old
Here is the quote:

“I just met sixty 8th graders from a public school in Hawaii, and I told them I was coming to a rally in front of the Supreme Court. And they said, why? I said, it is because we are -- we have to fight for abortion rights, and they knew all about it. And I asked a girl in that group from 8th graders, how many of you girls think that government should be telling us women when and if we want to have babies? Not a single one of them raised their hand. And then -- (Cheering and Applause) -- boys who were there among the sixty, I said you know, it's kind of hard for a women to get pregnant without you guys. (Laughter) They got it. How many of you boys think that government should be telling girls and women when and if we're going to have babies? And not a single one of them raised their hand." (Cheering and Applause)

You may not like her stance on abortion but there is nothing untoward in what she said and the subject of reproductive rights is perfectly acceptable in an 8th grade class.

I do not agree-----to young for that kind of discussion------it might
be ok for a few at that age----but not all----AND there is also a
religious issue that could play out on the playground in kids
that young

They are old enough to get pregnant so, yeah, they should be able to handle a conversation about their rights.

They are not old enough to get pregnant------the discussions should
be more like "WHY NOT TO....." Not "don't worry ----you can always
get rid of it" Abortion is not a benign procedure. It has both
psychological and physiological repercussions. Reminds me of
my youth-----in Health class when the RIGHT TO SMOKE AND
DRINK came up. I do not see any of it as a "right" for a 14 year old

8th graders are about 13 or 14, I'm sure you have at least an elementary understanding of human physiology.

Hirano wasn't teaching a class on sex education, she was visiting a class and talking about reproductive rights and government, it's perfectly fine. I'm sure if some twat from Alabama visited a school and spoke on the sanctity of the prolife movement you'd be fine with it.
Here is the quote:

“I just met sixty 8th graders from a public school in Hawaii, and I told them I was coming to a rally in front of the Supreme Court. And they said, why? I said, it is because we are -- we have to fight for abortion rights, and they knew all about it. And I asked a girl in that group from 8th graders, how many of you girls think that government should be telling us women when and if we want to have babies? Not a single one of them raised their hand. And then -- (Cheering and Applause) -- boys who were there among the sixty, I said you know, it's kind of hard for a women to get pregnant without you guys. (Laughter) They got it. How many of you boys think that government should be telling girls and women when and if we're going to have babies? And not a single one of them raised their hand." (Cheering and Applause)

You may not like her stance on abortion but there is nothing untoward in what she said and the subject of reproductive rights is perfectly acceptable in an 8th grade class.

Interesting opinion.
Back in ‘78 I paid Mazie for a blowjob in an alley in Pearl City. True story.

I believe you probably would pay for a blow job, I just don't think you could afford one.
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It will be a States rights issue and Hawaii will never outlaw she is a lying ugly smelly sack of donkey dicks and SPAM.


Maybe that stupid bitch needs a lesson in geography and Constitution.
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It will be a States rights issue and Hawaii will neve outlaw she is a lying ugly smelly sack of donkey dicks and SPAM.


Maybe that stupid bitch needs a lesson in geography and Constitution.

The people of Hawaii probably appreciate the distinction.

I'm not sure if you realize this or not but Hirano was speaking for the rights of all women, not just those in Hawaii.
The people of Hawaii probably appreciate the distinction.

I live in Hawaii and you could take a lesson from the majority of folks who live here... Good people who do not ridicule or think less of people who live lets say in "Aladambabma"... You are just a mushy ole pinto bean as I have all ready stated...
The people of Hawaii probably appreciate the distinction.

I live in Hawaii and you could take a lesson from the majority of folks who live here... Good people who do not ridicule or think less of people who live lets say in "Aladambabma"... You are just a mushy ole pinto bean as I have all ready stated...

I feel confident the people of Hawaii are glad they don't live in Alabama.
Can't wait till it Is OK for the teacher to pull out a 8th graders dick, suck him off and then put it into her vjayjay and explain the motions until he is coming with the next DemonRAT predident!

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