Dem hearing on disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation canceled


Sheep Dipped Boy Scout
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 12, 2014
Plasticville U.S.A
One flew over the cuckoo's nest. All her past tweets bit her in the ass.
See what happens when a president is home schooled by his handlers.
They are afraid to let her testify....... :cuckoo:

Senate Democrats abruptly canceled a hearing at which President Joe Biden's new disinformation czar Nina Jankowicz was expected to testify, a decision made after embarrassing videos posted by the self-proclaimed "Mary Poppins of disinformation" sparked a political firestorm.

Senate Democrats planned to hold a May 10 hearing on "disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation," just a couple of weeks after Biden tapped Jankowicz to head his administration's newly created Disinformation Governance Board. Democratic leaders were reluctant to have Jankowicz face Republican questioning, however, prompting them to nix the hearing, three Senate offices told the Washington Free Beacon.

"They yanked it when the entire ‘disinformation board' blew up," one senior aide told the Free Beacon. "They realized there's no way they could reschedule without Nina Jankowicz being called to testify."

Although the board is officially tasked with monitoring alleged disinformation from Latin America and hostile countries such as Russia, the Department of Homeland Security has refused to offer more details on its purview. Both Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and former White House press secretary Jen Psaki said they were unfamiliar with Jankowicz's past criticisms of conservatives and calls for censorship on social media.

Unanswered questions about the board's mission and the appointment of Jankowicz have raised concerns even from the left-leaning media, with the Washington Post criticizing DHS for failing to explain "what precisely [the board] is—and what it will do." The Nation said Jankowicz's past work "should have set off alarm bells" in the administration.

Canceled: Senate Dems Nix Jankowicz Hearing After Embarrassing Videos Surface
She's resigned and the whole commie mess has been "paused", commie double speak for shut down.

All good things must come to an end......

Biden's 'disinformation board' is PAUSED after just three weeks and its head Nina Jankowicz resigns after sparking outrage for pushing debunked Russian collusion claims and calling Hunter Biden's laptop a 'Trump campaign tool'​

The board was intended to combat misinformation but critics quickly homed in on the role of its chief, Nina Jankowicz, and her history fighting disinformation and extremism.

In particular, they questioned her expertise after it emerged she had dismissed the 2020 discovery of Hunter Biden's laptop as being a 'Trump campaign product.

And in 2016 she spread claims about then candidate Donald Trump's links to President Vladimir Putin of Russia, which have since been debunked.

Biden's 'disinformation board' is PAUSED after just three weeks
Challenge is that the largest source of disinformation~misinformation past year and half (or two) has been coming from the POTUS/occupant of the White House and his puppet masters. Along with the Deep Swamp of apparatchiks in D.C.~Federal Guv'mint.
Challenge is that the largest source of disinformation~misinformation past year and half (or two) has been coming from the POTUS/occupant of the White House and his puppet masters. Along with the Deep Swamp of apparatchiks in D.C.~Federal Guv'mint.
You know, that's how it works. The ones so worried about an issue are the ones who are doing it.
Like who cries racist?

sexism. It's sexism that is the problem. If it were a man..oh would have been so totally different.

Jankowicz talks to unattractive overweight alleged news hostess about why her job went down the tubes.

sexism. It's sexism that is the problem. If it were a man..oh would have been so totally different.

Jankowicz talks to unattractive overweight alleged news hostess about why her job went down the tubes.
Sexism? That video of her singing about herself to Mary Poppins raised a lot of eyebrows. You know she thinks shes the greatest in her own mind.

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