Delusional Democrats think Fetterman and Feinstein still fit to serve


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Delusional Democrats think Fetterman and Feinstein still fit to serve

20 Feb 2023 ~~ By Glenn H Reynolds

Once upon a time we mocked the Soviet Union for its gerontocracy. Aged party leaders, bundled up in overcoats and fur hats to the point of near-unrecognizability, would be wheeled out to sit, immobile, as parades passed or party congresses opened. Their withered, stale leadership was emblematic of the decaying USSR’s withered, stale ideology — and industrial base.
But now the joke’s on us. A leading United States senator, Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), can’t seem to remember important things, like her just-taken vote on a judicial nominee and her just-announced retirement. “Did I vote for that?” she asked an aide Wednesday, moments after leaving the chamber.
The day before, the oldest sitting senator announced she wouldn’t seek another term — or her staff did, anyway. Asked about her coming retirement an hour after the statement posted, Feinstein said, “Well, I haven’t made that decision. I haven’t released anything.” A staffer told her she had. As The Post reported, “an incredulous-sounding Feinstein” said, “You put out the statement?” before telling reporters, “I didn’t know they put it out.”
Well, Feinstein is 89. She shouldn’t be expected to remember things too well at that age. But maybe she shouldn’t be expected to serve two more years in the Senate, either.
There’s a species of cruelty in putting people in jobs they’re mentally unable to handle, but there’s a worse species of cruelty in subjecting an entire nation to being governed by such people — or by whoever is pulling their strings from behind the scenes. Enough.

Their strings are being pulled by young, socialist, sociology majors from the Ivy League.
Feinstein, Fetterman, and Biden are just props. Look at how long they kept Robert Byrd in his Senate seat.
According to the articles and others I’ve read, she didn’t seem to realize that an hour after that statement was released. Her current term expires in 2025. Should she still be able to hold office if she can’t remember what she said an hour ago?
Pennsylvania voters saw and heard enough of Fetterman's inability to even think about being a senator, yet they voted for for this clown anyway. They deserve what they get.

Pennsylvania Republicans demand Fetterman either appear on camera or else resign

Senator has been hospitalized for two weeks due to alleged depression.
28 Feb 2023

A group of Pennsylvania Republicans are demanding that Democratic Sen. John Fetterman either appear on camera and demonstrate he is still capable of doing his job or, failing that, that he resign from his federal office.
Fetterman has been hospitalized for nearly two weeks due to reported clinical depression; little is known about his status as an inpatient at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, though his staff said on Monday that he is "on a path to recovery."

Fetterman's stroke was very serious. I feel sorry for his health condition, he should never have run for the Senate seat.
If someone is so depressed they need to be in a mental hospital, Fetterman has no business being a Senator. Never mind that this is likely just a scam to keep the brain dead Fetterman incommunicado.
Democrats have to prop up Fetterman until August to avoid a special election.
Regretfully, Maoist Democrats have no interest in allowing the legitimate processes of representative government take their course.
Case in point: The infamous 2002 New Jersey election.
Fetterman and Feinstein have psychological issues, they're not well in the head.

Santos is just gay. So are you saying homosexuality is a "mental illness"?
I can't agree Santos is "just gay." He's a pathological liar to boot.

I like his buttoned up collar and his knitted vest, however. He does have a great sense of style. I suppose that helped him get where he is.
I can't agree Santos is "just gay." He's a pathological liar to boot.

I like his buttoned up collar and his knitted vest, however. He does have a great sense of style. I suppose that helped him get where he is.

GIven there are so many lairs, psychopaths, and fags in the Democrat Party, aren't we at least entitled to a few of our own?

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