Delta wave is OVER in Florida. Without lockdowns, boosters, or a vaccine..

Why does the left keep taking issue with alleged covid deaths when there are 41 other states doing far worse than Florida? The Lying media will say anything and some people are fooled ALL THE TIME.
Why does the left keep taking issue with alleged covid deaths when there are 41 other states doing far worse than Florida? The Lying media will say anything and some people are fooled ALL THE TIME.
Because Florida and Texas have Governors who are making their covid problems WORSE
The covid vaxx. it doesn't protect. It might not kill or maim you. So. Go ahead and take it.

DeathSanta changed the way deaths are reported, only counting covid deaths reported on the day they die. If it was determined someone died from covid any day other than the day they died they are NEVER counted.
He has screwed with the numbers so badly no one can tell how bad the pandemic is in Florida.

Best they can tell is that over 200 and probably 250 people are dying daily
He has screwed with the numbers so badly no one can tell how bad the pandemic is in Florida.

Best they can tell is that over 200 and probably 250 people are dying daily
You mean Florida doesn't count boating accidents as covid?
He has screwed with the numbers so badly no one can tell how bad the pandemic is in Florida.

Best they can tell is that over 200 and probably 250 people are dying daily
That's a lot of heart attacks.
250 folks dying every day in Fla. it sure as hell ain't over

people are dying every day. In florida...a lot of that is old age. A lot of elderly live in Florida. Y'all are still pushing this covid lie. and why not.. The media knows you'll swallow it hook line and sinker. I said, 41 other states are far worse because of the vaxxed and the dirty mask. You're pushing lies that the hateful lying media is pushing on you.

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