Defunding police departments is a time that must come to troubled cities.

At first I was thinking this was a bad idea, but watching city after city having to fight Police Unions, just to get fair and equal treatment of all its citizens, is getting to be too much. Why on God's green earth would anybody who bust their ass on fucked up jobs, pay taxes, do the right things in life, have to walk around in fear simply because your a person of color.....knowing the people around you, who are sworn to protect, is out to harm you??

There's a community of law abiding black folk in this country, who suffer every single day, from violence from within our own walls, and to have that same destructive behavior coming from the police........

Any liberal that talks shit about supporting BLM, but doesn't support your desire to defund the police,

was just talking shit because they think you are stupid enough to fall for empty talk.

Because they think black people are suckers.

Just keeping it real.


They think black people are stupid??? And you got your president telling you to drink bleach and lysol and he don't think yall white mf's ain't stupid?

1. He did not say that.

2. Watch to see if their actions match their words. Easy peasy to talk shit, defunind the police? THAT IS SHIT GETTING REAL, AND THEY WILL NOT SUPPORT YOU.

I support you. I want you to do it. I am not joking. Let's see how if the cities are safer because the murderous police are defunded.

I want you to have you way, and have a chance to make your communities and cities better.
You really need to pay attention, white boy. The state of NY, spends 6 billion a year on law enforcement, is the city any safer? The people in Louisville, had a shooting at a protest rally, cops were there, and yet a guy is dead, was the citizens any safer? COPS ARE ONLY GOOD AFTER CRIMES HAVE BEEN COMMITTED, THEY DO NOT DETER CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR, THEY DON'T STOP IT, THEY IN FACT DO NOTHING BUT TAPE OFF THE CRIME SCENE AND TAKE NOTES, THAT'S IT....CRIMES STILL HAPPEN. The Times did an article awhile back on actual cases being solved by police....they got an F. If the cops were to disapear 2mar and people are allowed to protect themselves, I would bet my last dollar, thug mf's would be on alert of who's packin and who ain't!!

That is my point. You and your white lib allies have been saying that for years now. Now, the question is, do you and them, really believe it, and are you going to walk the walk?

Defund the police and see what happens.

IF you don't, you show you were just talking jive.

If your white allies don't support you, they were just talking jive.
At first I was thinking this was a bad idea, but watching city after city having to fight Police Unions, just to get fair and equal treatment of all its citizens, is getting to be too much. Why on God's green earth would anybody who bust their ass on fucked up jobs, pay taxes, do the right things in life, have to walk around in fear simply because your a person of color.....knowing the people around you, who are sworn to protect, is out to harm you??

There's a community of law abiding black folk in this country, who suffer every single day, from violence from within our own walls, and to have that same destructive behavior coming from the police........

Any liberal that talks shit about supporting BLM, but doesn't support your desire to defund the police,

was just talking shit because they think you are stupid enough to fall for empty talk.

Because they think black people are suckers.

Just keeping it real.


You not keepin anything real, as a matter of fact, your comment is stupid.

They talk a lot of shit. But the cities where this shit goes down? There are all cities where the Dems have been in charge forever.

Why did they not fix the police decades ago?

And now, now that you are ready to do away with cops? They are talking a lot of shit,

but will they DO anything?
You wait until we get Trump and Barr out of washington and see what we can do.

Trump's not in charge of city police forces. You dems are.

Put up or shut up.

Defund the police.
....Fuck you, fuck ameriKKKa, hows that?

^^^^^ THAT, right there, is the mentality thst is keeping black Smericsns in the ghettos and the slums. “Fuck AmeriKKKa” is not a mentality thst will beuseful ingetting ahead in this country.
The next time you send for me, could you write it in Chinese, I'd understand it better than that hillbilly garbage you just wrote...thanks n advance, ass ho
At first I was thinking this was a bad idea, but watching city after city having to fight Police Unions, just to get fair and equal treatment of all its citizens, is getting to be too much. Why on God's green earth would anybody who bust their ass on fucked up jobs, pay taxes, do the right things in life, have to walk around in fear simply because your a person of color.....knowing the people around you, who are sworn to protect, is out to harm you??

There's a community of law abiding black folk in this country, who suffer every single day, from violence from within our own walls, and to have that same destructive behavior coming from the police........

Any liberal that talks shit about supporting BLM, but doesn't support your desire to defund the police,

was just talking shit because they think you are stupid enough to fall for empty talk.

Because they think black people are suckers.

Just keeping it real.


You not keepin anything real, as a matter of fact, your comment is stupid.

They talk a lot of shit. But the cities where this shit goes down? There are all cities where the Dems have been in charge forever.

Why did they not fix the police decades ago?

And now, now that you are ready to do away with cops? They are talking a lot of shit,

but will they DO anything?
You wait until we get Trump and Barr out of washington and see what we can do.

Trump's not in charge of city police forces. You dems are.

Put up or shut up.

Defund the police.
And we are, its time the FOP find real jobs at dougnut shops instead of hanging out in em
The next time you send for me, could you write it in Chinese, I'd understand it better than that hillbilly garbage you just wrote... thanks n advance, ass ho

Let me dumb it down for you... the longer the black community acts like a three year old throwing a hissy fit and refuses to embrace even the most basic tenants of American Society the longer it’s going to take for the black community to be accepted as part of American Society. Thst or go back to wherever your ancestors came from (willingly or not).
News Flash, to the brain dead, ie Trump nut suckers.....stop commenting on defunding the police and daring us to do it....How many times are we gonna keep going down the rabbit hole? Any state, city, town that is contemplating this move, I the Tiger am all for it. Black communties are all for my opinion, THEY ARE USELESS, USELESS AND THEN MORE SO USELESS.
The next time you send for me, could you write it in Chinese, I'd understand it better than that hillbilly garbage you just wrote... thanks n advance, ass ho

Let me dumb it down for you... the longer the black community acts like a three year old throwing a hissy fit and refuses to embrace even the most basic tenants of American Society the longer it’s going to take for the black community to be accepted as part of American Society. Thst or go back to wherever your ancestors came from (willingly or not).
Listen, white boy.....if anybody is apart of the American society, its people of color....despite the hell you white motherfuckers put on us, we still pay taxes and get nothing from it, we still serve in the military and get nothing from it, we still give white people the best sports, entertainment they've ever had in their lives and nigg'as still get burnt from it, so if anybody is deserving to wave a fuckin flag and choke on apple fuckin pie, its every gotdamn mf with brown this go back to Africa, where white corporate America pretty much has ravished and raped all its resources, will happen when you white ignorant mf's return to your caves.
At first I was thinking this was a bad idea, but watching city after city having to fight Police Unions, just to get fair and equal treatment of all its citizens, is getting to be too much. Why on God's green earth would anybody who bust their ass on fucked up jobs, pay taxes, do the right things in life, have to walk around in fear simply because your a person of color.....knowing the people around you, who are sworn to protect, is out to harm you??

There's a community of law abiding black folk in this country, who suffer every single day, from violence from within our own walls, and to have that same destructive behavior coming from the police........

Any liberal that talks shit about supporting BLM, but doesn't support your desire to defund the police,

was just talking shit because they think you are stupid enough to fall for empty talk.

Because they think black people are suckers.

Just keeping it real.


You not keepin anything real, as a matter of fact, your comment is stupid.

They talk a lot of shit. But the cities where this shit goes down? There are all cities where the Dems have been in charge forever.

Why did they not fix the police decades ago?

And now, now that you are ready to do away with cops? They are talking a lot of shit,

but will they DO anything?
You wait until we get Trump and Barr out of washington and see what we can do.

Trump's not in charge of city police forces. You dems are.

Put up or shut up.

Defund the police.
And we are, its time the FOP find real jobs at dougnut shops instead of hanging out in em

So, are you comfortable telling us what city you live in, cause so far, I've only heard of hte one that is putting their money where their mouth is and actually doing it.

THe rest of the cities dems, are all jive talking pussies who think that blacks are stupid enough to not notice that they talk a lot of shit, but still want murderous police to be hunting and murdering innocent black males.

To be clear, is your city defunding the cops, or are they just a bunch of shit talkers?
Listen, white boy.....if anybody is apart of the American society, its people of color....despite the hell you white motherfuckers put on us, we still pay taxes and get nothing from it, we still serve in the military and get nothing from it, we still give white people the best sports, entertainment they've ever had in their lives and nigg'as still get burnt from it, so if anybody is deserving to wave a fuckin flag and choke on apple fuckin pie, its every gotdamn mf with brown this go back to Africa, where white corporate America pretty much has ravished and raped all its resources, will happen when you white ignorant mf's return to your caves.

Thanks. I needed a laugh.

You folks aren’t paying any taxes. If you even have a job it pays do little you don’t have a dime of tax burden. Especially after you figure in all the free crap you folks are getting.

As for the military... if you aren’t getting anything out of thst I have two words for you... “GI BILL”. Use it or lose it.

All four major sports in this country existed just fine without black athletes for decades. The one sport that’s become seriously overrun with black players (the NBA) is unwatchable. It has no rules. It’s a farce.

You folks with need to get with the program of the Real American culture or maybe we’ll have to round most of you up and send you back BY FORCE
tiger this is the 2nd time you have nicely avoided the question i asked the 1st time in another thread you ran said the police dont solve any then who has been solving all the crimes that have been solved over the years? PTA?.....who has been solving them?....
Tigger I am serious when i ask. Now that police will be gone, will the people who had trouble with police no longer have trouble with anyone because the police are gone?

Tigahred makes Solomon sound like a dumb ass. That takes talent!
Anything and I mean anything coming from white people on this topic, is rendered A NON FUCKIN FACTOR....NEXT?
This is America. You don't get to dictate who says what.
Bitch, I could give a fuck about you all I want....Fuck you, fuck ameriKKKa, hows that?
That's fine. Freedom of speech, and all that. Say what you like.

But insisting on your right while denying that of others is kinda fucked up.

Also, you're a moron.
You need to pay attention....I said, anything coming from the white community, regarding police interaction, is a non factor here and it is. Until cops start killing yall in broad day light, I don't give a fuck what yall gotta do me a favor and pay attention, Trump jr.

Cops don't kill people unless they start resisting arrest and attacking the police and it's always accelerated by a big, nasty, cursing, fat flapping mouth.
You really gotta wonder what's going through their minds. "I know! I'll start resisting and trying to take the cops' weapons and try to kill them! They'll be SURE to let me go then!"
If that bullshit comment makes your white ass feel better than have at it. Floyd is dead over a fake 20 dollar bill, begging for his life, calling his murderer sir and begging for his dead mother, if your white ass can't see pass your ignorance and racism over this shit, bitch I feel for you.
Floyd was murdered. I don't know anyone who doesn't acknowledge that. Whatever his crimes were, he didn't deserve to be executed on the street for them. Luckily, his murderers have been arrested and will face justice for their crime.

Does that sound ignorant to you? Does that sound racist to you?

I hope you're not teaching your children to hate cops.
Floyd was not murdered. He died of heart failure due to fentanyl AND meth. Chauvin is a sacrifice, nothing more.
Perhaps. IMO, the hold was excessive.
The next time you send for me, could you write it in Chinese, I'd understand it better than that hillbilly garbage you just wrote... thanks n advance, ass ho

Let me dumb it down for you... the longer the black community acts like a three year old throwing a hissy fit and refuses to embrace even the most basic tenants of American Society the longer it’s going to take for the black community to be accepted as part of American Society. Thst or go back to wherever your ancestors came from (willingly or not).
Listen, white boy.....if anybody is apart of the American society, its people of color....despite the hell you white motherfuckers put on us, we still pay taxes and get nothing from it, we still serve in the military and get nothing from it, we still give white people the best sports, entertainment they've ever had in their lives and nigg'as still get burnt from it, so if anybody is deserving to wave a fuckin flag and choke on apple fuckin pie, its every gotdamn mf with brown this go back to Africa, where white corporate America pretty much has ravished and raped all its resources, will happen when you white ignorant mf's return to your caves.
Goodness, you're an angry little racist.

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