Defunding police departments is a time that must come to troubled cities.

No black neighborhood should have police. They want to police their own. We just had a test case in Seattle. It worked out just the way it should. Only white people should have police.
No black neighborhood should have police. They want to police their own. We just had a test case in Seattle. It worked out just the way it should. Only white people should have police.
Only white people should have the police? News Flash, ONLY WHITE PEOPLE HAVE THE POLICE NOW. Let em stay the fuck in Mayberry and leave the hoods alone. I'm just itching to kill a mf's coming my way, without the cops.
No black neighborhood should have police. They want to police their own. We just had a test case in Seattle. It worked out just the way it should. Only white people should have police.
Only white people should have the police? News Flash, ONLY WHITE PEOPLE HAVE THE POLICE NOW. Let em stay the fuck in Mayberry and leave the hoods alone. I'm just itching to kill a mf's coming my way, without the cops.
You know what is sad? For years the "Mayberry" talk. It is possible for a lot more people. Including African Americans. You don't want Mayberry. A certain amount of crime is acceptable. You don't want policing as much as you want referees. So when there are tragedies with police involved, it is something of hate as a referee only blows a whistle or calls the crime over. It is a tough way to want to live.
No black neighborhood should have police. They want to police their own. We just had a test case in Seattle. It worked out just the way it should. Only white people should have police.
Only white people should have the police? News Flash, ONLY WHITE PEOPLE HAVE THE POLICE NOW. Let em stay the fuck in Mayberry and leave the hoods alone. I'm just itching to kill a mf's coming my way, without the cops.
The violent negro revealed. Not even any respect for the law of the jungle.
No black neighborhood should have police. They want to police their own. We just had a test case in Seattle. It worked out just the way it should. Only white people should have police.
Only white people should have the police? News Flash, ONLY WHITE PEOPLE HAVE THE POLICE NOW. Let em stay the fuck in Mayberry and leave the hoods alone. I'm just itching to kill a mf's coming my way, without the cops.
That's right leave the hoods alone. Nothing goes in. Nothing comes out. The Escape From New York zone. Well a helicopter can drop supplies now and then.
I'll say this again.

We need to demilitarize the police. Cops just don't need armored personnel vehicles and military grade shit.

The cops are not nor were they ever meant to be a military style force but that's how they are trained these days. Just getting rid of all that crap would allow funding for the police to be reduced.

It seems to me the cops act like an occupying force that sees the people of the communities they are supposed to serve as enemy combatants rather than thinking that the cops are a part of the community they are supposed to serve.

And we also have to get the Supreme Court ruling that declared cops have no legal obligation to come to the aid of the public overturned.
Bottom line is this, until we start weeding out bad cops and holding these murderers accountable for their actions, nothing is gonna change in this nation. So why not just rid the cities of cops all together, dismantle the unions and bring back those who really want to serve under a new bill of rights for everybody, not just them.
It's very unlikely that will happen. It's better to deal with pragmatic solutions rather than ideal ones
Defunding police departments is a time that must come to troubled cities.

Awesome idea!!

Because there is no crime in black areas.
News Flash....we spend millions upon millions on law enforcement year after year after year and yes, crime in black communities still remain unsolved and in high levels...SO WHO THE FUCK NEEDS COPS AND FOR WHAT?

we spend millions upon millions on law enforcement year after year after year and yes, crime in black communities still remain unsolved and in high levels.

How'd so many black men end up in jail?
At first I was thinking this was a bad idea, but watching city after city having to fight Police Unions, just to get fair and equal treatment of all its citizens, is getting to be too much. Why on God's green earth would anybody who bust their ass on fucked up jobs, pay taxes, do the right things in life, have to walk around in fear simply because your a person of color.....knowing the people around you, who are sworn to protect, is out to harm you??

There's a community of law abiding black folk in this country, who suffer every single day, from violence from within our own walls, and to have that same destructive behavior coming from the police........

Any liberal that talks shit about supporting BLM, but doesn't support your desire to defund the police,

was just talking shit because they think you are stupid enough to fall for empty talk.

Because they think black people are suckers.

Just keeping it real.


They think black people are stupid??? And you got your president telling you to drink bleach and lysol and he don't think yall white mf's ain't stupid?

1. He did not say that.

2. Watch to see if their actions match their words. Easy peasy to talk shit, defunind the police? THAT IS SHIT GETTING REAL, AND THEY WILL NOT SUPPORT YOU.

I support you. I want you to do it. I am not joking. Let's see how if the cities are safer because the murderous police are defunded.

I want you to have you way, and have a chance to make your communities and cities better.
You really need to pay attention, white boy. The state of NY, spends 6 billion a year on law enforcement, is the city any safer? The people in Louisville, had a shooting at a protest rally, cops were there, and yet a guy is dead, was the citizens any safer? COPS ARE ONLY GOOD AFTER CRIMES HAVE BEEN COMMITTED, THEY DO NOT DETER CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR, THEY DON'T STOP IT, THEY IN FACT DO NOTHING BUT TAPE OFF THE CRIME SCENE AND TAKE NOTES, THAT'S IT....CRIMES STILL HAPPEN. The Times did an article awhile back on actual cases being solved by police....they got an F. If the cops were to disapear 2mar and people are allowed to protect themselves, I would bet my last dollar, thug mf's would be on alert of who's packin and who ain't!!


They used to, in NYC, but you whiners didn't like stop and frisk, did you?

Tigahred makes Solomon sound like a dumb ass. That takes talent!
Anything and I mean anything coming from white people on this topic, is rendered A NON FUCKIN FACTOR....NEXT?
This is America. You don't get to dictate who says what.
Bitch, I could give a fuck about you all I want....Fuck you, fuck ameriKKKa, hows that?
That's fine. Freedom of speech, and all that. Say what you like.

But insisting on your right while denying that of others is kinda fucked up.

Also, you're a moron.
You need to pay attention....I said, anything coming from the white community, regarding police interaction, is a non factor here and it is. Until cops start killing yall in broad day light, I don't give a fuck what yall gotta do me a favor and pay attention, Trump jr.

Cops don't kill people unless they start resisting arrest and attacking the police and it's always accelerated by a big, nasty, cursing, fat flapping mouth.
You really gotta wonder what's going through their minds. "I know! I'll start resisting and trying to take the cops' weapons and try to kill them! They'll be SURE to let me go then!"
If that bullshit comment makes your white ass feel better than have at it. Floyd is dead over a fake 20 dollar bill, begging for his life, calling his murderer sir and begging for his dead mother, if your white ass can't see pass your ignorance and racism over this shit, bitch I feel for you.
Floyd was murdered. I don't know anyone who doesn't acknowledge that. Whatever his crimes were, he didn't deserve to be executed on the street for them. Luckily, his murderers have been arrested and will face justice for their crime.

Does that sound ignorant to you? Does that sound racist to you?

I hope you're not teaching your children to hate cops.

Tigahred makes Solomon sound like a dumb ass. That takes talent!
Anything and I mean anything coming from white people on this topic, is rendered A NON FUCKIN FACTOR....NEXT?

Well... it is a factor, because whether you care or not, we still vote. Sucks to be you, huh?
You gotdamn right it sucks to me. I'm a 10 year Naval veteran, worked all my life, raised my kids to be honest law abiding citizens, pay taxes and I gotta fear for me and my families gotdamn life cause some racist white whore cop is having a mad day? You bet your motherfuckin ass it sucks to me.
How is that any different from me, a 20-year Air Force veteran, worked all my life, raised my kids to be honest law-abiding citizens, pay taxes, and I gotta fear for me and my family's lives because some methhead is looking to steal something so he can rot his brain some more?

Hint: It's not. Well, except for the fact I don't have a victimhood fetish.
white boy, please sell your bullshit to Fox news......what victimhood should you adapt? You got a president, a justice department, the police, its unions and its prosecutors all rallying in your favor.....get the fuck outta here
You keep barking orders, I keep telling you "no".

I'm not a leftist. I'm not afraid of being called racist by a black person because I disagree with him. You're expecting me to roll over and be silent. How's that working out?
I'll say this again.

We need to demilitarize the police. Cops just don't need armored personnel vehicles and military grade shit.

The cops are not nor were they ever meant to be a military style force but that's how they are trained these days. Just getting rid of all that crap would allow funding for the police to be reduced.

It seems to me the cops act like an occupying force that sees the people of the communities they are supposed to serve as enemy combatants rather than thinking that the cops are a part of the community they are supposed to serve.

And we also have to get the Supreme Court ruling that declared cops have no legal obligation to come to the aid of the public overturned.
Bottom line is this, until we start weeding out bad cops and holding these murderers accountable for their actions, nothing is gonna change in this nation. So why not just rid the cities of cops all together, dismantle the unions and bring back those who really want to serve under a new bill of rights for everybody, not just them.
Shouldnt we start weeding out black criminals first? There are way more of them and they are a much bigger problem.
Weeding out real black criminals require WORK. Weeding out real black criminals, require cops to confront mf's with guns, not some e cig or cell phone or some fake 20 dollar bill...ya see going after real nigga's that commit crimes would make the cowards have to risk their lives and GOD FORBID THAT HAPPENS. So these cowardly bastards, ie ALL RACIST WHITE COPS....they would rather go after the unarmed nigga passing a fake 20 dollar bill, da easy shit.
So, you acknowledge violent black criminals are a problem...then you blame cops for not shooting them.

Historically, what's been the black community's reaction to violent black criminals being shot by police? It hasn't been supportive.

Tigahred makes Solomon sound like a dumb ass. That takes talent!
Anything and I mean anything coming from white people on this topic, is rendered A NON FUCKIN FACTOR....NEXT?

Well... it is a factor, because whether you care or not, we still vote. Sucks to be you, huh?
You gotdamn right it sucks to me. I'm a 10 year Naval veteran, worked all my life, raised my kids to be honest law abiding citizens, pay taxes and I gotta fear for me and my families gotdamn life cause some racist white whore cop is having a mad day? You bet your motherfuckin ass it sucks to me.

No, you choose to be in fear. No decent black families with good kids, are in fear they will be shot and killed by police.


You are less likely to be killed by a police officer than struck by lighting.

So if you are living in fear, there is only one of two reasons for it: A: You are a coward, and watch too much left-wing news.

B: You are criminal. Violent criminal. Criminals with a known history of violence, or who engage in violence by resisting arrest or provoking and attacking police.... are much more likely to be killed than the general black population.

But dude... you don't need to worry about police anymore. Do you know what the Ferguson Effect is?

Go read about it. Or listen to Larry Elder talk about it. The simple answer is, when you attack police as being racist, they simply pull back from enforcing the law.

Of course this means that murders and all crime drastically increase.... but at least it won't be a police officer that shoots your kids... right? Their lives don't matter unless a police officer is involved. As long no police kill blacks, all the blacks in the country can die, and you don't care, right?

And people say I'm the racists? :) Bwhahaha....
At first I was thinking this was a bad idea, but watching city after city having to fight Police Unions, just to get fair and equal treatment of all its citizens, is getting to be too much. Why on God's green earth would anybody who bust their ass on fucked up jobs, pay taxes, do the right things in life, have to walk around in fear simply because your a person of color.....knowing the people around you, who are sworn to protect, is out to harm you??

There's a community of law abiding black folk in this country, who suffer every single day, from violence from within our own walls, and to have that same destructive behavior coming from the police....Who the fuck needs that? If violence in black communities are at high levels and tax payers all across the country spend millions upon millions for public safety, where is the residual rewards from all the money spent?

Truth of the matter is this; crime continues because resources are void and our youth have nothing to gravitate to but gangs and hanging around the wrong crowds. Cops on the other hand, do nothing but show up to write reports of shooting, murder, breakin, fights, etc. The only time anybody of color ever see's a fuckin cop, is after the effect or or or, if your driving while black. They don't live in our communities, they don't give a fuck about us, most are good ol boy white men, trapped in their hatred of ni%%% with white women, trapped in their obsession with Fox hatred, trapped in their beliefs, they're better than us....ONE MORE TIME, WHY SHOULD ANY PERSON OF COLOR GIVE A FUCK IF COPS DISAPPEARED YESTERDAY??

If a mf comes up on you, pop they ass, they break in your house, make them a permanent guest....its time black ppl realize, we in this shit on our own, the whole world is out to stop black people and we must defend ourselves and say the hell with the police.

It's about time the left woke up....we have been saying it for ever public unions suck, they are in cohoots with the Democrats

Sadly, this is the one union that actually needs to exist... and this right here, is why. Police need someone on their side, to defend them from all the "You are racists for doing your job!" people.
At first I was thinking this was a bad idea, but watching city after city having to fight Police Unions, just to get fair and equal treatment of all its citizens, is getting to be too much. Why on God's green earth would anybody who bust their ass on fucked up jobs, pay taxes, do the right things in life, have to walk around in fear simply because your a person of color.....knowing the people around you, who are sworn to protect, is out to harm you??

There's a community of law abiding black folk in this country, who suffer every single day, from violence from within our own walls, and to have that same destructive behavior coming from the police....Who the fuck needs that? If violence in black communities are at high levels and tax payers all across the country spend millions upon millions for public safety, where is the residual rewards from all the money spent?

Truth of the matter is this; crime continues because resources are void and our youth have nothing to gravitate to but gangs and hanging around the wrong crowds. Cops on the other hand, do nothing but show up to write reports of shooting, murder, breakin, fights, etc. The only time anybody of color ever see's a fuckin cop, is after the effect or or or, if your driving while black. They don't live in our communities, they don't give a fuck about us, most are good ol boy white men, trapped in their hatred of ni%%% with white women, trapped in their obsession with Fox hatred, trapped in their beliefs, they're better than us....ONE MORE TIME, WHY SHOULD ANY PERSON OF COLOR GIVE A FUCK IF COPS DISAPPEARED YESTERDAY??

If a mf comes up on you, pop they ass, they break in your house, make them a permanent guest....its time black ppl realize, we in this shit on our own, the whole world is out to stop black people and we must defend ourselves and say the hell with the police.

It's about time the left woke up....we have been saying it for ever public unions suck, they are in cohoots with the Democrats
I would bet my last dollar, these sorry ass racist cops aren't stupid fuckin comment?

I can't speak for them all, but considering I am from Chicago, 90% are. Jesus Christ don't play coy
DUH, black chicago.....seriously?
Girlfriends brother was a Chicago cop he used to keep me out of trouble I used to drink with them at the local bar
Yeah, cops in chicago, especially the black one's wanna kick it with you, rather than solve a murder....but that's what ghetto mf's do. I lived there for 2 years after I got divorced in the 80's, the black cops were pretty cool back then, just sayin....they lived in the clubs.

Then you do it. If the police are so terrible, how about you go become a police officer, and show us how it is done right. Go solve all those murders.

This is the problem with left-wingers in general. They do nothing, but b!tch and complain about the people who are doing the best they can.

But do those left-wingers ever do the hard work themselves? No. Because they are all cowards.

You people are so brilliant about how other people do their jobs.... while you sit behind your keyboard complaining about everyone else, while never having to own the responsibility.
So will the neighbors be subject to bad conduct like the police were OR was the bad conduct Because the police were there and Now since no police all will be well?
It’s an interesting experiment
COPS DON'T PREVENT CRIMES....they're nothing but recording machines....only show up to jot down some information, take the shit back to the department and file it under the WTF who cares folder. And they don't solve crimes either....long story short, they're useless, get rid of em all and take the law in your own hands.
And they don't solve crimes either
tiger who has been solving all the crimes over the years?.....people like you?.....the UPS drivers?....the people pulling down statues?.....who solved them?...
Tigger was triggered so I will ask again. All the blacks who had issues with the police, will they now not have issues with their surrounding neighbors snd society in general because the police are gone?

Tigahred makes Solomon sound like a dumb ass. That takes talent!
Anything and I mean anything coming from white people on this topic, is rendered A NON FUCKIN FACTOR....NEXT?
This is America. You don't get to dictate who says what.
Bitch, I could give a fuck about you all I want....Fuck you, fuck ameriKKKa, hows that?
That's fine. Freedom of speech, and all that. Say what you like.

But insisting on your right while denying that of others is kinda fucked up.

Also, you're a moron.
You need to pay attention....I said, anything coming from the white community, regarding police interaction, is a non factor here and it is. Until cops start killing yall in broad day light, I don't give a fuck what yall gotta do me a favor and pay attention, Trump jr.

Cops don't kill people unless they start resisting arrest and attacking the police and it's always accelerated by a big, nasty, cursing, fat flapping mouth.
Once again, the moderator got on me for abandoning threads that I start, and here's another reason why.....YOU CAN'T PENETRATE AND HAVE A RATIONAL DIALOG WITH IDIOTS....YOU PEOPLE LITERALLY DRAIN ME.

I've been around long enough to know that smart people know enough to keep their loud foul mouths shut when dealing with cops. And I'll bet your mouth runs like a bell clapper in a gooses ass.

Tigahred makes Solomon sound like a dumb ass. That takes talent!
Anything and I mean anything coming from white people on this topic, is rendered A NON FUCKIN FACTOR....NEXT?
This is America. You don't get to dictate who says what.
Bitch, I could give a fuck about you all I want....Fuck you, fuck ameriKKKa, hows that?
That's fine. Freedom of speech, and all that. Say what you like.

But insisting on your right while denying that of others is kinda fucked up.

Also, you're a moron.
You need to pay attention....I said, anything coming from the white community, regarding police interaction, is a non factor here and it is. Until cops start killing yall in broad day light, I don't give a fuck what yall gotta do me a favor and pay attention, Trump jr.

Cops don't kill people unless they start resisting arrest and attacking the police and it's always accelerated by a big, nasty, cursing, fat flapping mouth.
You really gotta wonder what's going through their minds. "I know! I'll start resisting and trying to take the cops' weapons and try to kill them! They'll be SURE to let me go then!"
If that bullshit comment makes your white ass feel better than have at it. Floyd is dead over a fake 20 dollar bill, begging for his life, calling his murderer sir and begging for his dead mother, if your white ass can't see pass your ignorance and racism over this shit, bitch I feel for you.
Floyd was murdered. I don't know anyone who doesn't acknowledge that. Whatever his crimes were, he didn't deserve to be executed on the street for them. Luckily, his murderers have been arrested and will face justice for their crime.

Does that sound ignorant to you? Does that sound racist to you?

I hope you're not teaching your children to hate cops.
Floyd was not murdered. He died of heart failure due to fentanyl AND meth. Chauvin is a sacrifice, nothing more.

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