Deficit spending not sustainable. The Fed spends more on INTEREST ON DEBT than DEFENSE

I’ve posted many fairly quick fixes or improvements. . What have you done? You’ve posted “you’re all stupid and wrong, only we know best. Install all new Political hacks”. Huh? No guarante in that.

Stuff your long range BS. It would be decades to have any impact (far too late). Stop spending increases. 13million illigeals eating up $0.5T is no help. You own it all.

How's that worked for you so far?
Republicans pretending to care about spending again.

Only seems to happen when Democrats are in the White House.

I'm looking at states with the biggest/largest number of government employees per capita.

• State and local gov't. employees: 10.9% of workforce (4th lowest)
• Median household income: $52,594 (12th lowest)

• State and local gov't. employees: 12.3% of workforce (8th lowest)
• Median household income: $54,181 (17th lowest)

• State and local gov't. employees: 12.6% of workforce (12th lowest)
• Median household income: $51,340 (10th lowest)


• State and local gov't. employees: 15.1% of workforce (16th highest)
• Median household income: $45,869 (3rd lowest)


• State and local gov't. employees: 14.2% of workforce (22nd highest)
• Median household income: $48,375 (7th lowest)


• State and local gov't. employees: 10.0% of workforce (2nd lowest)
• Median household income: $59,195 (24th highest)


• State and local gov't. employees: 18.6% of workforce (3rd highest)
• Median household income: $43,529 (2nd lowest)

Almost 20%??? In a red state? What the fuck???

Let's start with Mississippi. That 19% is too high. Let's cut that number down to 9%. Fine 10%. Show us Mississippi can cut their government in half. Start with a red state. Show us how it's done.

The state pays in about $1.09 for every support dollar it receives, and in 2022 had the third smallest state GDP. Mississippi has a handful of factors working against its economic independence, leading it to receive $1 from the federal government for every $1.19 it collects from residents, businesses and transactions.

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