Declassified FBI memos undercut Mueller team claims that Papadopoulos hindered Russia probe

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Neely declassified FBI MEMOS directly conflict with court filings that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team made in asking a federal judge to send former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos to prison, further calling into question the government’s conduct in investigating the now-debunked “Russia collusion” narrative.

The memos, released under federal Freedom of Information laws, are likely to focus renewed attention on former Mueller prosecutor Aaron Zelinsky, who played a key role in prosecuting Papadopoulos before working on the case of longtime GOP operative and Trump confidant Roger Stone.

Zelinsky recently made headlines in Washington by resigning from the Stone case over a dispute with Attorney General William Barr over the length of prison time Stone deserved. Zelinsky recommended 7 to 9 years, Barr wanted less, and the judge ultimately decided on a lower sentence of just 40 months.

Earlier, Zelinsky was one of three Mueller team prosecutors who signed a sentencing memo in August 2018 seeking prison time for Papadopoulos. They argued there that Papadopoulos hindered federal prosecutors’ ability to question or arrest a European professor named Joseph Mifsud in mid-February 2017 while the Maltese academic was in Washington.

According to the sentencing memo signed by Zelinsky and fellow Mueller prosecutors Jeannie Rhee and Andrew Goldstein: Papadopoulos’ “lies undermined investigators’ ability to challenge the Professor or potentially detain or arrest him while he was still in the United States. The government understands that the Professor left the United States on February 11, 2017 and he has not returned to the United States since then." added as link.

But FBI 302 reports detailing agents’.....MUCH MORE AT

Declassified FBI memos undercut Mueller team claims that Papadopoulos hindered Russia probe | Just The News


ATTN AG Barr.....these new declassification memos certainly LOOKS LIKE YHE SMOKINGVGUN for indictments of FBI and other agents!
They may skate by like the slimy scum they are but the people will always know what Obama's deep state tried to do....
ATTN AG Barr.....these new declassification memos certainly LOOKS LIKE YHE SMOKINGVGUN for indictments of FBI and other agents!

They may be the smoking gun for comey, McCabe, strzok, page, and other FBI agents...but not for the one who ordered it all...OBAMA!

Patience glasshoppah...all in due time. (8 hours after the 2020 election) .

Look how long it took Trump to flip the 9th circus court.
ATTN AG Barr.....these new declassification memos certainly LOOKS LIKE YHE SMOKINGVGUN for indictments of FBI and other agents!

They may be the smoking gun for comey, McCabe, strzok, page, and other FBI agents...but not for the one who ordered it all...OBAMA!

Patience glasshoppah...all in due time. (8 hours after the 2020 election) .

Look how long it took Trump to flip the 9th circus court.

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