Decent men - Obama, Bush to give eulogy at McCain’s funeral. Trumpo disinvited

Decent men - Obama, Bush to give eulogy at McCain’s funeral.

I've Already Heard One By Obama
It Was Half About John
Half About Barack

This Particular 'Decent Man' Obama
Has To Inject Himself Into Everything

"[W]e shared, for all our differences, a fidelity to something higher — the ideals for which generations of Americans and immigrants alike have fought, marched and sacrificed. We saw our political battles, even, as a privilege, something noble, an opportunity to serve as the stewards of those high ideals at home, and to advance them around the world,” he said. “We saw this country as a place where anything is possible — and citizenship as our patriotic obligation to ensure it forever remains that way.”
Obama telling spineless McCain to shut the fuck up...
Decent men - Obama, Bush to give eulogy at McCain’s funeral.

I've Already Heard One By Obama
It Was Half About John
Half About Barack

This Particular 'Decent Man' Obama
Has To Inject Himself Into Everything

"[W]e shared, for all our differences, a fidelity to something higher — the ideals for which generations of Americans and immigrants alike have fought, marched and sacrificed. We saw our political battles, even, as a privilege, something noble, an opportunity to serve as the stewards of those high ideals at home, and to advance them around the world,” he said. “We saw this country as a place where anything is possible — and citizenship as our patriotic obligation to ensure it forever remains that way.”

Obama is great at talking about himself and his supposed greatness. He's the greatest narcissist since the son of Cephissus.
Funny thing is we all found out what a load of shit hope and change was...
Is John McCain Mentally Fit To Be President? | HuffPost

Announced on his 72nd birthday, this pick follows a string of McCain gaffes, memory lapses, and episodes of forgetfulness on the campaign trail. As reported by Talking Points Memo:

“McCain frequently forgets key elements of policies, gets countries’ names wrong, forgets things he’s said only hours or days before and is frequently just confused.”

It all raises the uncomfortable question of whether McCain might be exhibiting signs of Alzheimer’s disease.
McCain was never a Serious candidate

McCain won 22 states in 2008, but he wouldn't have won even half that many if he had installed Lieberman as VP candidate instead of Palin. The GOP would be history today, if it wasn't for Sarah's work that year.
Jimmy_Chitwood said:
Will he give as update on when the $2500 reduction in healthcare premiums he promised us is due to kick in?
That Would Be Politicizing A Funeral
Maybe Climate Change, Tho...
Is John McCain Mentally Fit To Be President? | HuffPost

Announced on his 72nd birthday, this pick follows a string of McCain gaffes, memory lapses, and episodes of forgetfulness on the campaign trail. As reported by Talking Points Memo:

“McCain frequently forgets key elements of policies, gets countries’ names wrong, forgets things he’s said only hours or days before and is frequently just confused.”

It all raises the uncomfortable question of whether McCain might be exhibiting signs of Alzheimer’s disease.
McCain was never a Serious candidate
He was a Bob Dole placeholder on the ballot
Is John McCain Mentally Fit To Be President? | HuffPost

Announced on his 72nd birthday, this pick follows a string of McCain gaffes, memory lapses, and episodes of forgetfulness on the campaign trail. As reported by Talking Points Memo:

“McCain frequently forgets key elements of policies, gets countries’ names wrong, forgets things he’s said only hours or days before and is frequently just confused.”

It all raises the uncomfortable question of whether McCain might be exhibiting signs of Alzheimer’s disease.
McCain was never a Serious candidate
He was a Bob Dole placeholder on the ballot
Pretty much, The clown car is always full of career politicians
There are reasons why McCain wants to be honored at his funeral by the man that took away his opportunity to become president and not the one of his own Party that came later.

But decency has to be the top of the list and respect not too far behind.

Trumpo’s bad week got worse now that McCain has passed away

Trumpo can’t take back the vile and filthy things he said about McCain. The worst had to be the preference for combat troops that don’t get captured so McCain was no hero.

What gave you done Trumporoids? Will you start admitting regret yet?

You're now calling Bush a decent man? Why you PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, a handful of years ago every one of you liberal fucks were calling Bush Hitler! Why do you liberals keep lying and lying and lying and LYING when you're so bad at it? Further proof you liberals are more full of shit than a goose that's been overfed for foie gras.
Is John McCain Mentally Fit To Be President? | HuffPost

Announced on his 72nd birthday, this pick follows a string of McCain gaffes, memory lapses, and episodes of forgetfulness on the campaign trail. As reported by Talking Points Memo:

“McCain frequently forgets key elements of policies, gets countries’ names wrong, forgets things he’s said only hours or days before and is frequently just confused.”

It all raises the uncomfortable question of whether McCain might be exhibiting signs of Alzheimer’s disease.
McCain was never a Serious candidate
He was a Bob Dole placeholder on the ballot

Good old impotency pill Peddler Bob Dole at least has a nice personality.
There are reasons why McCain wants to be honored at his funeral by the man that took away his opportunity to become president and not the one of his own Party that came later.

But decency has to be the top of the list and respect not too far behind.

Trumpo’s bad week got worse now that McCain has passed away

Trumpo can’t take back the vile and filthy things he said about McCain. The worst had to be the preference for combat troops that don’t get captured so McCain was no hero.

What gave you done Trumporoids? Will you start admitting regret yet?

You're now calling Bush a decent man? Why you PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, a handful of years ago every one of you liberal fucks were calling Bush Hitler! Why do you liberals keep lying and lying and lying and LYING when you're so bad at it? Further proof you liberals are more full of shit than a goose that's been overfed for foie gras.
Hell they wanted him assasinated.
There are reasons why McCain wants to be honored at his funeral by the man that took away his opportunity to become president and not the one of his own Party that came later.

But decency has to be the top of the list and respect not too far behind.

Trumpo’s bad week got worse now that McCain has passed away

Trumpo can’t take back the vile and filthy things he said about McCain. The worst had to be the preference for combat troops that don’t get captured so McCain was no hero.

What gave you done Trumporoids? Will you start admitting regret yet?

You're now calling Bush a decent man? Why you PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, a handful of years ago every one of you liberal fucks were calling Bush Hitler! Why do you liberals keep lying and lying and lying and LYING when you're so bad at it? Further proof you liberals are more full of shit than a goose that's been overfed for foie gras.
Hell they wanted him assasinated.

That, to be fair, was a minority opinion among libs. Most just wanted President Bush extradited to The Hague for war crimes and executed.
2 Deep State Traitors fo eulogize passing Comrade

Then you do post from Leningrad. I heard the rumors.

How much do they pay you? What do you really think of Putin? Can you talk without fear of being monitored?
Bush, all of them, plus Barack "born in Kenya" Obama, want a Leftist America like Orwells 1984. They love Big Government
At least we know what John Kerry will say during his eulogy. He will definitely talk about his shared experiences in Vietnam.

How Americans had “personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam.”

Came back with PTSD, because they were f’d over by our government, and got treated like crap by pussies like you. They defended your right to be a douche, and criticize everyone and everything. What will anyone say about you when you are gone?

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At least he’s not a career politician, the lowest of life forms

Just a fuckin asshat.

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This is already being hashed out on numerous other threads. Why start another one?


Because haters gotta hate.

Oh yeah.... Let's not forget that, for liberals,, MORE is always better. Especially when it comes to taking MORE of other people's money.

I'm somewhat surprised the DNC hasn't set an admission (contribution) price for seats at McTraitor's going away party.

Wow. Pretty batshit. Nice. You mad bro?
Appropriate that two warmongering psychopaths, Bushit and Obamaggot, give eulogies for another warmongering, Captain-Queeg-like, prostitutional psychopath who succumbed to the cancer he beautifully deserved. It's poetically cathartic. Shit attracts shit.
There are reasons why McCain wants to be honored at his funeral by the man that took away his opportunity to become president and not the one of his own Party that came later.

But decency has to be the top of the list and respect not too far behind.

Trumpo’s bad week got worse now that McCain has passed away

Trumpo can’t take back the vile and filthy things he said about McCain. The worst had to be the preference for combat troops that don’t get captured so McCain was no hero.

What gave you done Trumporoids? Will you start admitting regret yet?

You're now calling Bush a decent man? Why you PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, a handful of years ago every one of you liberal fucks were calling Bush Hitler! Why do you liberals keep lying and lying and lying and LYING when you're so bad at it? Further proof you liberals are more full of shit than a goose that's been overfed for foie gras.
Liberals think we can't remember back any further than the last election. They believe that because that's as far as they can remember.
"Americans need not apply".

That's probably the sign from his funeral.
boedicca, post: 20657736
I'll be that you didn't think W was decent when he was President.

Wrong on most economic and national security policy - specifically the worst was invading Iraq when UN inspectors were successfully concluding inspections.

But he was a decent family man and even after the 9/11 attacks he always managed to remind the Republicans that Islam is a religion of peace. I agreed with going into Afghanistan. Just should not have diverted attention to Iraq

With Trumpo we have a filthy dishonest indecent man plus very bad policy.

That is my point. Can you respond to that?

Best economy in 50 + years, lowest unemployment rate for blacks and Latinos in history, first net decline in regulations on Americans in 80 years, restored power and prestige after the coward Obama bowed and scrapped to every despot (including Putin) on the planet.

And that's what you want to STOP...

As far as filthy, dishonest, and indecent - that describes you precisely.
Here's the thing, McCain doesn't give a flying or any other kind of fuck who says what about him anymore so why pretend it matters?

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