Debunking White Racist Opinions

I don't live in Libya. At last check whites like you were grumbling about Quadaffi. So you can take your little cherrypicked link and shove it up your ass.
What a moronic response. You donā€™t live in Libya so Obamaā€™s disaster doesnā€™t matter?!
Like South Africaā€”most of the great Africans in the world are Whiteā€”Like Elon Musk, for instance.

No white person is African.

Whites in South Africa can still work for black farmers as field hands and laborers for minimum wage. And the land in South is NOT just for Agriculture only but other forms of development including Mining, Infrastructure development, building malls n modern houses etc

If the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy, if we arenā€™t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then we arenā€™t actually dealing with the problem.

As long as whites in SA are not examining their prejudices, then black people in SA should stay hard on them

But it's interesting that whites around the world seem to think that non-violence is great for black people but don't believe in non-violence for themselves.

But once violence goes goes real primitive.

Even if (And this is a massive if) whites in SA hijacked the entire SA military there simply isn't enough firepower there to succeed against massed pitchfork assaults by the far more numerous black people.

If White S.Africans want to get violent they will lose and lose very badly

As to the rest of the world's reaction:

This could not happen overnight. To be sure, a coup-like assault on the government would be the overt headline kick-off event. But it isn't a "race war" until the races themselves decide it is. Until then it's simply politics by violent means. Just as in happened in Turkey couple of years ago..

This is about land reform and economics. In S.Africa since freedom little land reform has taken place, and the same in Botswana and Zambia. st.

As long as USAID, IMG and World Bank don't try and send in there economic hitmen everything will be all right.

Black people remain unshaken. Black people are fully aware of consequences (death, sanctions)

Black people are taking their land bk and Donald Trump, DA, Afriforum can go to hell.

I love Julius Malema and his response to Trump

When whites go into a country like South Africa and do this to black South Africans

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And impose laws like this

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And because of that live like this

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They can't complain about the tactics black S.Africans are using to get their home bk.

Ok-so then for the 8 years when a Black supremist was the President, and a Black Supremacist was the Attorney General, then Only Black people could be racist during that period of Time?

More black people were killed by state sanctioned executions under Obama, than in the 1940's, 50's and 60's combined.

Power isnā€™t given, it must be taken. So knowing that we also know President Obama was ā€œgivenā€ a powerful position by the most powerful white people in the U.S actually meant that he had no power at all.

That's why
  • He never disagreed with white liberal opinion.
  • He did little about the war on drugs.
  • He did little about the mass incarceration of black men
  • He did little about racial profiling.
  • He did little about police brutality
  • He did little about poverty.
  • He did little about unsafe neighbourhoods.
  • He did little about sky high black unemployment.
  • He did little about high rates of black infant mortality.
  • He did little about racial segregation in housing and education.
  • He did little about the growing wealth gap.
  • He did little aboutor about gun control until white children were gunned down.
All black people got was sing songs and negro spirtuals

Yet when Trump got in. No singing. He was signing executive orders every week

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You only need to look at the disrespect Obama was treated with; Like when white female Jan Brewer (Arizona governor) wagging her finger in his face in full view of TV cameras

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Yet when Vice-Prez Cheney (a white male) shot a man in the heart in a hunting accident, the man (with less power) apologized to Cheney for ā€œā€¦causing his family so much troubleā€¦ā€

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Thatā€™s what REAL power looks like.

No group that is smart enough to be in power is stupid enough to educate, nominate, and finance someone who wants to destroy or diminish their power.

What about the white people who, during those years also lived in a city with a Black Mayor, Black school principals, and a Black police Chief--Baltimore, for instance?

I've noticed that guys like you like to say "Black police chief" and "Black mayors" and "Black DA's"

Like that means something.

But guys like you never talk about black governors

Because there are black no governors in the USA.

When you're a governor you have real muscle.
  • You have serious muscle in controlling the allocation of resources in your state.
  • You have serious muscle in controlling which places get invested in.
  • You have serious muscle in controlling which places don't get invested in.
  • You have serious muscle in controlling the laws
  • You have serious muscle in controlling which companies build where.
  • You have serious muscle in controlling which roads build were.
  • You have serious muscle in controlling policing in this of that area.
And there is only one black senator. White supremacists hire other white supremacist to be governors like Kentucky govenors (Matt Bevin) saying black kids playing chess 'not something you necessarily would have thought of. And even the black mayors are controlled by the white supremacists.

And if you want to know about the city of Baltimore and who really runs it then remember the Freddie Gray case in 2015 ? And the Baltimore riots after ?

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Fair play to state's attorney Marilyn Mosby

She came out guns blazing and wanted to the right thing but she was punished for trying to uphold the Constitution.

This proves the "I'm white & I say so" law is the law of the land and Baltimore is an example of so called "black run cities" Because the minute black politicians challenge white supremacy,we see who really runs things and what happened at the end ? The cops got off. In fact they got a round of applause at a black tie event

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That's the code. You are supoosed to kill black people.

White people living during those years were THE ONLY people who can legitimately claim to be victims of racism, then, according to your principal.. No Black person can claim to have lived under a system that was racist against them during those 8 years and only Whites could have, right

So why when the Sandy Hook elementary incident happened and those white kids died. Why was Obama weeping ? Yes it was tragic

But what about the dead black youth in urban communities? Did he weep for them?

I'll wait

President Obama was great for white people. The Drone Master, Wall Street water boy. To get his attention Black people had to protest and riot in the streets and Obama squandered his moral authority when he called the Baltimore rioters ā€œthugsā€

But no suprise because President Obama was (S)elected; not elected. He was not selected to help black people because we are not his bosses because we did not finance him, nominate him or elect him because black votes do NOT decide a presidential election.

The evidence of who his bosses are was evidenced by him extending every single piece of legislation passed during the Bush-era.

But to be fair Obama and his family were a good symbol for black people. His family were the picture of grace and dignity.

Singularly, this was his only achievement, that is the dignified manner in which he and his family carried themselves thereby saliently calling into question many negative stereotypes about the so-called ā€œBlack family.ā€ It was an 8 year Cosby Show. A high powered husband and wife with cute kids.

And the fact that during his two terms in office there was not one piece of personal scandal on that man. No cheating. No drinking. No drugs. No dodgy money deals. None of that.

Most crime and murder in INTRA-racial, meaning it happens between members of the same race. With that in mind, White murder rates are very low--Black murder rates are very high.

Killing black people is not counted as murder. Black people are supposed to be killed in system of white supremacy

Backing down? This is what I mean when I say that Blacks and Whites are completely incompatible. They never see anything the same way

Yes you backed down when you realized how stupid you are sounding. And let's be clear it's not that black people are not incompatible with whites.

It's more that I and most black people are not incompatible with white extremists like you.

I saidā€”and maintainā€”that there will be a lot more Dylan Roof episodes if things donā€™t change.

So why don't you be the next Dylan Roof then ?

I hate Roof because while he was right to be outraged, he dishonored himself by killing innocent people.

No. You don't hate Roof.

And I said that The French Could kill them all in Haiti if they were so inclined but donā€™t because of their magnanimity.

And that's what they should try to do. The goal is to force white supremacists to wipe black people out and if we are not meant to be here. Then we are not not meant be here. Simple.

I then mused that Haiti would be a better place if the French had it today because they would make Haiti into a place people can visit, possibly a place to move to, a place where geniuses can be born and help the world, a place of invention rather than be a jungle full of starving dependents using Voodoo and zombie powders to enslave others, and child and animal sacrifices.

Well I don't like to repeat mysel but true to form, not a single word about the stolen wealth and constant meddling by the US and France when discussing the topic of Haiti.

Haiti was the first Black nation to liberate itself from French colonial occupation through armed resistance more than 200 years ago.

You ignore the series of blockades and embargoes soon after independence.

You ignore that neither France nor the US would recognize it as an independent state until it agreed to pay France in the amount of 150 million Francs for the loss of its enslaved properties.

You ignore that this was an amount 5 times the total revenue of Haiti in 1804.

You ignore that the debt was reduced to 90 million Frs. in 1825 and Haiti had to borrow money from French, American and German banks in order to keep up with the payments lasting for more than hundred years until the last payment was made in 1947.

You ignore that 80% of Haitiā€™s wealth went to servicing the debt. The amount in todayā€™s money exceeds $22 billion.

You ignore that Woodrow Wilson, sent in the Marines in 1915 to occupy Haiti to take control of its political and financial institutions.

You ignore that Control of Haitiā€™s treasury was ceded to National City Bank of New York (Citibank of today).

You ignore that the people of Haiti continued to resist, demanding withdrawal of the US troops. Thousands paid with their lives over the course of the three decades of occupation. Topping all this was the devastating earth quake of 2010

You also ignore that Cholera, which was unknown in Haiti also broke out in the aftermath. The source of the epidemic was traced to the UN Mission. Over 10,000 died.

You ignore that the UN refused to accept responsibility until the acknowledgment came from UNSG Ban KY Moon in 2015 in the form of apology.

You ignore that he pledged 400 million but only 5% of the amount was made good.

You ignore that NGOs of all stripes descended on Haiti to ā€˜helpā€™ following the Earthquake. Billions were pledged by donor nations. Much of that money went to contractors, very little if any making it to the people.

You ignore that the $500 million given to the American Red Cross to build 130,000 homes for displaced Haitians. The actual number of homes built however, was a grand total of 6.

Is it any wonder then that the first Black independent nation has remained poor, much of its wealth going to France in reverse reparation ? Followed by a brutal occupation by US marines to make Haiti safe for American corporations such as Citibank ? Devastated by a natural disaster of biblical proportions ? A disaster which became a bonanza for American and other Western contractors who helped themselves to the aid money by the billions ?

The people continue to resist against all odds, Dessalinesā€™ words-always ringing fresh in their ears-independence or death- and the struggle continues. People of African descent everywhere owe Haiti a huge debt of gratitude and need to stand with them in solidarity. Their fight is our fight.

Whites certainly can be African. If you are born in Africa, you are African. If you are born in America, you are American.
Itā€™s a irrefutable and undisputed fact that ALL WHITES have albinism or are full fledge albinoā€™s
Oh, man....LOL....I have to save this response. I can't tell if you are serious or joking, though. And the fact that you also included a article from "THE SUN," magazine, which is a supermarket tabloid makes it all the more spectacular. I have met a couple of Blacks over the years who have that riotously funny "Royal Melanin," concept, and some claim it gives Blacks super powers of intellect, strength, and supernatural powers, too. Oh, I hope you are one of those guys. LOL

Here is another fascinating headline from The SUN

Whites certainly can be African. If you are born in Africa, you are African. If you are born in America, you are American

I think he is confusing race with National origin. However, can a White person be "Japanese?" Can a Indian be "French? I don't think so. I think a white person born in South Africa, for instance, is a European African. African on his or her passport, but European racially.
That's Rachel Dozeal. She is white and just put dark on make up to look darker. She does not have a black mother or father and lets be honest Rachel Dozelal was WAY more attractive when she blackened up. I can't blame her
Black women are the lest attractive women of any race. Here is why that happens to be the case, Even Blacks prefer white women and you cannot deny that preference, either. It is obvious to everybody--including Black women.

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And hilariously, when asked to rank themselves, both Black men and women ranked themselves much more attractive than other races of people. LOL
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Black women are the lest attractive women of any race. Here is why that happens to be the case, Even Blacks prefer white women and you cannot deny that preference, either. It is obvious to everybody--including Black women.

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And hilariously, when asked to rank themselves, both Black men and women ranked themselves much more attractive than other races of people. LOL
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I say what I see. This Margot Robbie


This is Gal Gadot


This is Scarlett Johannssen


This is Angelina Jolie


This Bella Hadid


These are some of the white women the white media touts as the hottest women in the world.

If this is your best. I'd hate to see your worst.

But to me ? These black women on Insta totally blow these white women out of the water.






It's stupid arguing about who is the hottest women but you talk to any attractive black women. They will tell white guys hit on them all the time.

Don't talk to Oprah or Whoopi Goldberg. An attractive black woman is a white man's kryptonite.

It's a white supremacists males rites of passage to have sex with a black woman.

White supremacists don't feel like men until they have had sex with a black women

Secondly - I will fk any women of any race. PERIOD

Insecure white supremacist males like to dick police black men "Leave white women alone" Get the fk out my face. It's always pink the the middle.

They can get it too and even worse white dudes have the nerve to do this dick policing of black men while they are everywhere fkin any and all races of women.

White men are slaying that many Asian women. They're gonna bred pure 100% Asian Americans out of existence and have hapa race of peope.

Also it's not that blk men that are so into white women it's just some of the ones that are, are the loudest about it. Same with BW into WM and same with WW that are into BM, they are usually loud and over the top about it too. But most whites prefer whites and most blacks prefer blacks


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What a moronic response. You donā€™t live in Libya so Obamaā€™s disaster doesnā€™t matter?!
The moronic part of this is how you talk about something that has nthing to do with the topic and about some shit that really isn't true. What was the longstanding U.S policy towards Libya.? You know, the policy that made Reagan bomb Quaddaffis house and kill his son. Your post was just an attempt to deflect. I am talking about what whites do here in America.
FBlack women are the lest attractive women of any race. Here is why that happens to be the case, Even Blacks prefer white women and you cannot deny that preference, either. It is obvious to everybody--including Black women.

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And hilariously, when asked to rank themselves, both Black men and women ranked themselves much more attractive than other races of people. LOL
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Funnny that a racist tries making this claim. In my younger days I had plenty of white women who went after me. Not the other way around. The thing is that white men are the ones who had to make laws to stop white women from pursuing black men. White men are the ones who couldn't control themselves and raped blackmen, women and girls. So your post is idiocy and all you are displaying here is that you're a white racist loser.
It's stupid arguing about who is the hottest women but you talk to any attractive black women. They will tell white guys hit on them all the time.
I agree that it is really moronic to fight over personal preference, but you brought it up, and you have brought it up several times before. To claim that the least desirable women are better than the most desirable women is absurd, though (no matter how many cherry-picked photos you post), I was simply pointing that out.

I also do not respect a man who claims he will have sex with any women, no matter what race she is. That displays a lack of self control and a lack of judgement. I respect a discriminating gentleman who is very particular with the sort of women he chooses to be with.
I would NEVER touch a black women--partly because I find them hideously unattractive...even the ones you present as being good--but even if I did find one I like, I would never go on a single date with her. I make a living as a musician, I've been on tour of over 20 countries, and I get hit-on by a lot of Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, etc...and I never once considered doing that. Black women always hit on me because of my blond hair. Women are like that all over the world. They tend to be interested in the guy who stands out. In south America, the Caribbean, and Asian, I can hardly walk down the street without women throwing themselves at me. Yet, in Germany, where the women look like me, they all go after my singer--who is a darker shade-- Italian.

I have come to see it like this---Asian women, for instance, look the way they do because Asian men's preferences made them that way over many generations.
Why would I intrude on that?
They are made for Asian men,

There is an interesting thing I saw happen TWICE in that last few weeks in different locations---
I saw a Black guy walking out of a storefront holding hands with a White women, and cross paths with a White guy holding hands with a Black women....In BOTH cases, the Black guy (with the white woman) started screaming at the Black women, saying things like. "How can you do that!!?" Just an anecdotal story I found odd because this played out exactly this way in 2 unrelated episodes.
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I don't really give care about white people as individuals.

No shit...

White people are just a by product of systematic racism that's why you don't really see me trying prove how inferior white people are.

If you lived to be 1,000 you'd never be able to prove that whites are inferior to coloreds...

  • I do not make fun of how white ppl talk or dress or look.

Maybe if you fuckers didn't dress like circus clowns we wouldn't make fun of you...


  • I do not make fun of the food white ppl eat or the names they give their children.

That's because we don't give our kids fucked up named like Shavaundra and Dre'monte...

  • I do not excuse violence against white ppl saying that whites kill each other all the time.

You welcome violence against whites because you're a racist fuck...

  • I do not call them racial slurs

Fucking liar.

I've lost count of the times you've called me "cracker". Now you're a racist lying fuck...

  • or compare them to animals.

Hey, if the shoe fits:


  • I do not call for their genocide or ethnic cleansing.

Perhaps not.

But you would welcome it...

White people need a system to be able to succeed. Black people succeed in spite of the system

Black people succeed. One of the officers of my company is a black man. He's pullin;' six figures and drives a really sweet Benz.

Negroes, on the other hand, don't have it in them to be a success at anything other than being a complete fuck up.

Like you...
I say what I see. This Margot Robbie

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This is Gal Gadot

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This is Scarlett Johannssen

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This is Angelina Jolie

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This Bella Hadid

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These are some of the white women the white media touts as the hottest women in the world.

If this is your best. I'd hate to see your worst.

But to me ? These black women on Insta totally blow these white women out of the water.

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It's stupid arguing about who is the hottest women but you talk to any attractive black women. They will tell white guys hit on them all the time.

Don't talk to Oprah or Whoopi Goldberg. An attractive black woman is a white man's kryptonite.

It's a white supremacists males rites of passage to have sex with a black woman.

White supremacists don't feel like men until they have had sex with a black women

Secondly - I will fk any women of any race. PERIOD

Insecure white supremacist males like to dick police black men "Leave white women alone" Get the fk out my face. It's always pink the the middle.

They can get it too and even worse white dudes have the nerve to do this dick policing of black men while they are everywhere fkin any and all races of women.

White men are slaying that many Asian women. They're gonna bred pure 100% Asian Americans out of existence and have hapa race of peope.

Also it's not that blk men that are so into white women it's just some of the ones that are, are the loudest about it. Same with BW into WM and same with WW that are into BM, they are usually loud and over the top about it too. But most whites prefer whites and most blacks prefer blacks

Bruh lol you know what most of those women have in common? They're Jews

That's just Jews spouting their own bullshit

Although gal gadot is really hot

Rest meh. But you didn't pick apples and apples. I agree with your picks but I don't think that says anything about race. Just that the Jewish women/hollywood in general doesn't choose the hottest women they can find.

edit - robbie is really hot too, you picked a terrible picture

I make a living as a musician, and get hit-on by a lot of Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, etc...and I never once considered doing that.

A musician ? What am I wasting my time ? A "musician" could range from Jay Z and Paul McCartney to a street performer ? I'm guessing you're more aimed towards the street performer end.

Well the plot has for sure thickened I can say that much. So you're a failed white man, failed at everything you have done and if I'm wrong then at a minimum you shoud have a website or youtube channel.

Post the links on USMB and let everyone see what a great and successful musician you are

We're waiting.

You probably haven't even got a residency any at spot.

A musician ? Yet you have the nerve to debate me about scientific issues in my own field.

A musician ? I can't believe it....I need to take a time out


And compose myself.


And let's say you are a musician of standing (which I very much doubt) I'm expected to believe that you as a white nationalist would play the type of music that would attract a large amount of black women and they're just looking for FK you ?

Put your picture up. My picture is up in my avatar. Let's see what you look like white man.

I've seen your music

But all these non white women are just throwing p**y at ya ?

To me, you're probably one of them white dudes that likes to pretend he likes classical music. A lot of white people do that. You can narrow down white people's classical songs to ten songs

Nella Fantasia

Mendelson's The Wedding March

George Bizet - Prelude

Mozart - Eine Kleine Nachtmusik

Johann Strauss - An der schonen blauen Donau

Beethoven - Fur Elise

Tchaikovsky - Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy

Verdi - La Traviata

Beethoven - Monlight Sonata

Erik Satie - Gymnopedie 1

That's it.

Outside these ten songs white people get scared because all white people are all petrified that they will be exposed as someone who knows fk all about classical music.

That's why all white people are petrified of running into the classical music nerd

This is one of the most traumatic experiences a white person can go through.

I agree that it is really moronic to fight over personal preference, but you brought it up, and you have brought it up

I don't bring anything up. I said Rachel Dozlazal looked better when she blacked up than when she was a white women. Most people would agree that the blacked up version of Rachel Dolazal looks better than the white one.



several times before. To claim that the least desirable women are better than the most desirable women is absurd, though (no matter how many cherry-picked photos you post), I was simply pointing that out.

In your opinion these these white women are beauitful. That's what you told me before.




That's your opinion. But to me they're nothing outstanding. I think the black women I posted are more attractive. Even Jennifer Aniston who helf by white society is nothing outstanding


I also do not respect a man who claims he will have sex with any women, no matter what race she is. That displays a lack of self control and a lack of judgement. I respect a discriminating gentleman who is very particular with the sort of women he chooses to be with.

I would fk any woman of any race then that makes me a lack of self control, lack of judgment type guy. Cool I'll take that.

I would NEVER touch a black women--partly because I find them hideously unattractive...even the ones you present as being good--but even if I did find one I like, I would never go on a single date with her.

I donā€™t care who you are, how white you are, what kind of a racist you are, if and when you meet a beautiful black woman, the game is over.

Even Richard Spencer had a black women in his house when he did a live twitter feed



This is a man talks about how races should be separated. So why does he want a black lady in his house? Is this his girlfriend? I wouldn't be surprised. The most staunch racist white man will always seek out a self-hating Black or Asian woman to be their gutter sex thing. She's so far in a sunken place that she's swimming in a quagmire.

Gay White supremacist Milo Yanopolous married a black man


Extreme white supremacists are the hoteps of the blanco world. They'll stay shouting 'White Power' but will keep a black woman on speed dial.
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Bruh lol you know what most of those women have in common? They're Jews

That's just Jews spouting their own bullshit

Although gal gadot is really hot

Rest meh. But you didn't pick apples and apples. I agree with your picks but I don't think that says anything about race. Just that the Jewish women/hollywood in general doesn't choose the hottest women they can find.

edit - robbie is really hot too, you picked a terrible picture


No homo but honestly I find women annoying that's why I don't even like elevating them up. Guys do to much ass kissing to women that's why in these days of Tinder and dating apps most females have an ego the size of ayers rock.

That's why I don't even like doing these posts talking about attractive women.

Margot Robbie ? She's very generic looking. You see tons of women that look like her.


I'm not into that stepford wives thing

The moronic part of this is how you talk about something that has nthing to do with the topic and about some shit that really isn't true. What was the longstanding U.S policy towards Libya.? You know, the policy that made Reagan bomb Quaddaffis house and kill his son. Your post was just an attempt to deflect. I am talking about what whites do here in America.
Reagan bombed Quaddaffi's house because Quaddaffi had sent terrorist to bomb a nightclub in Germany full of Germans and US military personnel. At the time Libya was the most prolific sponsor of terrorism in the world. Funny; after the bombing, Libya stopped sponsoring terrorists and Iran took over.
I agree that it is really moronic to fight over personal preference, but you brought it up, and you have brought it up several times before. To claim that the least desirable women are better than the most desirable women is absurd, though (no matter how many cherry-picked photos you post), I was simply pointing that out.

I also do not respect a man who claims he will have sex with any women, no matter what race she is. That displays a lack of self control and a lack of judgement. I respect a discriminating gentleman who is very particular with the sort of women he chooses to be with.
I would NEVER touch a black women--partly because I find them hideously unattractive...even the ones you present as being good--but even if I did find one I like, I would never go on a single date with her. I make a living as a musician, I've been on tour of over 20 countries, and I get hit-on by a lot of Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, etc...and I never once considered doing that. Black women always hit on me because of my blond hair. Women are like that all over the world. They tend to be interested in the guy who stands out. In south America, the Caribbean, and Asian, I can hardly walk down the street without women throwing themselves at me. Yet, in Germany, where the women look like me, they all go after my singer--who is a darker shade-- Italian.

I have come to see it like this---Asian women, for instance, look the way they do because Asian men's preferences made them that way over many generations.
Why would I intrude on that?
They are made for Asian men,

There is an interesting thing I saw happen TWICE in that last few weeks in different locations---
I saw a Black guy walking out of a storefront holding hands with a White women, and cross paths with a White guy holding hands with a Black women....In BOTH cases, the Black guy (with the white woman) started screaming at the Black women, saying things like. "How can you do that!!?" Just an anecdotal story I found odd because this played out exactly this way in 2 unrelated episodes.
My experience is similar, my best friend in college was dating a black woman. There were a lot of muttered comments from the black guys, they wouldn't get loud, or up in our faces because Chris was 6'6", 300 pounds and I was 6'2", 240 pounds. We were both nice, peaceable guys, but nobody gave us any shit to our faces. The White and Latino guys didn't care about who dated women of their races, only the Black guys seemed to have a problem. When I was single I dated Latinos, Asians and White women. I rarely found Black women attractive, but some were. The ones I found attractive, everybody else did and I never enjoyed fighting over a woman. I preferred women who wanted me for me, not a woman who played a bunch of guys off against each other.
I've been on tour of over 20 countries, and I get hit-on by a lot of Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, etc...and I never once considered doing that. Black women always hit on me because of my blond hair. Women are like that all over the world. They tend to be interested in the guy who stands out. In south America, the Caribbean, and Asian, I can hardly walk down the street without women throwing themselves at me.

I would agree with you that white dudes have a wider variety of women to choose from than other races of men. But that's to be expected in a system of white supremacy. The same thing occurs when white men apply for jobs, housing in certain neighbourhoods, loans. Favouritism is pretty consistent across all avenues when you make the comparison.

Iā€™m reminded of the film ā€œThe Last King of Scotlandā€ where the James McAvoy's character (the good guy of course) engages in a very explicit sexual encounter with the wife of the Ugandan dictator, played by the stunning Kerry Washington.

Monster's Ball is another good example. A average looking scruffy Billy Bob can have hot, no-holds barred steamy sex scene with Halle Berry.

The very same scene with the races reversed ? Outside of porn, would simply be unheard of. Itā€™d be the equivalent of Lil Wayne or Rick Ross getting it on with Angelina Jolie or Megan Fox on screen.

Happen. Not. Gonna.

I would agree with you that white dudes can go to certain countries like China and Japan and countries in Africa or the Carribbean and having fun with women over should they wish. Asian women worship white dudes...jesus christ lol

Yet, in Germany, where the women look like me, they all go after my singer--who is a darker shade-- Italian.

That's because you being a white male in Germany doesn't mean as much as it did in other countries. Now it's about you. Sure in certain countries women might look at you as a meal ticket, or fall or the hype they have been fed about white dudes.

But Germany has plenty of white males. So what's so special about you ? Maybe the Italian is just a better looking guy than you ? Maybe he has more charisma ? I dunno.

But look you don't have to tell me that white guys play dating on an easier mode.

Black men don't.

Hell you see homeless white dudes with women lol


This is why black men generally have better "game" with women and are more smoother and have a deeper understanding of women

But even then the majority of these "incels" who hate women because they can't get laid are white dudes.
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There is an interesting thing I saw happen TWICE in that last few weeks in different locations---I saw a Black guy walking out of a storefront holding hands with a White women, and cross paths with a White guy holding hands with a Black women....In BOTH cases, the Black guy (with the white woman) started screaming at the Black women, saying things like. "How can you do that!!?" Just an anecdotal story I found odd because this played out exactly this way in 2 unrelated episodes.

Because we know what white supremacists dudes are like.

And we also know black women don't find white men attractive. I'm talking gut level attraction
My experience is similar, my best friend in college was dating a black woman. There were a lot of muttered comments from the black guys, they wouldn't get loud, or up in our faces because Chris was 6'6", 300 pounds and I was 6'2", 240 pounds. We were both nice, peaceable guys, but nobody gave us any shit to our faces.

What I used to do back in the day is confront the white dude in front of his black woman and get him to tie my shoe laces and then tie my friends shoe laces which was about 3 or 4 of us. Just do something small but also big at the same time. Just to totally de-man and humliate him in front of his woman.
Reagan bombed Quaddaffi's house because Quaddaffi had sent terrorist to bomb a nightclub in Germany full of Germans and US military personnel. At the time Libya was the most prolific sponsor of terrorism in the world. Funny; after the bombing, Libya stopped sponsoring terrorists and Iran took over.
No homo but honestly I find women annoying that's why I don't even like elevating them up. Guys do to much ass kissing to women that's why in these days of Tinder and dating apps most females have an ego the size of ayers rock.

That's why I don't even like doing these posts talking about attractive women.

Margot Robbie ? She's very generic looking. You see tons of women that look like her.

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I'm not into that stepford wives thing

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Just picking random women doesn't count dude

Go find the hottest white instagram model you can

Still not picking apples for apples

Vast majority of the women you're going to find have some white blood.

Compare them to black actresses, which are nothing special either...? I don't see how you think this works lol

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