"Debris Field" found near the Titanic wreck site.

From what I have read about that sub this is almost a Darwin Award scenario. That thing was a disaster waiting to happen.

It was completely uncertified, and the divers knew it and signed a waiver acknowledging it. An ex-company official said the port was only rated to 1,200 meters. The vessel was not depth-rated by any competent authority.

The sub was a 5" thick carbon fiber tube with the single acrylic port. Inside it was just an empty can with 3 video monitors, and controlled with a video game controller. It had a single button, an on-off button. That was all. No "E-stop" even, or a mechanical fail-safe that would drop weights and return it to the surface in an emergency.

Real DSV's go through rigorous testing and certifications, and have appropriate safety margins and fail-safes. The head of the company (who perished on the dive) had previously said regulations in the industry were strangling the underwater tourism business.

There are all kinds of regulations that apply when boats hire out to take people on the water. These guys just ignored them all and wrote their own rules.

And it seems the people who climbed inside were aware of all this, and did it anyway.

Yeah, but a billionaire businessman
I was hoping that the mini sub just imploded rather than being a 4 day torture chamber for these 5 people. Still too early to confirm, but that's the latest.

It’s over

well, we probably could... I think their death was over in seconds?

I'm not sure what happens when the pressure goes.. I mean, does this mean something made the vessel blow up? I don't get it yet...

At such depths, if the pressure goes the sub implodes. It happens almost instantly.
If they were leaning toward being libertarians they would be opposed to regulations and certification. The ridiculous political mindset comes back to bite every time.

Yeah, if you knew anything about libertarians, we believe in personal responsibility.

If someone wants to make a submarine and others want to pay them for a ride on it, that’s on them. Obviously they all had unfounded confidence in the construction of this thing, as the CEO was piloting it and we can safely assume he wasn’t on a murder suicide kick - and again, that’s on them.

Maybe they don't know this yet (?) but it looks like a pressure problem... ?

(I think this is from a sub-site [?] found at that site--emphasis mine)

A former OceanGate Expeditions customer who took a trip to see the Titanic wreckage two years ago described the dive as a "kamikaze operation."

An international search and rescue operation is ongoing for five crew members on OceanGate's Titan sub, which went missing Sunday on a planned deep sea tourist expedition. Arthur Loibl, a retired German businessman and adventurer who went on the same trip in 2021, shared his experience with OceanGate in an interview with The Associated Press.

"You have to be a little bit crazy to do this sort of thing," Loibl said.

...Washington state-based OceanGate announced its own Titanic operation a year later and Loibl seized the opportunity. He chartered a dive with OceanGate in 2019, paying a whopping $110,000, but that dive was canceled because the first submersible didn't survive testing.

In 2021 he went on a voyage that was successful along with OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush and French diver and Titanic expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet — who are now missing — along with two men from England.

"Imagine a metal tube a few meters long with a sheet of metal for a floor. You can’t stand. You can’t kneel. Everyone is sitting close to or on top of each other," Loibl told the AP. "You can’t be claustrophobic."

OceanGate's sub experienced technical difficulties on the dive, Loibl said. He described how lights were turned off to conserve energy during the 2.5-hour descent and ascent, with the only illumination coming from a glow stick.

The Titan was rated for the depth it went to. The pilot was playing the passengers lives for the sake of money.
I was hoping that the mini sub just imploded rather than being a 4 day torture chamber for these 5 people. Still too early to confirm, but that's the latest.

If there is a debris field there was an explosion. If not, the sub would be in tact. There are other possibilities:
1. Russia blew them up
2. China blew them up
3. Eco-terrorists blew them up
4. Democrats blew them up
5. A giant squid squeezed them
6. A giant octopus squeezed them
7. A beast from 20,000 fathoms ate them
Yep, I'm not getting in a sub, a rocket ship or jumping out of a plane unless it's on fire.

I was looking at different jump sites last month but then ended up my dog needed several thousands of dollars in surgury and my constant attention. So that'll have to wait for a bit longer.

Probably agreed on the rocket ship and the sub, though.

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