Debbie Wasserman Schultz says Trump should be off ballot in more states


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

Wow. These Democrats want to disenfranchise over 75 million voters.

They are evil.
They are liars.


Wasserman Schultz said, “I know there has been a lot of chatter over the last few days since this court ruling about whether or not section three of the 14th Amendment was intended to apply to presidents of the United States, foreign presidents. The Section 3 begins, ‘No person shall,’ I mean, it doesn’t have an exception for other offices, and it applies specifically if you are an officer of the United States and you swore to uphold an oath to support the Constitution of the United States.”

She continued, “There is no shortage of evidence that Donald Trump, whether it was the calls into Georgia election officials to find 11,000 and change votes, or the calls that have just come to light into Michigan to canvassing boards, to not sign to certify the elections, and then, of course, January 6, where he incited an insurrection. It is very clear that this section of the constitutional amendment is applicable to Donald Trump.”

Everything she said is a lie. Why is that? Why do Dems claim they must reduce my choices and violate the Constitution in order to save Democracy and the Constiution?

She should be concerned about Biden’s corruption and the foreign wars we are involved in!

Wow. These Democrats want to disenfranchise over 75 million voters.

They are evil.
They are liars.


Wasserman Schultz said, “I know there has been a lot of chatter over the last few days since this court ruling about whether or not section three of the 14th Amendment was intended to apply to presidents of the United States, foreign presidents. The Section 3 begins, ‘No person shall,’ I mean, it doesn’t have an exception for other offices, and it applies specifically if you are an officer of the United States and you swore to uphold an oath to support the Constitution of the United States.”

She continued, “There is no shortage of evidence that Donald Trump, whether it was the calls into Georgia election officials to find 11,000 and change votes, or the calls that have just come to light into Michigan to canvassing boards, to not sign to certify the elections, and then, of course, January 6, where he incited an insurrection. It is very clear that this section of the constitutional amendment is applicable to Donald Trump.”

Everything she said is a lie. Why is that? Why do Dems claim they must reduce my choices and violate the Constitution in order to save Democracy and the Constiution?

She should be concerned about Biden’s corruption and the foreign wars we are involved in!
The human labia majoris on two feet has been irrelevant ever since she got caught fixing the Dem primary. How quickly they forget.

Wow. These Democrats want to disenfranchise over 75 million voters.

They are evil.
They are liars.


Wasserman Schultz said, “I know there has been a lot of chatter over the last few days since this court ruling about whether or not section three of the 14th Amendment was intended to apply to presidents of the United States, foreign presidents. The Section 3 begins, ‘No person shall,’ I mean, it doesn’t have an exception for other offices, and it applies specifically if you are an officer of the United States and you swore to uphold an oath to support the Constitution of the United States.”

She continued, “There is no shortage of evidence that Donald Trump, whether it was the calls into Georgia election officials to find 11,000 and change votes, or the calls that have just come to light into Michigan to canvassing boards, to not sign to certify the elections, and then, of course, January 6, where he incited an insurrection. It is very clear that this section of the constitutional amendment is applicable to Donald Trump.”

Everything she said is a lie. Why is that? Why do Dems claim they must reduce my choices and violate the Constitution in order to save Democracy and the Constiution?

She should be concerned about Biden’s corruption and the foreign wars we are involved in!
Trump engaged in a rebellion aganst the United States. Not only should he be removed from every ballot in the Country, he should be locked up for the rest of his life.

There are people rotting in federal prisons for years for doing less then what your buddy Trump did.
I could have gone the whole holiday without hearing her name.

I can taste the bile already.

She only exists to excite a small number of left wing jews in Floriday. The rest of us view that ugly worthless POS as just that.

You could throw her in a tank full of hungry sharks and she'd survive. Even they have standards.
Trump engaged in a rebellion aganst the United States. Not only should he be removed from every ballot in the Country, he should be locked up for the rest of his life.

There are people rotting in federal prisons for years for doing less then what your buddy Trump did.

Yes, a bunch of wrongs make a right.

Your claim of rebellion is nothing more than a manufactured battle cry needed to deflect from the stutterf**k in the WH. If you think most see it differently, you are as stupid as your post indicates.

Wow. These Democrats want to disenfranchise over 75 million voters.

They are evil.
They are liars.


Wasserman Schultz said, “I know there has been a lot of chatter over the last few days since this court ruling about whether or not section three of the 14th Amendment was intended to apply to presidents of the United States, foreign presidents. The Section 3 begins, ‘No person shall,’ I mean, it doesn’t have an exception for other offices, and it applies specifically if you are an officer of the United States and you swore to uphold an oath to support the Constitution of the United States.”

She continued, “There is no shortage of evidence that Donald Trump, whether it was the calls into Georgia election officials to find 11,000 and change votes, or the calls that have just come to light into Michigan to canvassing boards, to not sign to certify the elections, and then, of course, January 6, where he incited an insurrection. It is very clear that this section of the constitutional amendment is applicable to Donald Trump.”

Everything she said is a lie. Why is that? Why do Dems claim they must reduce my choices and violate the Constitution in order to save Democracy and the Constiution?

She should be concerned about Biden’s corruption and the foreign wars we are involved in!
Wow. These Democrats want to disenfranchise over 75 million voters.


If Trump isn't on the ballot, you assume those 75 million aren't going to vote for the republican that is?

BTW, I've never cared for wasserman anyway.
Poor debbie.... always sounds like there's a quart of snot trying to exit her schnozz...

I thought that shit missile was working at a Waffle House now...

jack smith piece of shit 03.jpg
Yes, a bunch of wrongs make a right.

Your claim of rebellion is nothing more than a manufactured battle cry needed to deflect from the stutterf**k in the WH. If you think most see it differently, you are as stupid as your post indicates.
It's not a claim, moron. It's the truth which is why fucktwits like you are unhinged at Trump being indicted for it.
Yes, a bunch of wrongs make a right.

Your claim of rebellion is nothing more than a manufactured battle cry needed to deflect from the stutterf**k in the WH. If you think most see it differently, you are as stupid as your post indicates.

Interesting that instead of preventing the mostly peaceful protest on J6, the FBI encouraged it.
Interesting that instead of preventing the mostly peaceful protest on J6, the FBI encouraged it.

I am not up on all that.

It was never an insurrection. If people wanted to insurrect, the capitol police and whole lot of legislators would have been killed that day. Look how far they got without using guns.

It was a protest turned mob gone stupid.
Trump engaged in a rebellion aganst the United States. Not only should he be removed from every ballot in the Country, he should be locked up for the rest of his life.

There are people rotting in federal prisons for years for doing less then what your buddy Trump did.
Every election is a rebellion.

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