"Death to Uncle Sam!"

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Not only in the Middle East (Iran) but also in our own backyard.

In Latin America: "Death to Uncle Sam"
By Slater Bakhtavar
March 26, 2007

Recently President Bush went on a six-nation South American tour, a region in which both the Clinton and Bush administrations have failed to spend sufficient time and resources. His visit was a progressive move in the right direction, but many experts have claimed the visit was too little and too late. The division between the North and the South of the Americas has flourished in recent years. Since the election of Hugo Chavez in 1998, three-quarter of the nations in Latin America have shifted to the left. The winds of change have turned the region into a hotbed of anti-Americanism.

for full article:
Perhaps the first 'War on Terror' has something to do with the anti-Americanism? Do you think people forget what the US did? Or which governments were overthrown, or supported by the US? If I'd had to live in Nicaragua in the 80s I'd protest, so would any of us.
Perhaps the first 'War on Terror' has something to do with the anti-Americanism? Do you think people forget what the US did? Or which governments were overthrown, or supported by the US? If I'd had to live in Nicaragua in the 80s I'd protest, so would any of us.

Perhaps this had to do with the Monroe Doctrine and it's corollary? Our ignoring our neighbors, except for drugs and immigration?
lt also has something to do with the "everyone hates the prettiest girl in the room" syndrome. The U.S. is one of the most successful countries in the history of humanity based upon the living standards of a very diverse population. The (often totalitarian) rulers of failing and lower performing countries cannot help but be envious and threatened. Their attacks on the U.S. are so predictable as to be cliches.
lt also has something to do with the "everyone hates the prettiest girl in the room" syndrome. The U.S. is one of the most successful countries in the history of humanity based upon the living standards of a very diverse population. The (often totalitarian) rulers of failing and lower performing countries cannot help but be envious and threatened. Their attacks on the U.S. are so predictable as to be cliches.

Totally agree. Though Ralph Peters as well as others have warned over and over again that we have ignored the rest of the Americas to our peril. We are creating a dangerous situation at home. We do too little for those that are succeeding, too much handouts to those that suppress their people.
Chavez is the reductio ad absurdum of that.
Chavez is the reductio ad absurdum of that.

Exactly. We are in no need for an EU deal, but we really should pay some attention to our neighbors. I know I'm guilty of it, I know much more Western Civ, Russian, and Asian History than South or Central Americas.
lt also has something to do with the "everyone hates the prettiest girl in the room" syndrome. The U.S. is one of the most successful countries in the history of humanity based upon the living standards of a very diverse population. The (often totalitarian) rulers of failing and lower performing countries cannot help but be envious and threatened. Their attacks on the U.S. are so predictable as to be cliches.

Too right! Why can’t all the under-achieving non-Americo-Christian capitalist countries also occupy a sub-continent, Holocaust the satanic savages therein, then cravenly equip other countries to do the fighting, so they can, carrion-like, gorge on the devastated victor’s conquests?

Because they are genetically incapable, that's why! :eusa_snooty:

Obviously, Amerigod created them to be hewers and carriers for his consecrated Calvinazi race! :bowdown:
lt also has something to do with the "everyone hates the prettiest girl in the room" syndrome. The U.S. is one of the most successful countries in the history of humanity based upon the living standards of a very diverse population. The (often totalitarian) rulers of failing and lower performing countries cannot help but be envious and threatened. Their attacks on the U.S. are so predictable as to be cliches.

Well I guess France and Russia can be put in 'failing nations' category, but it's disheartening.
Well the whole Roosevelt Corollary and subsequent 80 years of us raping the various nations of South and Central America for our own short term self-interest certainly hasn't helped our image as far as these nations are concerned.
Well the whole Roosevelt Corollary and subsequent 80 years of us raping the various nations of South and Central America for our own short term self-interest certainly hasn't helped our image as far as these nations are concerned.

No. We've seriously only used punitive measures, those we consider 'positive' have been anti-US, NAFTA for instance. We seriously need to be more thoughtful and neighborly.

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