Death panels are here!

A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff
Republicans don't care about anything but profit before people.
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

The guy was uninsured, what's your solution?

You are filth.
But you know that.

We didn't have this problem before Obamacare, did we?

Nope. We didn't.
Actually, we did. Were you in diapers or a coma?
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

"Do no harm", aye?

Dime to a dollar his insurance ran out.

Read the article, he had no insurance and there is a Texas law to protect the hospital.
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

The guy was uninsured, what's your solution?

You are filth.
But you know that.

We didn't have this problem before Obamacare, did we?

Nope. We didn't.
Actually, we did. Were you in diapers or a coma?

Sure find me an article that says a hospital is taking someone off life support because they don't have insurance before the advent of Obamacare.
From the article:

Chris Dunn died before the court battle concluded. We will never know if Methodist Hospital would have been awarded guardianship and, thus, empowered to withdraw his life-sustaining treatment.

So...the hospital never pulled the tube or ventilator. A judge never decided the merits. Have there been other Texas cases since 1999?
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

The guy was uninsured, what's your solution?

You are filth.
But you know that.

We didn't have this problem before Obamacare, did we?

Nope. We didn't.

The law they used if you bothered to read was passed in 1999 in Texas. Think and read before you ope that shitty mouth of yours.
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

"Do no harm", aye?

Dime to a dollar his insurance ran out.

Read the article, he had no insurance and there is a Texas law to protect the hospital.
So the article says that if a man doesn't have insurance, a hospital can kill him..

Which is what we said all along. Death panels. People who kill people based on their biased and uneducated determination of their quality of life, their financial, and/or ideological, status.

I think this one is a little of each.
What do conservatives want ? They want gov out of health care but the result would be only the wealthy being treated .
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

The guy was uninsured, what's your solution?

You are filth.
But you know that.

We didn't have this problem before Obamacare, did we?

Nope. We didn't.
Actually, we did. Were you in diapers or a coma?

Sure find me an article that says a hospital is taking someone off life support because they don't have insurance before the advent of Obamacare.

You're an idiot.
there are uninsured people under obammycare.


But you're clearly not understanding the question.
and so how was it I was not correct?

The question asked is kind of implying, so what about Obamacare the guy wasn't insured.

My question is what is the solution? What should have happened to this guy?
you think he should die?
Of course he does.

You guys are fools.

I think we should have medicare for all and then this guy would have had insurance.

What policy would you like to have been put into place to save him? I'd be shocked if you answered and bonus points for being coherent.
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

The guy was uninsured, what's your solution?

You are filth.
But you know that.

We didn't have this problem before Obamacare, did we?

Nope. We didn't.
Actually, we did. Were you in diapers or a coma?

You know it's likely it could have been both.
Everyone will have a 'death panel'. It will be made up of the people paying for your health care.
Yep, that 20% annual income growth to get bonuses will be the one and only decision point.

If your death panel is an insurance company, profits will definitely be part of the decision. If it's the government, your fate will be determined by politicians. If it's your family, well - that depends on how well you get along with your family. And if you're paying for it yourself, you don't have to answer to anyone.
I'm not so sure that's the case here. The ethics committee could overrule an insurance co.

It's a 2016 story that votto pulled out of a trashcan to make some point. Probably about Obamacare or abortion, but then again he may just post out of his ass to get responses.

The texas law is unique, and I really don't know how it all works. Most states allow for people to have advanced care directives to keep themesleves from being on ventilators. Frankly being conscious and being on one sounds like torture if one is not going to get better, and even if there's a chance for recovery, I think most docs put people in medically induced comas. Why this fool wanted to be incubated and conscious .... well, it's a crazy story.

Insurance companies aren't really in play. I think most states allow families to direct docs to disconnect ventilators. But Docs can never withhold food water and antibiotics. And even that seems to result in people being kept alive when common decency would allow a dog to pass.
You really can't contribute anything, can you.
You guys are fools.

I think we should have medicare for all and then this guy would have had insurance.

What policy would you like to have been put into place to save him? I'd be shocked if you answered and bonus points for being coherent.

A fool believes that death panels will not decide the fate of certain individuals in the not-to-distant future. Social medicine will demand it.
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

Just another reason not to live in Texass.
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

The guy was uninsured, what's your solution?

You are filth.
But you know that.

We didn't have this problem before Obamacare, did we?

Nope. We didn't.

The law they used if you bothered to read was passed in 1999 in Texas. Think and read before you ope that shitty mouth of yours.

It wasn't being used to kill people before Obamacare.

Unless you can find another instance of this happening..only before obamacare.

I already asked for that once. So you are going to start shitting yourself to avoid having to didn't happen then.
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

The guy was uninsured, what's your solution?

You are filth.
But you know that.

We didn't have this problem before Obamacare, did we?

Nope. We didn't.
Actually, we did. Were you in diapers or a coma?

Sure find me an article that says a hospital is taking someone off life support because they don't have insurance before the advent of Obamacare.
Easy peasy!

January 3, 2006: Do the poor deserve life support?

Tirhas Habtegiris, a 27-year-old terminal cancer patient at Baylor Regional Medical Center in Plano, Texas, was removed from her ventilator last month because she couldn't pay her medical bills. The hospital gave Ms. Habtegiris' family 10 days' notice, and then, with the bills still unpaid, withdrew her life support on the 11th day. It took Ms. Habtegiris about 15 minutes to die.

So I ask you again: Diapers...or coma?

A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

"Do no harm", aye?

Dime to a dollar his insurance ran out.

Read the article, he had no insurance and there is a Texas law to protect the hospital.
So the article says that if a man doesn't have insurance, a hospital can kill him..

Which is what we said all along. Death panels. People who kill people based on their biased and uneducated determination of their quality of life, their financial, and/or ideological, status.

I think this one is a little of each.

I see, so you're going to focus on 'death panels' even though this is not the 'death panels' that were talked about when passing Obamacare. That right wing lie was about a government agency that was going to decide who lived or died if they HAD Obamacare insurance. This is a completely different nut.
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

"Do no harm", aye?

Dime to a dollar his insurance ran out.

Read the article, he had no insurance and there is a Texas law to protect the hospital.
So the article says that if a man doesn't have insurance, a hospital can kill him..

Which is what we said all along. Death panels. People who kill people based on their biased and uneducated determination of their quality of life, their financial, and/or ideological, status.

I think this one is a little of each.

I see, so you're going to focus on 'death panels' even though this is not the 'death panels' that were talked about when passing Obamacare. That right wing lie was about a government agency that was going to decide who lived or died if they HAD Obamacare insurance. This is a completely different nut.

No, it's not. It's the exact nut that it has always been.

Non medical financial people colluding with hospitals to deny people treatment.

Death panels.
I see, so you're going to focus on 'death panels' even though this is not the 'death panels' that were talked about when passing Obamacare. That right wing lie was about a government agency that was going to decide who lived or died if they HAD Obamacare insurance. This is a completely different nut.

All you have to do is look at the UK to see death panels come with social medicine at some point.
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

The guy was uninsured, what's your solution?

You are filth.
But you know that.

We didn't have this problem before Obamacare, did we?

Nope. We didn't.

The law they used if you bothered to read was passed in 1999 in Texas. Think and read before you ope that shitty mouth of yours.

It wasn't being used to kill people before Obamacare.

Unless you can find another instance of this happening..only before obamacare.

I already asked for that once. So you are going to start shitting yourself to avoid having to didn't happen then.
Need another one?

Houston Chronical, 2005: Life support may be cut based on pay, prognosis

St. Luke's notified Jannette Nikolouzos in a March 1 letter that it would withdraw life-sustaining care of her husband of 34 years in 10 days, which would be Friday.

Caballero said he believes the hospital wants to discontinue care because Nikolouzos' Medicare funding is running out.

Spiro Nikolouzos, a retired electrical engineer for an oil drilling company, has been an invalid since 2001, when he experienced bleeding related to a shunt in his brain.

Diapers...or coma?


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