DEAR RIOTERS: Your Boy Was Carrying A STOLEN Gun And His WIFE Filed This Against Him

Yes, this time it was going to be a church choir leader because good, law abiding people always get into standoffs with the police.
Sarcasm notwithstanding, it really makes no difference to me if you choose to exclude objectivity from your reasoning habits. But you won't always be right and the time(s) when you fail to realize you're wrong will be costly in terms of your sense of personal integrity. But maybe you don't care.

What do you think of the Crutcher shooting? In terms of the inevitable dollars and cents waste when the forthcoming lawsuit settlement is issued, and in terms of its contribution to forthcoming social disorders, personal feelings aside, don't you think this killing was unnecessary -- and should have been skillfully avoided?
Yes, this time it was going to be a church choir leader because good, law abiding people always get into standoffs with the police.
Sarcasm notwithstanding, it really makes no difference to me if you choose to exclude objectivity from your reasoning habits. But you won't always be right and the time(s) when you fail to realize you're wrong will be costly in terms of your sense of personal integrity. But maybe you don't care.

What do you think of the Crutcher shooting? In terms of the inevitable dollars and cents waste when the forthcoming lawsuit settlement is issued, and in terms of its contribution to forthcoming social disorders, personal feelings aside, don't you think this killing was unnecessary -- and should have been skillfully avoided?
Yes. By the suspect obeying police commands. He would be alive and well today.
Yes. By the suspect obeying police commands. He would be alive and well today.
Probably true. But why do you suppose he didn't respond so obligingly? What are the possible reasons you can think of?
He wasn't deaf, so I can think of no good reason. I'm just tired of cops getting blamed when suspects they're dealing with make the wrong choices.
Yes. By the suspect obeying police commands. He would be alive and well today.
Probably true. But why do you suppose he didn't respond so obligingly? What are the possible reasons you can think of?

huh? Ex-Felon in possesion of a stolen gun. Possibly on a restraining order? Maybe dope possesion (as that would matter). Loitering in a parking lot? whatever.

The MOFO KNEW he was going back to JAIL and he did not like it. He was going to take somebody down with him or shoot it out of there. Nobody likes to go to Jail.
Vigilante, c'mon man!!! You're ruining a good argument and chance for liberals to riot and loot stores with good common sense facts. Well, considering the mentality we're dealing with, liberals will still argue and riot.
When I first read about the shooting the first thing that came to my mind was the fact that it was a black cop that shot the black criminal, and the BLM supporters acted like it was some white cop with a Dixie Flag and SS uniform that shot the criminal.

Then when I watched his wife video I could hear her screaming to him ( the criminal and not the cops ) not to do it, so if he was so innocent why was she screaming at him not to do something!?!

Finally, if your article is true then the reality is the asshole got killed and deserved it. I will not lose a night of sleep over that asshole death and yes you should drop your weapon, books or whatever you have in your hands when the police tell you to do it and for the Progressive Liberal you do not have the right to point any sort of weapon at the police and if you believe you do, well I will see you on the six o'clock news as being one of those retarded deaths by the police!
huh? Ex-Felon in possesion of a stolen gun. Possibly on a restraining order? Maybe dope possesion (as that would matter). Loitering in a parking lot? whatever.

The MOFO KNEW he was going back to JAIL and he did not like it. He was going to take somebody down with him or shoot it out of there. Nobody likes to go to Jail.
Are you talking about the Scott (North Carolina) shooting or the Crutcher shooting (Tulsa), which is what my message is referring to? Crutcher had no gun, nor am I aware that he had a criminal record.
so let me get this right..we are going to maintain that it's okay for cops to gun down people who have criminal records?
He wasn't deaf, so I can think of no good reason. I'm just tired of cops getting blamed when suspects they're dealing with make the wrong choices.
It is known now that Crutcher wasn't hearing impaired but it wasn't known before he was shot.

As to some other "good reason" for his bizarre conduct, there is any number of possible medical or psychological affects which could account for it. The critical factor in this incident is Crutcher was unarmed and he said or did absolutely nothing which could be described as positively and unmistakably threatening.
Yet another narrative shot to hell....and yet another time to say...."we told you so". They will never wait for the facts to come out, it's always kneejerk reaction with these people
huh? Ex-Felon in possesion of a stolen gun. Possibly on a restraining order? Maybe dope possesion (as that would matter). Loitering in a parking lot? whatever.

The MOFO KNEW he was going back to JAIL and he did not like it. He was going to take somebody down with him or shoot it out of there. Nobody likes to go to Jail.
Are you talking about the Scott (North Carolina) shooting or the Crutcher shooting (Tulsa), which is what my message is referring to? Crutcher had no gun, nor am I aware that he had a criminal record.

nice SPIN job. well done. This thread was about the NC dead man. He who would not drop the gun, stolen gun. But that did not stop the riot. 60" LED can now be carried by one, at a slight gallop.

If you want to mingle in the Tulsa nutjob........please go to Tulsa thread. He was reaching, walking off, not follow orders. Yep She panicked, fired a bit quick perhaps? Get back to me when you can walk out and get your mail w/o screwup.


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