Dear people moving from California


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
A few words of advice for you.

Let me tell you though, in case no one has, Texas is a terrible place to live. Don't move here. In the summer it averages 120 degrees here and light bills usually run over 500 dollars. Really. Everybody drinks lone star beer too.

Then you have the horses. Almost half the people here have horses and the cowboys wear cowboy hats, and while that may not seem bad to you, just wait until one shits in your yard. Drunken cowboys, damn! Then you have guns, we all have guns and shootouts over fender benders and calling "your momma"! Guns are everywhere. All the women are fat and most of them lesbians, so unless you like slim pickins (not the actor), avoid TX! No really!

Then we got the Mexicans, hundreds of them, and we have to learn to speak Spanish course they can't speak English! Mexican food, there's a goddam meskin restaurant every 2 blocks and the place smells like goat meat. So take my advice and just stay in California, it has to be better than Texas!

My car after the last traffic incident!

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South Carolina sucks...

See that guy in miketx's avatar? We all look like that here...

And don't get me started on the humidity... worse than Texas... it's mostly swamp, truth be told...
What was once a great place to live has been turned into a crime-ridden welfare state with liberal elites tucked safely away in their gated communities, leaving the shrinking working class to finance the parasites from Mexico. Democrats achieved this by flooding the state with illegals and put them on welfare. They also VOTE with impunity, thus guaranteeing perpetual power for the left. Pay attention, this is the path the Democratic Party is using for the rest of the country, and Texas, because of their electoral vote power is next. No surprise that the left is vehemently opposed to building a border wall.
One of my good friends moved here from California, all he does all winter is bitch about the snow and the cold. Californians, definitely stay away from states bordering a Great Lakes. The North Winds out of Canada will freeze your ass off, you won't be able to handle it.
A few words of advice for you.

Let me tell you though, in case no one has, Texas is a terrible place to live. Don't move here. In the summer it averages 120 degrees here and light bills usually run over 500 dollars. Really. Everybody drinks lone star beer too.

Then you have the horses. Almost half the people here have horses and the cowboys wear cowboy hats, and while that may not seem bad to you, just wait until one shits in your yard. Drunken cowboys, damn! Then you have guns, we all have guns and shootouts over fender benders and calling "your momma"! Guns are everywhere. All the women are fat and most of them lesbians, so unless you like slim pickins (not the actor), avoid TX! No really!

Then we got the Mexicans, hundreds of them, and we have to learn to speak Spanish course they can't speak English! Mexican food, there's a goddam meskin restaurant every 2 blocks and the place smells like goat meat. So take my advice and just stay in California, it has to be better than Texas!

My car after the last traffic incident!

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I think a lot of that could apply to rural California. In fact almost all of it, not so much the Mexicans.
A few words of advice for you.

Let me tell you though, in case no one has, Texas is a terrible place to live. Don't move here. In the summer it averages 120 degrees here and light bills usually run over 500 dollars. Really. Everybody drinks lone star beer too.

Then you have the horses. Almost half the people here have horses and the cowboys wear cowboy hats, and while that may not seem bad to you, just wait until one shits in your yard. Drunken cowboys, damn! Then you have guns, we all have guns and shootouts over fender benders and calling "your momma"! Guns are everywhere. All the women are fat and most of them lesbians, so unless you like slim pickins (not the actor), avoid TX! No really!

Then we got the Mexicans, hundreds of them, and we have to learn to speak Spanish course they can't speak English! Mexican food, there's a goddam meskin restaurant every 2 blocks and the place smells like goat meat. So take my advice and just stay in California, it has to be better than Texas!

My car after the last traffic incident!

  1. green.png

Then we got the Mexicans, hundreds of them, and we have to learn to speak Spanish course they can't speak English! Mexican food, there's a goddam meskin restaurant every 2 blocks and the place smells like goat meat.

mike that describes many places in Cal....just sayin....
South Carolina sucks...

See that guy in miketx's avatar? We all look like that here...

And don't get me started on the humidity... worse than Texas... it's mostly swamp, truth be told...

Exactly and when you hear the banjo playing run away like hell

One of my good friends moved here from California, all he does all winter is bitch about the snow and the cold. Californians, definitely stay away from states bordering a Great Lakes. The North Winds out of Canada will freeze your ass off, you won't be able to handle it.
Oh yeah, to stay on topic. . .

Typical scene in the winter. If your from Cali, do you really want to deal with this in your morning commute?

FL has the most stringent hurricane code known to man. it can easily cost three times sales value to rebuild. We're also the world's leader in sink holes. Then there is wildlife that eat pets, small children and sometimes adults.
A few words of advice for you.

Let me tell you though, in case no one has, Texas is a terrible place to live. Don't move here. In the summer it averages 120 degrees here and light bills usually run over 500 dollars. Really. Everybody drinks lone star beer too.

Then you have the horses. Almost half the people here have horses and the cowboys wear cowboy hats, and while that may not seem bad to you, just wait until one shits in your yard. Drunken cowboys, damn! Then you have guns, we all have guns and shootouts over fender benders and calling "your momma"! Guns are everywhere. All the women are fat and most of them lesbians, so unless you like slim pickins (not the actor), avoid TX! No really!

Then we got the Mexicans, hundreds of them, and we have to learn to speak Spanish course they can't speak English! Mexican food, there's a goddam meskin restaurant every 2 blocks and the place smells like goat meat. So take my advice and just stay in California, it has to be better than Texas!

My car after the last traffic incident!

  1. green.png

You conveniently forgot:

Trump's tariffs effec | Dallas News
Please don't come to Alabama. You will hate the will hate the Hurricanes.......and we have Evil Coal burning plants here.

and........and...........and..........the Mosquito's are horrible.............

Stay away for your own sake.......Save your lives.............

A few words of advice for you.

Let me tell you though, in case no one has, Texas is a terrible place to live. Don't move here. In the summer it averages 120 degrees here and light bills usually run over 500 dollars. Really. Everybody drinks lone star beer too.

Then you have the horses. Almost half the people here have horses and the cowboys wear cowboy hats, and while that may not seem bad to you, just wait until one shits in your yard. Drunken cowboys, damn! Then you have guns, we all have guns and shootouts over fender benders and calling "your momma"! Guns are everywhere. All the women are fat and most of them lesbians, so unless you like slim pickins (not the actor), avoid TX! No really!

Then we got the Mexicans, hundreds of them, and we have to learn to speak Spanish course they can't speak English! Mexican food, there's a goddam meskin restaurant every 2 blocks and the place smells like goat meat. So take my advice and just stay in California, it has to be better than Texas!

My car after the last traffic incident!

  1. green.png
Hey, at least they left your tires intact. Out here in Ca. they shoot the tires out first so you can't get away.
Photos of California:

View attachment 222442
Yosemite ^^^

San Francsico Bay, wildlife ^^^

GG Bridge & Civil War Fort (Fort Point)
View attachment 222443
Surfing at Fort Point &

Skiing at Squaw Valley

Great wildlife in San Francisco Bay

View attachment 222446

Wrong, the only white shark attack on a person occurred off of Baker's Beach in the mid 1950's

A year of so ago, a white shark attacked a seal near the pier on Alcatraz:

Some news about sharks in the bay:

Great White Sharks in the San Francisco Bay - Shark Stewards

The bay is a wilderness:

SF Bay cove closed after second sea lion attack

And one time while watching the Giants home game on TV a large ray was videoed swimming along the pier of McCovey Cove.

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