De Blasio seems to surprise 'View' by praising Trump's intelligence: 'Crazy like a fox'

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio pushed for heavy scrutiny in choosing the Democratic party's nominee, arguing on Friday that they would face a "smart" opponent in President Trump.

"Donald Trump's smart. I don't agree with a thing he says but he is smart -- he's tough," the 2020 hopeful said while appearing on "The View." Co-host Sunny Hostin seemed confused by his characterization of the president.

"You think he's smart?" she asked. De Blasio responded by saying that he thought Trump was "strategically" smart. After Hostin opined that Trump was "impulsive," co-host Meghan McCain asked whether de Blasio was trying to say that Trump was "crazy like a fox."

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Dwight Eisenhower, who organized the D-Day invasion and liberation of Europe was muddleheaded and unable to speak coherent sentences. President Reagan was an amiable dunce. George H. W. Bush, who flew combat missions off aircraft carriers was a wimp. Ford who played college football for two national championships was inherently clumsy, his son GWB who flew a single-seat jet fighter was borderline retarded and President Trump who has established a world-wide presence in golf and hotels, is lazy and stupid. Are we noticing a pattern yet?

Meanwhile, JFK presided over a ‘New Camelot, Jimmy Carter was the most descent man to ever be President, Lovable Bill Clinton who could play his sax on national TV, Nobel-winning Obama, a ‘god of all things’, and Hillary Clinton absolutely the most qualified human to ever run for President.
Again, noticing a pattern?..... ABNORMALS have their talking points and will never get off them...ROTFLMFAO

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