Day 42: What has he done?

And to date nothing has improved, what's your point? Granted Obumer did not cause the blowout, but he is responsible for solving it, his own words, and to date no improvement....

He has been slow to act, and this once and for all proves he lacks leadership skills, have you seen that picture where he is kneeling down on the beach touching the sand in suit pants? Jeans, maybe dockers? I thought he had better handlers than this, his term is toast.....

Oh and the cherry on top is sending Holder to investigate criminal charges against BP, Transocean, Halliburton & Cameron....didn't he just tell us BP was in charge of stopping this?

This will be an enormous mess to clean up, and politically we will pay a huge price not only at the pump, but in the thousands of by products generated by oil.....

But your list of so called facts have left a lot to be desired, all sides suffer in this tradgady....

He will go down with Wilson, Johnson & Carter as failures....

It is Obama's responsibility to try as hard as he can to fix the problem.

He's not Aquaman, he can't summon whales to swim up the pipe to block it.

He's not a magician who can summon millions of magic bunnies instantly into the pipe to block it.

He's not Superman, and he can't uses his heat vision to seal the breaks in the pipe.

Rome wasn't built in a day, and World War II wasn't won in a month.

If you're so damn pissed, then why aren't you telling the rest of the oil industry to kick in with their equipment and help fix the problem? Once your precious corporations fuck up royally, you want momma government to jump in and make it all better, but otherwise "Hands Off", right?

Yeah I guess to try as hard as he can would include vacations, the NCAA's men's & women's champions ceremony's and Paul McCartney's serenading Michelle at the WH are more important, one of the lefts best James Carville would disagree with your try hard statement, but heah I am just a right wing nut, what do I know?????

Are you sure he can't summon the whales? He thought Bush should have during Katrina with three days notice, it has been 45 days and he finally decides to let the burms be put in?? Dam, I wish I had the the same time frame for my mistakes, so do previous administrations.....

No he is clearly not Aquaman, or a leader for that matter, before long he will blame Bush for the delay in building the burms....

Why no response to letting BP run the show, yet your going to have a criminal investigation by DOJ of the same? Now that is a true sign of good leadership, right?

The Oil Patch as it is called will do what ever necessary to stop this fool, it is their livelyhood....

This is a National Disaster, our government has a role at this point, do you remember Three Mile Island, how about Love Canal, do you need more examples?

I am no fan of BP, they have had a bad track record in this part of the country, but only a fucking idiot would penalize the whole industry because of this, are you that idiot or the one you elected....

Well tell me then, oh political wizard:

Why would any of this make the Republican Party look good?

Explain to me how the main ideals of the Republican Party (small government and free market economics) would have helped in this situation in any way, shape or form? (Since they seem to have no other platform at all besides those points)

On the contrary, those ideals could do nothing but make the situation worse, as they would have included even LESS regulation, and LESS resources to lend to help the situation.

So, if this crisis is making Obama look bad, it SURE AS HELL ISN'T GOING TO HELP ANY OF THE "DRILL BABY DRILL" CROWD GET ELECTED.

And, since the "drill baby drill", "Hands off of corporations" crowd makes up your entire base, when election time comes around, as soon as you idiots start bringing this up, the democrats will start the video clips rolling of your endless tirades against government over-reach in trying to control corporations.

No, you all won't look very good at all, now will you?

Now, personally, I feel this is a national crisis and people should cool it with the same old partisan bullshit, but if you all decide to go there, you will find your foot stuck so far in your mouth that your big toe will be protruding from your buttocks.

Yeah. You run with that... The More-Regulations-That-We-Don't-Bother-To-Enforce-But-Will-Tax-The-Pants-Off-Your-Asses-Anyway-In-Order-To-Create-A-Bigger-Bureaucracy Platform. :lol:

Your regulations didn't stop that oil leak from happening and they didn't stop our current economic crisis. Because... regulations have to actually address the problem and they have to actually be enforced. :eusa_whistle:

The Idiot-In-Chief sure has alot to say about "evil oil companies", but in the 16 months in which he had to address the problem... he sat around with his thumb up his ass. And when a crisis resulted... he sat around with his thumb up his ass some more.

Republicans didn't make his choices for him. BP didn't make his choices for him. He decided for himself to utilize this crisis in order to forward his crappy socialist agenda, to try and implement his Cap-and-Tax scam. So, who's making it political??? lets blame the Democrats because Republicans chose not to enforce regulations.

Makes perfect sense.
Nobig government take overs! Keep those nasty governments out of our private businesses! Right Jihndal?
I just heard BO plans to return to golf on Friday. Predictable.

I know. If he would just put on a scuba suit and go down there it'd all be ok.

So lets get this straight:

Obama is a big government wants to take over everything, etc, etc....

except now when he is hands off, hes irresponsible, not doing enough, doesn't care....

So basically, whatever he does, you loons will criticize him for it.
We really should have been drilling in Alaska. But alas, it is too late to turn back now. Very disturbing to know this has been going on for over a month and it is still not fixed.

A good article by Charles Kruathammer
Charles Krauthammer: Many to blame for oil spill | Philadelphia Inquirer | 05/31/2010

And of course, in the safest of all places - on land - we've had a 30-year ban on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
So we go deep and ultra-deep - to such a technological frontier that no precedent exists for the April 20 blowout in the Gulf of Mexico.

We really should have been drilling in Alaska. But alas, it is too late to turn back now. Very disturbing to know this has been going on for over a month and it is still not fixed.

A good article by Charles Kruathammer
Charles Krauthammer: Many to blame for oil spill | Philadelphia Inquirer | 05/31/2010

And of course, in the safest of all places - on land - we've had a 30-year ban on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
So we go deep and ultra-deep - to such a technological frontier that no precedent exists for the April 20 blowout in the Gulf of Mexico.

Right. Because its not as if shallow oil wells ever have problems.

Maybe we could have, oh I don't know, had stringent safety procedures instead of Republicans wanting to trust corporations all the time, eh?
]Day 42 of the oil leak - what has the Obama White House done to help protect the shoreline and the Americans who call those lands home

Ah, once again the righties don't take responsibility for their own actions..always trying to foist their fuck ups on others. When are you guys going to learn to take responsibility for your own actions? I thought that was one of the main platforms you ran on....
We really should have been drilling in Alaska. But alas, it is too late to turn back now. Very disturbing to know this has been going on for over a month and it is still not fixed.

A good article by Charles Kruathammer
Charles Krauthammer: Many to blame for oil spill | Philadelphia Inquirer | 05/31/2010

And of course, in the safest of all places - on land - we've had a 30-year ban on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
So we go deep and ultra-deep - to such a technological frontier that no precedent exists for the April 20 blowout in the Gulf of Mexico.

Right. Because its not as if shallow oil wells ever have problems.

Maybe we could have, oh I don't know, had stringent safety procedures instead of Republicans wanting to trust corporations all the time, eh?

It is on land you goofy person, it could be handled a lot easier.

How about you stop using so much energy, with your car, your computer ect....Then we can talk about who else loves the oil companies :rolleyes:
If an asteroid hit NY City and caused massive damage throughout the world, Dems would blame a sitting Republican President and Republicans would blame a sitting Democratic President. This is no different than when Bush was blamed for Hurricane Katrina. It's a friggin disaster, but it's not something the President alone can magically make go away.
It is Obama's responsibility to try as hard as he can to fix the problem.

He's not Aquaman, he can't summon whales to swim up the pipe to block it.

He's not a magician who can summon millions of magic bunnies instantly into the pipe to block it.

He's not Superman, and he can't uses his heat vision to seal the breaks in the pipe.

Rome wasn't built in a day, and World War II wasn't won in a month.

If you're so damn pissed, then why aren't you telling the rest of the oil industry to kick in with their equipment and help fix the problem? Once your precious corporations fuck up royally, you want momma government to jump in and make it all better, but otherwise "Hands Off", right?

Conservatives have no moral center and no principles besides hating. That's why they think it's OK to lie and curse. After all, if you were powerless conservative dweeb who just lost the White House and Congress, you'd be angry too.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

That's why you won't see any of them with any ideas on what Obama could do. That would require some thought, and thought is above their pay grade. Besides, the idea that oil companies should be held accountable for their mistakes is just too complicated for their ugly little heads.

So assuming you were anything but a leftist hack who can't hold an argument in a bucket without calling everyone who disagrees with you a liar or a moron or both, what the hell is your point?

My point?

Conservatives have no moral center and no principles besides hating. That's why they think it's OK to lie and curse. After all, if you were powerless conservative dweeb who just lost the White House and Congress, you'd be angry too.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

If you still don't understand, tell me which word you're having trouble with and I'll give you a link to

Thought is above what pay grade?

Thinking, like reality, is something conservatives cant handle.

I don't get paid to think for the federal government. If I did, then I would be one of those assholes up there drawing a fat ass check and sitting around looking at porn all day!!!

Thinking is so far above the conservatives pay grade that they don't even know what it means when someone says that something is above their pay grade

You are insanely misinformed about ANYTHING that has to do with the day to day operations of the federal government, the US Navy or ANY of our armed forces for that matter. Where the hell do you get your information from anyway? Stop watching old episodes of West Wing and apply some effort into research before you start spewing from the asshole above your chin. And when someone brings out a point that you don't like or disagree with, you might want to consider a logical argument instead of just dismissing it as a lie. Which automatically puts you in the JACKASS column for me.

Typical wingnut. Has no facts to post. lets blame the Democrats because Republicans chose not to enforce regulations.

Makes perfect sense.

BP received environmental exemptions in April 2009. Seems like blaming Bush might be a bit of a stretch there, don't it? :eusa_whistle:
And to date nothing has improved, what's your point? Granted Obumer did not cause the blowout, but he is responsible for solving it, his own words, and to date no improvement....

He has been slow to act, and this once and for all proves he lacks leadership skills, have you seen that picture where he is kneeling down on the beach touching the sand in suit pants? Jeans, maybe dockers? I thought he had better handlers than this, his term is toast.....

Oh and the cherry on top is sending Holder to investigate criminal charges against BP, Transocean, Halliburton & Cameron....didn't he just tell us BP was in charge of stopping this?

This will be an enormous mess to clean up, and politically we will pay a huge price not only at the pump, but in the thousands of by products generated by oil.....

But your list of so called facts have left a lot to be desired, all sides suffer in this tradgady....

He will go down with Wilson, Johnson & Carter as failures....

It is Obama's responsibility to try as hard as he can to fix the problem.

He's not Aquaman, he can't summon whales to swim up the pipe to block it.

He's not a magician who can summon millions of magic bunnies instantly into the pipe to block it.

He's not Superman, and he can't uses his heat vision to seal the breaks in the pipe.

Rome wasn't built in a day, and World War II wasn't won in a month.

If you're so damn pissed, then why aren't you telling the rest of the oil industry to kick in with their equipment and help fix the problem? Once your precious corporations fuck up royally, you want momma government to jump in and make it all better, but otherwise "Hands Off", right?

Yeah I guess to try as hard as he can would include vacations, the NCAA's men's & women's champions ceremony's and Paul McCartney's serenading Michelle at the WH are more important, one of the lefts best James Carville would disagree with your try hard statement, but heah I am just a right wing nut, what do I know?????

Are you sure he can't summon the whales? He thought Bush should have during Katrina with three days notice, it has been 45 days and he finally decides to let the burms be put in?? Dam, I wish I had the the same time frame for my mistakes, so do previous administrations.....

No he is clearly not Aquaman, or a leader for that matter, before long he will blame Bush for the delay in building the burms....

Why no response to letting BP run the show, yet your going to have a criminal investigation by DOJ of the same? Now that is a true sign of good leadership, right?

The Oil Patch as it is called will do what ever necessary to stop this fool, it is their livelyhood....

This is a National Disaster, our government has a role at this point, do you remember Three Mile Island, how about Love Canal, do you need more examples?

I am no fan of BP, they have had a bad track record in this part of the country, but only a fucking idiot would penalize the whole industry because of this, are you that idiot or the one you elected....

Are you actually implying that our government is NOT involved with this????? lets blame the Democrats because Republicans chose not to enforce regulations.

Makes perfect sense.

BP received environmental exemptions in April 2009. Seems like blaming Bush might be a bit of a stretch there, don't it? :eusa_whistle:

The exemptions were granted by the MMS workers that bush put in place. Google "minerals management service scandal" lets blame the Democrats because Republicans chose not to enforce regulations.

Makes perfect sense.

BP received environmental exemptions in April 2009. Seems like blaming Bush might be a bit of a stretch there, don't it? :eusa_whistle:

president bush did not loosen the regulations, but the regulations were loosened by the Republicans....

april 09 was 2 months in to obama's presidency...I highly doubt he had replaced all of the "bush" people in MMS yet, with his own people....but go ahead and foolishly act like Obama did this.... :cuckoo: that's nuts in my opinion.
president bush did not loosen the regulations, but the regulations were loosened by the Republicans....

april 09 was 2 months in to obama's presidency...I highly doubt he had replaced all of the "bush" people in MMS yet, with his own people....but go ahead and foolishly act like Obama did this.... :cuckoo: that's nuts in my opinion.

Maybe you guys should have elected Hillary then. Apparently SHE was "ready from Day One" :lol:... unlike the schlep who got in.

He only had, what?... two years to plan? He was only a U.S. Senator with plenty of access to the inside mechanisms of Washington since 2004. Maybe five years isn't enough, regardless of his myriad complaints as to what he wanted to "change". :eusa_eh:
Obama is not responsible for the oil leak.

Obama is in great part responsible for the delay in creating a real call to action on the federal level to protect the U.S. shorelines from that oil. Such protections are a vital responsibility of the federal government.

Instead, Obama took days to even acknowledge the leak - then that lip service was followed by vacations, golf outings, dinner parties, more golf outings, etc. It was only after public sentiment, and rising voices of anger - many from the left, of Obama's seeming indifference, that the president started to at least give the appearance of doing something, but by then, it was too late. Shorelines were unprotected, materials and manpower was lagging as the disaster formed over the course of days and weeks.

Obama had a defining moment to show real executive leadership.

Obama failed.

[ame=]YouTube - Obama's Gulf Oil Spill[/ame] lets blame the Democrats because Republicans chose not to enforce regulations.

Makes perfect sense.

BP received environmental exemptions in April 2009. Seems like blaming Bush might be a bit of a stretch there, don't it? :eusa_whistle:

Who exactly gave BP those environmental exemptions?

The people bush appointed to run the MMS, which is the fed dept that is responsible for regulating the oil drilling