Davos "Conspiracy?" Klaus Schwab says in his own book that people will be tagged and tracked like cattle.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Oh yea those tinfoilers are just batshit blah blah blah, that's all.

Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.” — Klaus Schwab, author of The Great Reset, founder of the World Economic Forum, in his book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”

Oh and let's not forget Schwab's closest advisor, Yuval Harari, who says “humans are now hackable animals”…”free will…is over” (View at Rumble)

Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Chief Science Officer and VP for Pfizer: “When People Tell You What They’re Going to Do, Don’t Ignore Them.”
After watching Blacklist, nothing would surprise me. I always thought the corruptness ran deep but not as deep as what has become a real thing these past few years. So yeah. We will be tracked, tagged and maybe even corralled if we don't all begin to goosestep. That is, if we aren't killed off first from jabs, vaxxed animals and bees, farmland being purchased by Gates and China, etc. What's next? Contaminated water supplies? Oh. Wait. Never mind. Already being done.
Don't understand the fuss .

What's more comforting than having an insert to remind me that others care and have have my problems so close to their hearts ? .

People can be so silly when it comes to talking about their Big Brother because they forget that you can have a kind and caring one who is always there for help and advice .

OK , I was originally told that my Social Credit score was so so lagging that I must go to a re-guidance camp for a much deserved Happy and Helpful treatment .
But they were right . I was going nowhere .
Now I have a purpose .
What would I have done without my lovely Big Brother ?

Why would they need to tag us when we all willingly carry around pocket computers that track our every movement?
Take your point, but I can never be caught because I simply stopped carrying anything ever, unless it was an extreme necessity, many years ago .
And there are many of us who use our noddles .
Take your point, but I can never be caught because I simply stopped carrying anything ever, unless it was an extreme necessity, many years ago .
And there are many of us who use our noddles .

Yep. I have an old flip phone that stays in my car for road emergencies.

Isn't it charming how they look at you as if you had a third arm growing out of the middle of your forehead when you tell them that you don't carry that track-and-trace device everywhere you go?

We already are tagged by our phones.

They listen all the time, gps tracks your location, even if you rip out the gps the phone still has a rough idea where you are based off which cell tower your phone is sending and receiving signals from, people on social media give up info about their daily lives constantly, everytime you pick up a wifi signal it knows where you and more.

Our phones are our tags and as people become more dependent on them we will be tracked more. Especially if they figure out how to force like vaccine passports to people's phone or something similar.

But eventually we will be tagged with internal rfid chips of some sort. That will be the next step after we are forced to switch to digital currency and you can't do anything without some sort of platform for it.

The world economic forum is trapping a wild boar here. You can't just bait a trap. You put food out, then food and one part of the trap, then food and another part of the trap so the boar gets used to it. Then one day the boar walks to eat the food and the door closes and it doesn't realize it's trapped till after it eats and tries to leave.
Why would they need to tag us when we all willingly carry around pocket computers that track our every movement?
Because you can still ditch it and lead a normal life. But not when all currency is digital and you can't even get into a food store without your QR code or later, your chip.

Ironically, a lot of the smartest kids I know, like the kind who go to Cal Tech, are going back to old flip phones. They see where it's going and they don't like it one bit.

Hey wait I thought this was a nutter conspiracy!

Swedes get microchip implants after Covid passport mandate​

Because you can still ditch it and lead a normal life. But not when all currency is digital and you can't even get into a food store without your QR code or later, your chip.

Actually, I practically live on my phone, both for my work, a lot of commerce I do, and so on. I was kind of horrified that Google listed all the places I visit in a given month.

Ironically, a lot of the smartest kids I know, like the kind who go to Cal Tech, are going back to old flip phones. They see where it's going and they don't like it one bit.
I'm sure these are the same hipsters who buy old VCR's because they don't like streaming.

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