David Lindorff (of Salon.com): FBI planned to assassinate Occupy Wall Street Leaders

So, it wasn't bad enough when CNN and Huffingtonpost and other news agencies broke the news that the FBI declared the Occupy Wall Street movement a terrorist organization...

FBI considered Occupy movement potential threat, documents say - CNN.com

FBI Investigated 'Occupy' As Possible 'Terrorism' Threat, Internal Documents Show

Now, under a FIOA request, it has been revealed (and admitted by the FBI) they they planned to kill OWS leaders with suppressed sniper rifles!

FBI Document??[DELETED]? Plots to Kill Occupy Leaders ?If Deemed Necessary? - WhoWhatWhy

Here's part of the document (Redactions are labeled "DELETED")

An identified [DELETED] as of October planned to engage in sniper attacks against protestors (sic) in Houston, Texas if deemed necessary. An identified [DELETED] had received intelligence that indicated the protesters in New York and Seattle planned similar protests in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin, Texas. [DELETED] planned to gather intelligence against the leaders of the protest groups and obtain photographs, then formulate a plan to kill the leadership via suppressed sniper rifles. (Note: protests continued throughout the weekend with approximately 6000 persons in NYC. ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protests have spread to about half of all states in the US, over a dozen European and Asian cities, including protests in Cleveland (10/6-8/11) at Willard Park which was initially attended by hundreds of protesters.)

There is not a shred of evidence in any of your links the FBI was planning to assassinate OWS leaders.

Your topic title is a bald faced lie.

The FBI created a plan to assassinate leaders of the movement. The articles are clear. The plan was most likely only a contingency but it was a plan they made.
So disprove his link and claim. The FBI admitted the plan. As for OWS they were beyond ignorant.

The dude post outlandish post one after another. Rather than bother with his nonsense ill just ignore him. After all I'm a moron for not stocking up on ammo to fight HIS boogeyman

He provided 2 legit links that clearly say what he said. You are the one ignoring reality.

Links =/= reality

This lesson brought to you by the letter C & S, for common sense.
They were advocating violent uprising... isnt that terrorism?

I was unaware that there were leaders. I could have sworn the OWS people were claiming they had no leaders.

Ron Paul started organizing OWS around the "End the Fed" movement (End the Federal Reserve) and then the Big Banks got afraid and used the full force of the government (that they have bought and paid for) to quickly take it down.

Also, Occupy Wall Street had leaders, I was one of them. It was Obama's FBI policy that initially TORE me away from Progressive ideology.

The LSM (Lamestream corporate owned media) purposely ignored the leaders and other groups who had a message and only showed ignorant/dumb teenagers and college kids that decided to "join the party."

Then Obama targeted Gun Owners, and I did a full 180 degree turn from Progressivism to Libertarianism.

Open your eyes.

Tell me about your "leadership" of OWS...

What did you do to "lead" them?
Of course OWS is a threat. They said they were threats. Their mandate "to occupy Wall Street" is a threat. The leader of the rabble, Van Jones once organized an arson and looting rampage. I doubt if the FBI would plan to assassinate them but they might have no choice according to Obama's drone strike plan that has already been in operation and cleared by ....who the fuk knows.
The FBI created a plan to assassinate leaders of the movement. The articles are clear. The plan was most likely only a contingency but it was a plan they made.

What leaders were they planning to assassinate?

Was it Ketchup? PLEASE say it wasn't Ketchup!!!! :eek:


Excuse me?

Reading the rest of the thread, it appears that you agree with me. You should have waited to post until AFTER your forum pals gave you an idea what to think about the subject.

The entire OP is bullshit. How many threads about devious "plans" and dastardly "preparations" do you have to see from certain idiots before you get it?
Liberals are all jealous of Ed Snowden.

No, Katz. Liberals are not dreaming of spending the rest of their lives in Russia like Snowden. That is your dream.

Don't worry. You'll have a cot at the Gulag in due time too. Putin may even give you a photo of him to hang on the wall. If you can supply your own nail.

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