David Frum Fired From Right Wing Think Tank

On Tuesday, in an interview with ABC, Mr. Frum said that Republicans were under the impression that TV network FOX worked for them, but now "we're discovering we work for FOX."

Read more: David Frum dropped by U.S. conservative think-tank
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David Frum dropped by U.S. conservative think tank

Kenyon Wallace, National Post Published: Thursday, March 25, 2010

Conservative commentator and National Post columnist David Frum has lost his job at the American Enterprise Institute, a right-wing public policy think tank, four days after he called the Republican Party's opposition to U.S. health-care reform the "most crushing legislative defeat since the 1960s."

Mr. Frum, who has been a resident fellow at the AEI since 2003, announced the "termination" of his position on his blog on Thursday, saying the decision was made over lunch with AEI President Arthur Brooks.

Read more: David Frum dropped by U.S. conservative think tank
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When you stop drinking the kool aide you gotta leave the party.

Welcome to the state of disenfranchised Americans, Mr. Frum.

Remember, every time a partisan wakes up and smells the corruption of his or her former party AN ANGEL GETS HIS WINGS!

Louisiana purchase?

Student loans in North Dakota?


You're such a tool!
I have no idea who David Frum is, but clearly not all "thought" is welcome at this particular think what we tell you to think tank. :lol:
On Tuesday, in an interview with ABC, Mr. Frum said that Republicans were under the impression that TV network FOX worked for them, but now "we're discovering we work for FOX."

Frum identified the problem with the Republican Party exactly. They have a tiger by the tail and now have no clue how to let go.

They have no means to influence legislation now. The Dems have pushed passed their blocking strategy and now just make a gesture of asking for Republican input.
Republican's who once were capable of compromise and deal making are now too afraid of being attacked by Rush and company to resolve conflicts.
Compromise is viewed as failure and softness.
Sooner or later, Republicans are going to have to answer for "What have you done for me lately?"
Rightwinger, weren't you the one saying that the Dems reached out to be bipartisan and the GOP refused during health care?
So now you admit it was merely a fig leaf to appear bipartisan but in fact the Dems had no intention of compromising anything.
Snagged again.

In fact Frum is an idiot. The GOP had no power from the beginning to stop any piece of legislation the Dums concocted. And yet they remained central to the debate, achieving an unprecedented united front in the face of Democratic bullying and railroading.
It is not their waterloo but their finest hour. It will be remembered as a turning point that will reach a crescendo in November in the largest turnover in U.S. history.
Rightwinger, weren't you the one saying that the Dems reached out to be bipartisan and the GOP refused during health care?
So now you admit it was merely a fig leaf to appear bipartisan but in fact the Dems had no intention of compromising anything.
Snagged again.

In fact Frum is an idiot. The GOP had no power from the beginning to stop any piece of legislation the Dums concocted. And yet they remained central to the debate, achieving an unprecedented united front in the face of Democratic bullying and railroading.
It is not their waterloo but their finest hour. It will be remembered as a turning point that will reach a crescendo in November in the largest turnover in U.S. history.

What color is the sky in your world Ribeye?
Rightwinger, weren't you the one saying that the Dems reached out to be bipartisan and the GOP refused during health care?
So now you admit it was merely a fig leaf to appear bipartisan but in fact the Dems had no intention of compromising anything.
Snagged again.

In fact Frum is an idiot. The GOP had no power from the beginning to stop any piece of legislation the Dums concocted. And yet they remained central to the debate, achieving an unprecedented united front in the face of Democratic bullying and railroading.
It is not their waterloo but their finest hour. It will be remembered as a turning point that will reach a crescendo in November in the largest turnover in U.S. history.

Yes I am.....in fact they wasted three months trying to get bipartisan support starting with the Finance Committee. The final attempt was the Healthcare summit where the President repeatedly offered "Show me what you want in the bill....if you will vote for it, I will work to get it in" The Republicans, like parrots responded...."Scrap the bill and start over"
This gave the President the ammunition he needed to push the bill through. He demonstrated to the American Public that the Republicans were only in it to obstruct.
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In fact Frum is an idiot. The GOP had no power from the beginning to stop any piece of legislation the Dums concocted. And yet they remained central to the debate, achieving an unprecedented united front in the face of Democratic bullying and railroading.
It is not their waterloo but their finest hour. It will be remembered as a turning point that will reach a crescendo in November in the largest turnover in U.S. history.

Frum is correct..

Minority Parties have managed to influence legislation for 200 years. The Fox News mandated "Waterloo" strategy was shown to be a disaster. The November elections are no longer a sure thing for the GOP and what do they have to show for it?
A hope and a prayer is what they have.

You will see them, once again, holding hands in prayer...PRAYING for our President to FAIL. Praying for America to fail.

A hope and a prayer is what they have.

You will see them, once again, holding hands in prayer...PRAYING for our President to FAIL. Praying for America to fail.


That is their Waterloo strategy. Hope for the economy to fail, hope for healthcare to fail and then blame Obama for everything.

But guess what?? The economy is not failing....Healthcare passed

None of the Republican predictions of doom came true
Frum is a fraud. I've been saying that for a long time. He's a classic Neocon/Progressive pretending he's a Conservative. Unfortunately frauds like Frum took control of the Republican Party in recent years. Time for the GOP to wave bye bye to these frauds once and for all. I'm sick of seeing these idiots posing as Conservatives and preaching like they know best. Frum is exactly what's wrong with the GOP at this point. Good riddance.
Left Wing Think Tank

Frum does not speak for Conservatives. He speaks for Neocon/Progressives. He is not an honest man either. He should stop claiming he speaks for Conservatives. That's a lie and he knows it. Shame on him.
By taking a Waterloo strategy, the Republicans have relegated themselves to SideShow status.
With the Democrats holding the center ring, all the GOP can do is sit on the side and gripe that they don't think the show is very good.
On Tuesday, in an interview with ABC, Mr. Frum said that Republicans were under the impression that TV network FOX worked for them, but now "we're discovering we work for FOX."

Read more: David Frum dropped by U.S. conservative think-tank
The National Post is now on Facebook. Join our fan community today.

David Frum dropped by U.S. conservative think tank

Kenyon Wallace, National Post Published: Thursday, March 25, 2010

Conservative commentator and National Post columnist David Frum has lost his job at the American Enterprise Institute, a right-wing public policy think tank, four days after he called the Republican Party's opposition to U.S. health-care reform the "most crushing legislative defeat since the 1960s."

Mr. Frum, who has been a resident fellow at the AEI since 2003, announced the "termination" of his position on his blog on Thursday, saying the decision was made over lunch with AEI President Arthur Brooks.

Read more: David Frum dropped by U.S. conservative think tank
The National Post is now on Facebook. Join our fan community today.

When you stop drinking the kool aide you gotta leave the party.

Welcome to the state of disenfranchised Americans, Mr. Frum.

Remember, every time a partisan wakes up and smells the corruption of his or her former party AN ANGEL GETS HIS WINGS!

Louisiana purchase?

Student loans in North Dakota?


You're such a tool!

What on earth does the Lousiana puchase or student loans in ND have to do with the subject at hand, CF?
How is it that so many people on a political message board do NOT know who Frum is? Come on folks, this is a 1 + 1 question here. If you don't know, it's time to be held back a grade. Seriously!

David Frum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

David J. Frum is a Canadian American self-described conservative journalist active in both the United States and Canadian political arenas. A former economic speechwriter for President George W. Bush, he is also the author of the first "insider" book about the Bush presidency. His editorial columns have appeared in a variety of Canadian and American magazines and newspapers, including the National Post and The Week. He is also the founder of FrumForum.com (formerly NewMajority.com), a political group blog.......

......His first book, Dead Right, was released in 1994. Frank Rich of the New York Times described it as "the smartest book written from the inside about the American conservative movement" and William F. Buckley, Jr. found it "the most refreshing ideological experience in a generation."[16] He is also the author of What's Right (1996) and How We Got Here (2000), a history of the 1970s. Michael Barone of U.S. News & World Report praised How We Got Here, noting that "more than any other book&#8230; it shows how we came to be the way we are." John Podhoretz described it as "compulsively readable" and a "commanding amalgam of history, sociology and polemic."[17]

In January 2003, he released The Right Man: The Surprise Presidency of George W. Bush, the first insider account of the Bush presidency. Frum is widely cited as having authored the phrase "axis of evil," which he discusses in his book.[18] As the title suggests, Frum also discusses how the events of September 11, 2001 redefined the country and the President. Frum writes, "George W. Bush was hardly the obvious man for the job. But by a very strange fate, he turned out to be, of all unlikely things, the right man."

Frum's book An End to Evil was co-written with Richard Perle. It provided a defense of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and advocated regime change in Iran and Syria. Furthermore, it called for a tougher policy with North Korea, as well as advocating a tougher U.S. stance against Saudi Arabia and other Islamic nations in order to "win the war on terror" (the book's by-line).

In 2008, he published Comeback: Conservatism That Can Win Again, a work which former Congressman David M. McIntosh called "required reading for all GOP candidates."
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David Frum, a republican who is no fan of the healthcare bill or Obama had some very insightful comments about problems the party is facing. If you have not read his article "Waterloo", I think you might find it interesting. You can find it at frumforum.com
Sardonic Press

SP: The American Enterprise institute has just confirmed that plans to replace Frum with former US Representative Mark Foley have been called off in what they are calling "an honest misunderstanding that resulted from a typo." It appears that when the final contract documents were emailed to Foley, he signed and returned them believing that he was signing up to become a member of a twink tank. He had never heard of such a thing, but was delighted and excited to give it go nevertheless. Obviously this led to some confusion and somewhat uncomfortable conversations between the two parties, but in the end they agreed to void the contract to go their separate ways.

When you stop drinking the kool aide you gotta leave the party.

Welcome to the state of disenfranchised Americans, Mr. Frum.

Remember, every time a partisan wakes up and smells the corruption of his or her former party AN ANGEL GETS HIS WINGS!

Louisiana purchase?

Student loans in North Dakota?


You're such a tool!

What on earth does the Lousiana puchase or student loans in ND have to do with the subject at hand, CF?

One of the amendments to the HRC bill was dubbed the "Louisiana Purchase" guess why!

Sen. Vitter: Healthcare bill is 'Louisiana Sell-out,' not 'Louisiana Purchase' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

and another one affected student loans.


Hmm, second link not working. Here's the just of the story:

Haha, I can't even copy and paste from the article so goggle-health care bill student loans in Yahoo and it appears first right now.

These and others like the Cornhusker Kickback were all little bits and pieces that the supporters of the bill added or attempted to add to the bill in order to win support for this monstrosity.

Cornhusker Kickback Gets the Boot in Health Bill - TheFiscalTimes.com

And obviously... it worked.

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