David Duke: Donald Trump Comparisons May Rehabilitate Adolf Hitler's Image

As a result of this thread I just watched the latest Duke vid. Is there anything he said that was incorrect? I can't believe how hilariously over the top the zionist controlled The Daily News is.
And the anti american trump supporters cheer this , after America and the world defeated hitler, WWII vets who have sacrificed are rolling in their graves that guys like duke are even allowed to breath

Yesterday on his radio show, former KKK leader David Duke reiterated his praise for Donald Trump, saying that critics’ attempts to compare the GOP presidential frontrunner to Adolf Hitler will backfire and end up “rehabilitating that fellow with the mustache back there in Germany.”

He also urged listeners to continue to support Trump before the government wipes out “the European-American majority.”

David Duke: Donald Trump Comparisons May Rehabilitate Adolf Hitler's Image

David Duke: Donald Trump Comparisons May Rehabilitate Adolf Hitler's Image
As if we care what a failed suicide bomber like guno has to post. Have you found your nut sack yet? Go blow up some more Christians and Jews, with the way you do it, you'll blow your brains out in the middle of your fellow Muslims.
And the anti american trump supporters cheer this , after America and the world defeated hitler, WWII vets who have sacrificed are rolling in their graves that guys like duke are even allowed to breath

Yesterday on his radio show, former KKK leader David Duke reiterated his praise for Donald Trump, saying that critics’ attempts to compare the GOP presidential frontrunner to Adolf Hitler will backfire and end up “rehabilitating that fellow with the mustache back there in Germany.”

He also urged listeners to continue to support Trump before the government wipes out “the European-American majority.”

David Duke: Donald Trump Comparisons May Rehabilitate Adolf Hitler's Image

David Duke: Donald Trump Comparisons May Rehabilitate Adolf Hitler's Image
As if we care what a failed suicide bomber like guno has to post. Have you found your nut sack yet? Go blow up some more Christians and Jews, with the way you do it, you'll blow your brains out in the middle of your fellow Muslims.

I am Jewish you subhuman goy
And the anti american trump supporters cheer this , after America and the world defeated hitler, WWII vets who have sacrificed are rolling in their graves that guys like duke are even allowed to breath

Yesterday on his radio show, former KKK leader David Duke reiterated his praise for Donald Trump, saying that critics’ attempts to compare the GOP presidential frontrunner to Adolf Hitler will backfire and end up “rehabilitating that fellow with the mustache back there in Germany.”

He also urged listeners to continue to support Trump before the government wipes out “the European-American majority.”

David Duke: Donald Trump Comparisons May Rehabilitate Adolf Hitler's Image

David Duke: Donald Trump Comparisons May Rehabilitate Adolf Hitler's Image
As if we care what a failed suicide bomber like guno has to post. Have you found your nut sack yet? Go blow up some more Christians and Jews, with the way you do it, you'll blow your brains out in the middle of your fellow Muslims.

I am Jewish you subhuman goy
I know who you are, and you only play a Jew on the internet. You are a card carrying Muslim and full fledged member of ISIS, and yes, you accidently blew your nut sack off in a failed suicide bombing attempt.
And the anti american trump supporters cheer this ...

The talking heads in the controlled "American" media constantly talk about this KKK-Nazi-Anti-Semite-Bad-Guy David Duke... but they never invite David Duke to any talk show to explain his position.

Does that make any sense? Why not let David Duke talk for himself, if he is so often mentioned!

Why should anybody in his right mind believe what these talking heads in the lame stream legacy media say?

These legacy media lied so often, why should anybody still pay attention to it?

Just ask David Duke what he really said, instead of listening to the lying media!
And let's hear what Isis has to say. Maybe our lying media is painting them wrong too.

Notice we never see videos of them telling us what they want? Maybe what Duke & Isis want our doable? Lol
And the anti american trump supporters cheer this , after America and the world defeated hitler, WWII vets who have sacrificed are rolling in their graves that guys like duke are even allowed to breath

Yesterday on his radio show, former KKK leader David Duke reiterated his praise for Donald Trump, saying that critics’ attempts to compare the GOP presidential frontrunner to Adolf Hitler will backfire and end up “rehabilitating that fellow with the mustache back there in Germany.”

He also urged listeners to continue to support Trump before the government wipes out “the European-American majority.”

David Duke: Donald Trump Comparisons May Rehabilitate Adolf Hitler's Image

David Duke: Donald Trump Comparisons May Rehabilitate Adolf Hitler's Image
As if we care what a failed suicide bomber like guno has to post. Have you found your nut sack yet? Go blow up some more Christians and Jews, with the way you do it, you'll blow your brains out in the middle of your fellow Muslims.

I am Jewish you subhuman goy
That;s interesting from the stand point that when I grew up in Utah none of the Jewish stereotypes were ever mentioned in our house hold let alone in the community; yet no one attacks Mormons on this forum like you do. Interesting paradox for me.
And the anti american trump supporters cheer this , after America and the world defeated hitler, WWII vets who have sacrificed are rolling in their graves that guys like duke are even allowed to breath

Yesterday on his radio show, former KKK leader David Duke reiterated his praise for Donald Trump, saying that critics’ attempts to compare the GOP presidential frontrunner to Adolf Hitler will backfire and end up “rehabilitating that fellow with the mustache back there in Germany.”

He also urged listeners to continue to support Trump before the government wipes out “the European-American majority.”

David Duke: Donald Trump Comparisons May Rehabilitate Adolf Hitler's Image

David Duke: Donald Trump Comparisons May Rehabilitate Adolf Hitler's Image
And the right laugh it off when we make the Hitler comparisons but who did the nazi laugh off when normal Germans compared Hitler to? People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Trumps using the fascist demagogue playbook. Nationalism, racism and anti liberal. Bernie supporters will vote for hillary especially the women

Hitler did not invent, nor own Nationalism.

Trump's policies, such as deporting illegals ARE NOT RACIST.

Anti-liberal? NOt really. Anti-PC, yes. Opposition to his primary issues cuts across the Liberal/Conservative divide.

Now the way you have been propagandized into seeing him and conservatives as the source of America's problems, as a "5TH column" for the enemies of the American people, even so far as constant accusations of conspiracies...
And the anti american trump supporters cheer this , after America and the world defeated hitler, WWII vets who have sacrificed are rolling in their graves that guys like duke are even allowed to breath

Yesterday on his radio show, former KKK leader David Duke reiterated his praise for Donald Trump, saying that critics’ attempts to compare the GOP presidential frontrunner to Adolf Hitler will backfire and end up “rehabilitating that fellow with the mustache back there in Germany.”

He also urged listeners to continue to support Trump before the government wipes out “the European-American majority.”

David Duke: Donald Trump Comparisons May Rehabilitate Adolf Hitler's Image

David Duke: Donald Trump Comparisons May Rehabilitate Adolf Hitler's Image
. So what Duke is saying, is that if anti-Trump supporters keep comparing Trump to Hitler and it sticks, (and especially with the popularity that Trump holds in this country), that it may spark a thought in the Germans minds that maybe Hitler was right all along ????? To say this is to suggest or fear that Trump is another Hitler but only wearing an American shirt ? Is Isis or terrorist giving power to the notion that Hitler was right or is Trump doing that without lifting a finger in doing so ? People don't understand that if you kill people in the naming of a color or a religion, then you are doing the same thing that Hitler was doing. Has Trump killed anyone in the name of a color or a religion ? Nope and never will. Trump would react to a religion only if Waring as a religion in unity together in order to kill or attack others wrongfully (i.e.any religion that takes up arms against another for example in a wrongful way) or any colored people (of any color) set on killing another color or religious people because of in the same way... He would deal with it all in a criminal justice manor. He would react to the crime that would be specific to the person or person's actions, and not against the person's color or religion... He would react specific to the crime that was committed by the person or group who had come together to committ a crime, and he would use that as a message to others to not continue down the same path in life, but only to choose peace instead of death because they are murdering others. To blame Trump instead of the real culprits is typical of the confusion faced in all of this rhetoric being spewed today in America and beyond. To paint Trump as a Hitler or a racist is a tactic being used, but there are no facts to support this as of yet or so far.

I thought what he meant by rehabilitating Hitler
is Trump makes Hitler look good! By comparison!
So the comparison would be that Trump because he is so bad in the posters mind, that he makes Hitler look good eh ? No evidence at all to support such a claim... Moving on.

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