Dark-Man: A Care Bears Adventure (Dystopia!)


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism-synthetics paranoia vignette inspired by the chaos-encounter imagination symbolism presented in the creature-alienation film Altitude.

It's also inspired by Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan.



Dark-Man was a dark and ominous 'presence' from the abyss of the known universe. Dark-Man was a true relic of the 'dark-side,' sometimes 'visiting' the parallax we know as our 'normal universe' by traversing a metaphysical 'axis' of modernism consciousness (i.e., computers). Some wondered why a computer consciousness 'entity' would not resemble A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) robots but rather an ethereal electromagnetic 'spectre' of man-like but also reptilian shape. Sir Isaac Asimov believed that Dark-Man was some kind of 'relic' of virtual-reality after-images 'constructed' by the plethora of electronic (e.g., Internet) stimulus countless people stared at and absorbed into their brains on a daily basis in the modern world!

Dark-Man was no 'nice and sweet angel' but rather a prophetic 'Devil's Advocate' of modern-world piracy (e.g., Internet-hacking) and how new age society pundits, scientists, and social leaders were trying to coordinate commerce-based imagination (e.g., Amazon.com) with consumerism-culture hyperbole (e.g., Napster). That's why the Care Bears (sentient sentinels of heaven sent by God) were needed to confront the ominous intelligence of Dark-Man. Only the Care Bears had the necessary Earthly idealism and metaphysics friendliness to confront Dark-Man's brand of pure Machiavellian anti-capitalism cynicism (e.g., Enron, 9/11, etc.).

DARK-MAN: It's a Burger King universe...
CARE BEAR: There's nothing 'superficial' about commerce-based youthfulness.
DARK-MAN: What's so 'youthful' about cholesterol-culture?
CARE BEAR: Kids love McDonald's Happy Meals and enjoy celebrating toys!
DARK-MAN: Consumerism may yield many 'toys' (e.g., iPods), but there's much 'noise.'
CARE BEAR: Well, to clear up some of that 'cyber-clutter,' we have reliable domains.
DARK-MAN: If you're referring to Wikipedia and Facebook, there's much congestion.
CARE BEAR: You can't deny that shopping-and-networking conveniences promote talk.
DARK-MAN: What if Internet mail-order-brides are the new 'brides' of Frankenstein?
CARE BEAR: As long as there is community evaluations, traffic can feel 'sane.'
DARK-MAN: There should be a metric for measuring time spent on the cyber-world.
CARE BEAR: Energy-management is to Apple what nutrition was to Acme.
DARK-MAN: Maybe this is no longer the post-WWII generation, but GenX is vain!
CARE BEAR: Vanity is unavoidable in a time of immense tech-toy marketing.
DARK-MAN: I suppose you Care Bears are 'defenders' of commercial happiness...
CARE BEAR: Money can't buy everything, but it can secure social contracts!

Dark-Man realized that the Care Bears were much more ingenious and sensitive about modernism metallurgy/metaphysics than he at first assumed. The Care Bears realized that Dark-Man was very focused on the very real and human frill-superficial communications that made consumerism more like 'convenience-imagination' than 'toy-aesthetics.' That was the real conundrum regarding this symbolic exchange between Dark-Man and the Care Bears --- modern civilization needed to somehow (if at all possible!) coordinate labor with ambition. Technology was geared to reduce work but also designed to increase production output/efficiency.

Dark-Man decided to give the Care Bears special jars filled with the blue-light of fireflies from his 'dimension' of the universe (as keepsakes), so the Care Bears would remember Dark-Man when they stared down at his strange and hypnotic 'blue fireflies' (to compare with the 'normal' fun-loving green fireflies people were familiar with on Earth!). Dark-Man explained that his blue fireflies would remind the Care Bears that humanity needed occasional friendly 'reminders' of the intrinsic metaphysical value of expended energy in any form. The Care Bears were simply relieved they 'diluted' a truly anti-Internet (and nihilism-potent) 'nemesis' of modernism imagination who was simply shrinking. Dark-Man was the real Godzilla.


Energon Cubes: Drawing Disease or Democracy Depression?

Should traffic inspire creativity? That's a good TrumpUSA question, no? So why not indulge with some 'modernism fanaticism' for philosophy(!)? This is the sort of thing anti-Western fundamentalist Muslims simply do not think Americans are interested in as daydreamers. After all, McDonald's Happy Meals are somewhat trippy, no (no pun intended)?



"If we think about the orientation of energy in the modern world of great electronics-use, we might arrive at symbolic conclusions regarding the dimensions of consumption (data, foods, goods, stocks, etc.). Consumption creates '3D Systems' of labor in the imagination (and in the design-studios). After all, isn't consumerism primarily about advertising? Where is the cannibalism-discourse in modern capitalism rhetoric? Why do Americans appreciate films such as Ravenous, Rogue Trader, and Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation?

We can even derive a system of 'dynamic cubits' analysis in which 'points in space' represent the stations between which assets flow in a commercial world connected by communications protocols. There's no such thing as 'contract slang' in a Wall Street universe. Terrorism is therefore the new 'leviathan' of networking in all its forms. That's why we can create 3D orientations of 'nonlinear variable-systems' oriented in space to create multiple perspectives on dynamic change. This implies that revolution in a modern futurama-fantasizing civilization is (paradoxically) conceivable and Dark-Man and the Care Bears both represent modernism matrix reinvention, so computers are not in any way bottomless!" -Isaac Asimov



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