Dante challenges Antares to 1 month ban penalty for loser

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
It's an honest request, you made unsubstantiated assertions.
Prove them.

List what you consider an unsubstantied assertion

Junior you are dismissed until you can be honest.

Bullring challenge? Care to wager...say....a month vacancy on usmb?

This started after Dante posited, wealth redistribution in the USA is as American as Mom and Apple Pie.

If Ant, accepts Dante will start the thread in the Bullring forum. We can agree on the issue and rules and penalties here in this thread. [MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION]
Dante vs Antares: The USA - Created & Greatness Achieved with Wealth ReDistribution so says Dante

First: there are rules and then there are rules agreed uppn by the participants. I trust [MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION] to be able to play making the rules up as we go along. :cool:

............ ............ ............

Dante said:
Antares said:
Dante said:

Antares said:
The purpose was and is wealth redistribution.
Clue: The USA was built and achieved greatness upon the concept and principle of wealth redistribution.

Try US History 101

The idea that wealth redistribution is a new and foreign concept alien to American Capitalism is nothing but bullshit

(shrugs)Prove it.

Start with the financing and resolution of debt for the War of Independence...

then let us know what you think of disbursement of tax dollars throughout America's growth as a great nation

Dante has chosen to ask the @usmb membership to be the judge of who wins/loses. :cool:

Let us keep the poll open for one week from today: midnight PST Sunday, November 10, 2013

The prize? How about the loser and winner both agree to use an avatar for one full month, avatars of the membership's suggestion, decided upon before the thread closes?

If agreed upon by all sides, Dante will start the th read with the poll containing 3 choices.
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Here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/the-b...ness-achieved-with-wealth-redistribution.html

freedombecki said:
Dante vs Antares: The USA - Created & Greatness Achieved with Wealth ReDistribution so says Dante

Challenge accepted: http://www.usmessageboard.com/bull-...antares-to-1-month-ban-penalty-for-loser.html

And info on winner/loser Avatar agreement and why a poll


I believe there is ample evidence in US History to prove the USA was created with and sustained it's great prosperity because of the concept and principles of wealth distribution.
I don't think that the act of making bets with the intention of making another poster leave USMB one way or another is good for the boards, especially when someone who is well-liked leaves.

Just my two cents.

Oldstyle said:
The idea that the United States of America was formed and prospered because of "wealth redistribution" is so utterly ridiculous that I'm amazed that even a die hard progressive Kool Aid drinker like yourself wants to go down that road.

There is NOTHING to indicate that the Founding Fathers...men who were by and large successful merchants and plantation owners had any intentions to "redistribute" wealth. Quite frankly, if someone had broached that idea it would have been met by howls of protest.

I'm curious, Dante...where do you come up with this foolishness? Is there some idiotic Political Science professor spouting it? Are you gleaning it from Huff Po or Think Progress sites? I'm simply blown away that anyone thinks that was what the United States was about when it was formed.
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Bullring discussions and Call-outs: They go here.

The temp ban was going to be a mutual agreement. freedombecki just misread things or read more intothings than was there.

Dante was actually putting himself up...or did beckie just naturally assume Dante wins/ :lol:

Dante also allowed members to.vote in main thread. Oops? :eek:

Maybe tge vote poll should have been put here. It appears to have invitrd comments in the wrong tvread -- the read only tbread set aside for opposing sides in a one-on_pne debate (teams or individuals)
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Here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/the-b...ness-achieved-with-wealth-redistribution.html

freedombecki said:
Dante vs Antares: The USA - Created & Greatness Achieved with Wealth ReDistribution so says Dante

Challenge accepted: http://www.usmessageboard.com/bull-...antares-to-1-month-ban-penalty-for-loser.html

And info on winner/loser Avatar agreement and why a poll


I believe there is ample evidence in US History to prove the USA was created with and sustained it's great prosperity because of the concept and principles of wealth distribution.
I don't think that the act of making bets with the intention of making another poster leave USMB one way or another is good for the boards, especially when someone who is well-liked leaves.

Just my two cents.

Oldstyle said:
The idea that the United States of America was formed and prospered because of "wealth redistribution" is so utterly ridiculous that I'm amazed that even a die hard progressive Kool Aid drinker like yourself wants to go down that road.

There is NOTHING to indicate that the Founding Fathers...men who were by and large successful merchants and plantation owners had any intentions to "redistribute" wealth. Quite frankly, if someone had broached that idea it would have been met by howls of protest.

I'm curious, Dante...where do you come up with this foolishness? Is there some idiotic Political Science professor spouting it? Are you gleaning it from Huff Po or Think Progress sites? I'm simply blown away that anyone thinks that was what the United States was about when it was formed.

[MENTION=29697]freedombecki[/MENTION] Dante already apologized for causing any confusion and will leave it at that. This is not the place to play the Dante game. :D:


[MENTION=31215]Oldstyle[/MENTION] What can Dante say? He is not challenging you to a debate. If YOU want, you can challenge Dante to a debate -- or you can watch this one unfold over time in the main thread (not this Discussion and Call-out thread) and vote your heart or your principle. :D:

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"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it."- Thomas Jefferson

"The government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." - James Madison

"Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated." - Thomas Jefferson

When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic" - Benjamin Franklin

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