Damned Liberal Courts

SFC Ollie

Still Marching
Oct 21, 2009
Extreme East Ohio
Last August my father was pinned behind a door then knocked down by a worker at his assisted living home. When he fell he broke his hip. 3 weeks later he died of complications.

On 18 Dec 09 we finally got the coroners report, "Homicide, due to blunt trauma injuries caused by another".

Today, 11 March 2010, the Grand Jury finally indited this worker for "Abuse of a Patient" a 4th class felony.

Where did the homicide charge go to? This trash will probably end up with a slap on the wrist and still work in another home somewhere.
Last August my father was pinned behind a door then knocked down by a worker at his assisted living home. When he fell he broke his hip. 3 weeks later he died of complications.

On 18 Dec 09 we finally got the coroners report, "Homicide, due to blunt trauma injuries caused by another".

Today, 11 March 2010, the Grand Jury finally indited this worker for "Abuse of a Patient" a 4th class felony.

Where did the homicide charge go to? This trash will probably end up with a slap on the wrist and still work in another home somewhere.

what, pray tell, does a grand jury indictment have to do with "liberal courts"? The courts have nothing to do with grand juries. district attorneys do.
Last August my father was pinned behind a door then knocked down by a worker at his assisted living home. When he fell he broke his hip. 3 weeks later he died of complications.

On 18 Dec 09 we finally got the coroners report, "Homicide, due to blunt trauma injuries caused by another".

Today, 11 March 2010, the Grand Jury finally indited this worker for "Abuse of a Patient" a 4th class felony.

Where did the homicide charge go to? This trash will probably end up with a slap on the wrist and still work in another home somewhere.

what, pray tell, does a grand jury indictment have to do with "liberal courts"? The courts have nothing to do with grand juries. district attorneys do.

Not a lawyer or even pretend to understand the entire system but if a grand jury isn't part of the courts then I'm really lost. But then can you understand my, (and my families) frustration?
Grand juries are made up of avg citizens just like for regular juries.

Sorry about your Dad

But with one of those trial lawyers at your side you should be set up for a good civil suit settlement against the nursing home.
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Last August my father was pinned behind a door then knocked down by a worker at his assisted living home. When he fell he broke his hip. 3 weeks later he died of complications.

On 18 Dec 09 we finally got the coroners report, "Homicide, due to blunt trauma injuries caused by another".

Today, 11 March 2010, the Grand Jury finally indited this worker for "Abuse of a Patient" a 4th class felony.

Where did the homicide charge go to? This trash will probably end up with a slap on the wrist and still work in another home somewhere.

That's not 'liberal courts' that's the grand jury.... I'm guessing that whatever piece of evidence was needed just wasn't there.

Sometimes there's a difference between what you know happened and what you can prove happened.

sorry about your father.
Last August my father was pinned behind a door then knocked down by a worker at his assisted living home. When he fell he broke his hip. 3 weeks later he died of complications.

On 18 Dec 09 we finally got the coroners report, "Homicide, due to blunt trauma injuries caused by another".

Today, 11 March 2010, the Grand Jury finally indited this worker for "Abuse of a Patient" a 4th class felony.

Where did the homicide charge go to? This trash will probably end up with a slap on the wrist and still work in another home somewhere.

what, pray tell, does a grand jury indictment have to do with "liberal courts"? The courts have nothing to do with grand juries. district attorneys do.

Not a lawyer or even pretend to understand the entire system but if a grand jury isn't part of the courts then I'm really lost. But then can you understand my, (and my families) frustration?

I can understand your frustration. WHat political party is the district attorney, by the way? Be mad at him... HE sought the indictment....HE put witnesses before the grand jury. the court will be where the trial occurs on the charges that the grand jury brought forth.

And of course I can understand your frustration... I merely think it is misplaced, and, as a conservative, you are way too quick to blame liberals for something that a jury full of your PEERS decided.
Grand juries are made up of avg citizens just like for regular juries.

Sorry about your Dad

But with one of those trial lawyers at your side you should be set up for a good civil suit settlement against the nursing home.

We actually started talks with a lawyer about that, when we realized we were all against frivolous lawsuits. The home didn't cause it, an individual did. Though my younger sister may decide to sue on her own, she's like that.
what, pray tell, does a grand jury indictment have to do with "liberal courts"? The courts have nothing to do with grand juries. district attorneys do.

Not a lawyer or even pretend to understand the entire system but if a grand jury isn't part of the courts then I'm really lost. But then can you understand my, (and my families) frustration?

I can understand your frustration. WHat political party is the district attorney, by the way? Be mad at him... HE sought the indictment....HE put witnesses before the grand jury. the court will be where the trial occurs on the charges that the grand jury brought forth.

And of course I can understand your frustration... I merely think it is misplaced, and, as a conservative, you are way too quick to blame liberals for something that a jury full of your PEERS decided.

This county is 100% Democrat controlled, has been for 30 years. The prosecutor has refused for the past 3 months to answer or return any of our phone calls. I was acting as the family spokesman with the detective and prosecutors office, I kept the other 6 from calling and pestering them so they could do their job. Tomorrow I will be calling the Chief Prosecutors office and pitching a bitch. They had enough to go with more than mistreating a patient. I'm not so sure I should even get into too much of the details. But there is little doubt they had more.
Grand juries are made up of avg citizens just like for regular juries.

Sorry about your Dad

But with one of those trial lawyers at your side you should be set up for a good civil suit settlement against the nursing home.

We actually started talks with a lawyer about that, when we realized we were all against frivolous lawsuits. The home didn't cause it, an individual did. Though my younger sister may decide to sue on her own, she's like that.

I hardly think that seeking redress for the wrongful death of your parent at the hands of an employee of a nursing home can be considered "frivolous". If nursing homes are not held accountable for the actions of their employees, who KNOWS what sort of abuse and malfeasance will result?

Did someone force the nursing home to hire the individual, or did they make the determination that he or she was qualified to provide services to your father? Was that an appropriate determination? I think not.
Not a lawyer or even pretend to understand the entire system but if a grand jury isn't part of the courts then I'm really lost. But then can you understand my, (and my families) frustration?

I can understand your frustration. WHat political party is the district attorney, by the way? Be mad at him... HE sought the indictment....HE put witnesses before the grand jury. the court will be where the trial occurs on the charges that the grand jury brought forth.

And of course I can understand your frustration... I merely think it is misplaced, and, as a conservative, you are way too quick to blame liberals for something that a jury full of your PEERS decided.

This county is 100% Democrat controlled, has been for 30 years. The prosecutor has refused for the past 3 months to answer or return any of our phone calls. I was acting as the family spokesman with the detective and prosecutors office, I kept the other 6 from calling and pestering them so they could do their job. Tomorrow I will be calling the Chief Prosecutors office and pitching a bitch. They had enough to go with more than mistreating a patient. I'm not so sure I should even get into too much of the details. But there is little doubt they had more.

I would demand an explanation. I would write letters to the editor and I would hound the media to not let the issue die.... AND, I would definitely sue the nursing home.
Not a lawyer or even pretend to understand the entire system but if a grand jury isn't part of the courts then I'm really lost. But then can you understand my, (and my families) frustration?

I can understand your frustration. WHat political party is the district attorney, by the way? Be mad at him... HE sought the indictment....HE put witnesses before the grand jury. the court will be where the trial occurs on the charges that the grand jury brought forth.

And of course I can understand your frustration... I merely think it is misplaced, and, as a conservative, you are way too quick to blame liberals for something that a jury full of your PEERS decided.

This county is 100% Democrat controlled, has been for 30 years. The prosecutor has refused for the past 3 months to answer or return any of our phone calls. I was acting as the family spokesman with the detective and prosecutors office, I kept the other 6 from calling and pestering them so they could do their job. Tomorrow I will be calling the Chief Prosecutors office and pitching a bitch. They had enough to go with more than mistreating a patient. I'm not so sure I should even get into too much of the details. But there is little doubt they had more.

Sorry about your dad.

Consider this, it's liberal courts that would most likely fight for patients rights. It's conservative courts that would fight for the right of the company, in this case, the nursing home that allowed this too happen. Even you have to admit that's true. It's one of the main differences between liberal and conservative.
Negligent or even worse in oyr fathers case death is never frivilous.

Falling in a floor in wally workd and bruising your butt is a frivilous lawsuit.
Please understand that I really need to vent a bit about this. I do appreciate each of you offering advice, understanding and condolences.
I don't understand. If they have enough to indict on abuse of a patient, yet the coroner ruled that the abuse caused death, seems like a direct connection to the homicide to me. Not a lawyer at all.

Sorry about your dad.
I don't understand. If they have enough to indict on abuse of a patient, yet the coroner ruled that the abuse caused death, seems like a direct connection to the homicide to me. Not a lawyer at all.

Sorry about your dad.

Which is exactly what we figured too. Seems we are wrong. Or somebody knows somebody. I don't know, I'm tired.........
Please understand that I really need to vent a bit about this. I do appreciate each of you offering advice, understanding and condolences.

Ollie, the grand jury is not the courts. The grand jury is YOUR COMMUNITY.

You have been indoctrinated by Rush, Sean and Sarah Palin.
You need to let facts dominate your thought processes instead of IDEOLOGY.

Ollie, the grand jury are citizens and your neighbors. The courts have Nothing to do with the grand jury.

I do sympathize with you. I would have hoped something other than what happened would have happened but the grand jury system is a fair and impartial unbiased system. However, it does seem very unfair what happened and I do understand your frustration and believe you are justified with that. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
I don't understand. If they have enough to indict on abuse of a patient, yet the coroner ruled that the abuse caused death, seems like a direct connection to the homicide to me. Not a lawyer at all.

Sorry about your dad.

Which is exactly what we figured too. Seems we are wrong. Or somebody knows somebody. I don't know, I'm tired.........
I'd make an appointment with the prosecutor's office.
Grand juries are made up of avg citizens just like for regular juries.

Sorry about your Dad

But with one of those trial lawyers at your side you should be set up for a good civil suit settlement against the nursing home.

We actually started talks with a lawyer about that, when we realized we were all against frivolous lawsuits. The home didn't cause it, an individual did. Though my younger sister may decide to sue on her own, she's like that.

the nursing home would be responsible for the actions of its employees. (see thread on guy running over daughter with truck)

I'm afraid I don't understand not pursuing them. you don't know what the guy's history is. how do you know he hasn't been moved from nursing home to nursing home or doesn't have a prior criminal record that the home should have known about... or maybe even KNEW about.
This county is 100% Democrat controlled, has been for 30 years. The prosecutor has refused for the past 3 months to answer or return any of our phone calls. I was acting as the family spokesman with the detective and prosecutors office, I kept the other 6 from calling and pestering them so they could do their job. Tomorrow I will be calling the Chief Prosecutors office and pitching a bitch. They had enough to go with more than mistreating a patient. I'm not so sure I should even get into too much of the details. But there is little doubt they had more.

First, I am sorry about your father.

Second, I couldn't disagree more. This is why civil litigation exists. The nursing home had a duty to ensure that their employees were not abusive and they breached that duty and it resulted in the death of your father.

I doubt this was an isolated incident either.

It is your business, but I would be talking to a lawyer now. Just because you heard a health stream of bunk about the evils of trial lawyers doesn't mean that they don't serve a valuable role. Especially when the criminal courts have failed you.
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