Dallas police officer charged in fatal shooting of unarmed neighbor


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
This case is making me very uneasy for several reasons the least of which is that in the U.S. of A in 2018 just being a black male is considered by the police to be such a serious threat that absent an actual threat, their first instinct is to shoot to kill.

There is no doubt that this officer was wrong, but the delay in arresting her has caused many to wonder if they ("law enforcement") are trying to justify or rationalize her "fear" of the appearance of a black male in a place that in her mind he shouldn't have been. It's very worrisome that she was unable or trained not to think/evaluate the situation in front of her but instead to shoot first.

I've read that she's the only female on an elite all male task force that deals with high risk arrests so this is not just bad for the Jean family or Officer Guyger, the PD will probably see it as a loss of an asset and a hit to their reputation and one of their success stories as well although none of that compares to the loss of the life of Mr. Jean. But I have wondered if that's why they appear to be giving her deference - most people would be in custody while they figure things out, but not her. They allowed her to go free until they concluded their preliminary investigation.

Dallas police officer Amber Guyger charged in fatal shooting of Botham Shem Jean - CNN

(CNN)A Dallas police officer who fatally shot a man in his apartment after mistaking it for her own was arrested Sunday on a manslaughter charge, the Texas Rangers said.

Amber Guyger, who is white, was off-duty when she shot Botham Shem Jean, a black man, police said Thursday. The 26-year-old native of St. Lucia was unarmed. He died at a hospital.
Guyger was released from the Kaufman County Jail on Sunday evening after posting a $300,000 bond.​

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