Daily Number of Vaccinations Down After Biden Announces Mandates


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
What is pretty straightforward, though, is that Biden’s threat that if you don’t get vaccinated, you might not be allowed to hold a job, did nothing to move the needle.

What we also know is that Biden made this announcement for four reasons.

The first is that with his poll numbers sagging, primarily due to his feckless handling of Afghanistan and the economy, he wanted to appear presidential and decisive.

Secondly, he wanted to change the national conversation; he wanted to stop us from talking about how he handed the Taliban hundreds of American hostages and tens of billions of dollars in operational U.S. war equipment.

Third, this was an opportunity to appeal to his fascist left-wing base, and he must hold that base to stop his numbers from caving-in entirely.

Fourth, this was yet another opportunity for Biden to demean and dehumanize the unvaccinated, who the organized left (Democrats, the media, celebrity, etc.) imply are only Trump supporters.

And His Fraudulency does this because he knows that the best way to convince the unvaccinated to remain unvaccinated is by dehumanizing, demeaning, and bullying them.

If you doubt that, please tell me when dehumanizing, demeaning, and bullying someone convinced them to do anything?

I can tell you why Joe and progressives do this...They are following the Nazi playbook of demonizing, and blaming the chosen targets for all their problems...
I can tell you why Joe and progressives do this...They are following the Nazi playbook of demonizing, and blaming the chosen targets for all their problems...
Hahaha, you say this while demonizing and blaming Joe and progressives!! That’s a good one, thanks for the chuckle.
I can tell you why Joe and progressives do this...They are following the Nazi playbook of demonizing, and blaming the chosen targets for all their problems...
yes--yes--they keep blaming [ like kids do !!! ] the previous admin!!!!!
I can tell you why Joe and progressives do this...They are following the Nazi playbook of demonizing, and blaming the chosen targets for all their problems...
We knew it would slow down. It’s just a numbers game really. Those that wanted it got it. Some hesitant people trickled in later and those that are left had legitimate serious concerns so we’re waiting. What Bidumb did with the mandate was solidify those peoples opinion that they don’t trust the government/vaccine/ pressure tactics. Basically anyone with any distrust at all was then dead set against it. We would probably have a lot more vaccinated if the mandate hadn’t been made.
How interesting would it be if a side effect of the vax turns out to be sterility?
Hahaha, you say this while demonizing and blaming Joe and progressives!! That’s a good one, thanks for the chuckle.
Ther is no equivalent CRT which blames white for every problem.......CRT is a prototypical tool for fascists
How dare you point out the obvious! That’s not in the democrat playbook of demonizing people! We demonize people not you!

Haha ok. I guess it’s ok to demonize others for demonizing as long as those you demonize are demonizing. Right?
Ther is no equivalent CRT which blames white for every problem.......CRT is a prototypical tool for fascists
Can you give an example of something that CRT unjustly blames whites for? Can you quote the CRT text and not just use your interpretation of it?
No shit...the left says Tuskeegee was bad....but the govt was doing it....so it's perfectly fine......and segregation......govt was right again


The cool kids used to be ANTIESTABLISHMENT…now they are antidisetastablishmentarianists.

Eric MOTHER FUCKING Clapton said he would not perform at a venue that insists on proof of vaccination for the audience….
….so the left personally attacked. SLOWHAND.

That is how fucked in the head they are.

Eric Clapton is now a Nazi…..for freedom. :laughing0301: :hyper: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :hyper:
Daily Number of Vaccinations Down After Biden Announces Mandates

Biden did not make vaccinations a mandate.

If you want to get covid, go for it---


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