DACA Has A New Meaning Now-----'Democrats Against Citizens of America'

That's right:

D = Democrats
A = Against
C = (Legal) Citizens (of)
A = America

What those slimy bastards did last night, led by the Israel Firster/ Anti-American Jew Chuck Schumer, was unprecedented. They put illegal aliens as priority number one over our military service members, their families, and last but not least, the lawful abiding American natural born citizen. We must never forget when the 2018 November midterms arrive. It's apparent they reject the motto 'America First'.

Government Shutdown Begins as Budget Talks Falter in Senate
Democrats support La Raza

Disgusting subhuman muthafuckers!
Fuck wetbacks!
The world had no use for North America at all until the White Man came along and discovered it and built it into The United States. Now the whole world vilifies the White Man for raising the bar in between either hating us and at the same time envying us and wanting to carve America up amongst themselves.
That's right:

D = Democrats
A = Against
C = (Legal) Citizens (of)
A = America

What those slimy bastards did last night, led by the Israel Firster/ Anti-American Jew Chuck Schumer, was unprecedented. They put illegal aliens as priority number one over our military service members, their families, and last but not least, the lawful abiding American natural born citizen. We must never forget when the 2018 November midterms arrive. It's apparent they reject the motto 'America First'.

Government Shutdown Begins as Budget Talks Falter in Senate

That has always been the meaning.

Probably true, but shutting down the US Government to placate non-citizens is a new all time low for the Party. It's unbelievable.
You don't shut the US Government down to placate non-citizens. The Democratic Party has proven once and for all that it doesn't serve American Citizens' best interests. There's no logical reason for casting a vote for a Democrat at this point. If you're a Citizen, it's only voting against your own best interests. The Democratic Party has thrown American Citizens overboard. Period, end of story.
Last edited:
That's right:

D = Democrats
A = Against
C = (Legal) Citizens (of)
A = America

What those slimy bastards did last night, led by the Israel Firster/ Anti-American Jew Chuck Schumer, was unprecedented. They put illegal aliens as priority number one over our military service members, their families, and last but not least, the lawful abiding American natural born citizen. We must never forget when the 2018 November midterms arrive. It's apparent they reject the motto 'America First'.

Government Shutdown Begins as Budget Talks Falter in Senate
Democrats support La Raza

Maybe the democrats could move to their country in Mexico
That's right:

D = Democrats
A = Against
C = (Legal) Citizens (of)
A = America

What those slimy bastards did last night, led by the Israel Firster/ Anti-American Jew Chuck Schumer, was unprecedented. They put illegal aliens as priority number one over our military service members, their families, and last but not least, the lawful abiding American natural born citizen. We must never forget when the 2018 November midterms arrive. It's apparent they reject the motto 'America First'.

Government Shutdown Begins as Budget Talks Falter in Senate

Ill say it again. It is easiest to understand if you just think of the two parties as the GOP being the American Party to keep things for Americans (what passes for conservation now) and the Democratic Party as a Foreign Influenced and Foreign Infiltrated Party bought, backed and owned now all looking to take over America like a big apple pie in order to give it to their foreign friends and partners (for a price, of course). Since America (in their eyes) is fundamentally flawed, any change is seen as progress, thus the term: Progressive Movement.

All one needs to do is look at how democrats, Trump-bashers and GOP haters so often rail against America and have so many flagrant foreign influences. The Democratic Party in its modern form is now a threat to America as a political coup aimed at overthrowing America, it is a foreign driven, Soros-backed political coup and its adherents, especially in Washington, are all sell-outs to their country, sold out like Hillary to make a buck and foreign governments know they all have a friend in the Democratic Party where they can always be sure there is another Democrat that can be easily bought.

In a sane world, such people are considered traitors and summarily shot, except America has become so infiltrated and compromised now at the highest levels that it is almost impossible to prosecute any of them because the prosecutors are themselves, compromised.

The GOP is not the party of America. It is the party of hate and shares the same Aryan philosophy that Hitler shared. Standing up to this dangerous philosophy is not hate. It is a duty of real Americans to fight this. If anyone should be summarily shot, it would be people like you.
That's right:

D = Democrats
A = Against
C = (Legal) Citizens (of)
A = America

What those slimy bastards did last night, led by the Israel Firster/ Anti-American Jew Chuck Schumer, was unprecedented. They put illegal aliens as priority number one over our military service members, their families, and last but not least, the lawful abiding American natural born citizen. We must never forget when the 2018 November midterms arrive. It's apparent they reject the motto 'America First'.

Government Shutdown Begins as Budget Talks Falter in Senate
Democrats support La Raza

Maybe the democrats could move to their country in Mexico

Let's move you and your ilk to Mexico. You can turn that country into a shithole.
Yeah to shut down the US Government over placating non-citizens, does prove once and for all the Democratic Party doesn't serve American Citizens' best interests. I'm shocked they chose to shut it down and screw Americans. Definitely an all time low for the Party. Shame on em.

American citizens support the Democrat position on DACA. It includes support for DACA from conservatives, moderates, liberals, people with degrees and people without, men women, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.
That's right:

D = Democrats
A = Against
C = (Legal) Citizens (of)
A = America

What those slimy bastards did last night, led by the Israel Firster/ Anti-American Jew Chuck Schumer, was unprecedented. They put illegal aliens as priority number one over our military service members, their families, and last but not least, the lawful abiding American natural born citizen. We must never forget when the 2018 November midterms arrive. It's apparent they reject the motto 'America First'.

Government Shutdown Begins as Budget Talks Falter in Senate

Ill say it again. It is easiest to understand if you just think of the two parties as the GOP being the American Party to keep things for Americans (what passes for conservation now) and the Democratic Party as a Foreign Influenced and Foreign Infiltrated Party bought, backed and owned now all looking to take over America like a big apple pie in order to give it to their foreign friends and partners (for a price, of course). Since America (in their eyes) is fundamentally flawed, any change is seen as progress, thus the term: Progressive Movement.

All one needs to do is look at how democrats, Trump-bashers and GOP haters so often rail against America and have so many flagrant foreign influences. The Democratic Party in its modern form is now a threat to America as a political coup aimed at overthrowing America, it is a foreign driven, Soros-backed political coup and its adherents, especially in Washington, are all sell-outs to their country, sold out like Hillary to make a buck and foreign governments know they all have a friend in the Democratic Party where they can always be sure there is another Democrat that can be easily bought.

In a sane world, such people are considered traitors and summarily shot, except America has become so infiltrated and compromised now at the highest levels that it is almost impossible to prosecute any of them because the prosecutors are themselves, compromised.

The GOP is not the party of America. It is the party of hate and shares the same Aryan philosophy that Hitler shared. Standing up to this dangerous philosophy is not hate. It is a duty of real Americans to fight this. If anyone should be summarily shot, it would be people like you.

The Democrat Party is the scum of America. It is a filthy ass coalition of all the despicable greedy assholes in this country. Blacks that too dumb to think for themselves. welfare queens, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts, Feminazis, union bosses, illegals, Moon Bats and confused college kids that have been brainwashed by their nutty Marxist professors.

The Democrat Party lost real America back when it created the welfare state so that (as LBJ said) "I'll have those goddamn Niggras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".

Nowadays the Democrat Party is bat shit crazy extreme Left. That is why Crooked Hillary lost and the Democrats have lost over 1,000 national seats, Congress and the Presidency.

What they are now is despicable.
Last edited:
That's right:

D = Democrats
A = Against
C = (Legal) Citizens (of)
A = America

What those slimy bastards did last night, led by the Israel Firster/ Anti-American Jew Chuck Schumer, was unprecedented. They put illegal aliens as priority number one over our military service members, their families, and last but not least, the lawful abiding American natural born citizen. We must never forget when the 2018 November midterms arrive. It's apparent they reject the motto 'America First'.

Government Shutdown Begins as Budget Talks Falter in Senate
Democrats support La Raza

Maybe the democrats could move to their country in Mexico

Let's move you and your ilk to Mexico. You can turn that country into a shithole.
Mexico is already a shithole, pajama boy! That's why they want to come here. Unconstitutional DACA is coming to an end. Chain migration is coming to an end. The Democrat party is coming to an end this November. And finally, when the Wall is built, wetbacks trying to illegally come to America will end.
That's right:

D = Democrats
A = Against
C = (Legal) Citizens (of)
A = America

What those slimy bastards did last night, led by the Israel Firster/ Anti-American Jew Chuck Schumer, was unprecedented. They put illegal aliens as priority number one over our military service members, their families, and last but not least, the lawful abiding American natural born citizen. We must never forget when the 2018 November midterms arrive. It's apparent they reject the motto 'America First'.

Government Shutdown Begins as Budget Talks Falter in Senate
Democrats support La Raza

Maybe the democrats could move to their country in Mexico

Let's move you and your ilk to Mexico. You can turn that country into a shithole.

Try you treasonous fk! Go be with the illegals you love. Sally’s Clown
That's right:

D = Democrats
A = Against
C = (Legal) Citizens (of)
A = America

What those slimy bastards did last night, led by the Israel Firster/ Anti-American Jew Chuck Schumer, was unprecedented. They put illegal aliens as priority number one over our military service members, their families, and last but not least, the lawful abiding American natural born citizen. We must never forget when the 2018 November midterms arrive. It's apparent they reject the motto 'America First'.

Government Shutdown Begins as Budget Talks Falter in Senate

Ill say it again. It is easiest to understand if you just think of the two parties as the GOP being the American Party to keep things for Americans (what passes for conservation now) and the Democratic Party as a Foreign Influenced and Foreign Infiltrated Party bought, backed and owned now all looking to take over America like a big apple pie in order to give it to their foreign friends and partners (for a price, of course). Since America (in their eyes) is fundamentally flawed, any change is seen as progress, thus the term: Progressive Movement.

All one needs to do is look at how democrats, Trump-bashers and GOP haters so often rail against America and have so many flagrant foreign influences. The Democratic Party in its modern form is now a threat to America as a political coup aimed at overthrowing America, it is a foreign driven, Soros-backed political coup and its adherents, especially in Washington, are all sell-outs to their country, sold out like Hillary to make a buck and foreign governments know they all have a friend in the Democratic Party where they can always be sure there is another Democrat that can be easily bought.

In a sane world, such people are considered traitors and summarily shot, except America has become so infiltrated and compromised now at the highest levels that it is almost impossible to prosecute any of them because the prosecutors are themselves, compromised.

The GOP is not the party of America. It is the party of hate and shares the same Aryan philosophy that Hitler shared. Standing up to this dangerous philosophy is not hate. It is a duty of real Americans to fight this. If anyone should be summarily shot, it would be people like you.

The Democrat Party is the scum of America. It is a filthy ass coalition of all the despicable greedy assholes in this country. Blacks that too dumb to think for themselves. welfare queens, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts, Feminazis, union bosses, illegals, Moon Bats and confused college kids that have been brainwashed by their nutty Marxist professors.

The Democrat Party lost real America back when it created the welfare state so that (as LBJ said) "I'll have those goddamn Niggras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".

Nowadays the Demcrat Party is bat shit crazy extreme Left. That is why Crooked Hillary lost and the Democrats have lost over 1,000 national seats, Congress and the Presidency.

What they are now is despicable.

The paid Leftist posters on here can spin all they want. The Left is in real trouble because-------------> They will have to keep it shut down for quite awhile to have any affect on anything. Once people figure this out, they are going to ask why under Obama, it was felt instantly, lol. (spin that one leftist suckers)

And then, by the time it is felt, guess what is going to be released, lol!

Yep, the Democrats are screwed, aware Leftist posters on here aside-)

Good luck in 18 Leftists-) This is just the tip of the iceberg, and this whole year coming, is going to be a very, wonderful, year........for us. For you with handling the upcoming OBAMAGATE, not so much-)
That's right:

D = Democrats
A = Against
C = (Legal) Citizens (of)
A = America

What those slimy bastards did last night, led by the Israel Firster/ Anti-American Jew Chuck Schumer, was unprecedented. They put illegal aliens as priority number one over our military service members, their families, and last but not least, the lawful abiding American natural born citizen. We must never forget when the 2018 November midterms arrive. It's apparent they reject the motto 'America First'.

Government Shutdown Begins as Budget Talks Falter in Senate

Ill say it again. It is easiest to understand if you just think of the two parties as the GOP being the American Party to keep things for Americans (what passes for conservation now) and the Democratic Party as a Foreign Influenced and Foreign Infiltrated Party bought, backed and owned now all looking to take over America like a big apple pie in order to give it to their foreign friends and partners (for a price, of course). Since America (in their eyes) is fundamentally flawed, any change is seen as progress, thus the term: Progressive Movement.

All one needs to do is look at how democrats, Trump-bashers and GOP haters so often rail against America and have so many flagrant foreign influences. The Democratic Party in its modern form is now a threat to America as a political coup aimed at overthrowing America, it is a foreign driven, Soros-backed political coup and its adherents, especially in Washington, are all sell-outs to their country, sold out like Hillary to make a buck and foreign governments know they all have a friend in the Democratic Party where they can always be sure there is another Democrat that can be easily bought.

In a sane world, such people are considered traitors and summarily shot, except America has become so infiltrated and compromised now at the highest levels that it is almost impossible to prosecute any of them because the prosecutors are themselves, compromised.

The GOP is not the party of America. It is the party of hate and shares the same Aryan philosophy that Hitler shared. Standing up to this dangerous philosophy is not hate. It is a duty of real Americans to fight this. If anyone should be summarily shot, it would be people like you.

The Democrat Party is the scum of America. It is a filthy ass coalition of all the despicable greedy assholes in this country. Blacks that too dumb to think for themselves. welfare queens, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts, Feminazis, union bosses, illegals, Moon Bats and confused college kids that have been brainwashed by their nutty Marxist professors.

The Democrat Party lost real America back when it created the welfare state so that (as LBJ said) "I'll have those goddamn Niggras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".

Nowadays the Demcrat Party is bat shit crazy extreme Left. That is why Crooked Hillary lost and the Democrats have lost over 1,000 national seats, Congress and the Presidency.

What they are now is despicable.

The paid Leftist posters on here can spin all they want. The Left is in real trouble because-------------> They will have to keep it shut down for quite awhile to have any affect on anything. Once people figure this out, they are going to ask why under Obama, it was felt instantly, lol. (spin that one leftist suckers)

And then, by the time it is felt, guess what is going to be released, lol!

Yep, the Democrats are screwed, aware Leftist posters on here aside-)

Good luck in 18 Leftists-) This is just the tip of the iceberg, and this whole year coming, is going to be a very, wonderful, year........for us. For you with handling the upcoming OBAMAGATE, not so much-)
The FISA memo will be the nail in the coffin for them.
That's right:

D = Democrats
A = Against
C = (Legal) Citizens (of)
A = America

What those slimy bastards did last night, led by the Israel Firster/ Anti-American Jew Chuck Schumer, was unprecedented. They put illegal aliens as priority number one over our military service members, their families, and last but not least, the lawful abiding American natural born citizen. We must never forget when the 2018 November midterms arrive. It's apparent they reject the motto 'America First'.

Government Shutdown Begins as Budget Talks Falter in Senate

Ill say it again. It is easiest to understand if you just think of the two parties as the GOP being the American Party to keep things for Americans (what passes for conservation now) and the Democratic Party as a Foreign Influenced and Foreign Infiltrated Party bought, backed and owned now all looking to take over America like a big apple pie in order to give it to their foreign friends and partners (for a price, of course). Since America (in their eyes) is fundamentally flawed, any change is seen as progress, thus the term: Progressive Movement.

All one needs to do is look at how democrats, Trump-bashers and GOP haters so often rail against America and have so many flagrant foreign influences. The Democratic Party in its modern form is now a threat to America as a political coup aimed at overthrowing America, it is a foreign driven, Soros-backed political coup and its adherents, especially in Washington, are all sell-outs to their country, sold out like Hillary to make a buck and foreign governments know they all have a friend in the Democratic Party where they can always be sure there is another Democrat that can be easily bought.

In a sane world, such people are considered traitors and summarily shot, except America has become so infiltrated and compromised now at the highest levels that it is almost impossible to prosecute any of them because the prosecutors are themselves, compromised.

The GOP is not the party of America. It is the party of hate and shares the same Aryan philosophy that Hitler shared. Standing up to this dangerous philosophy is not hate. It is a duty of real Americans to fight this. If anyone should be summarily shot, it would be people like you.

The Democrat Party is the scum of America. It is a filthy ass coalition of all the despicable greedy assholes in this country. Blacks that too dumb to think for themselves. welfare queens, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts, Feminazis, union bosses, illegals, Moon Bats and confused college kids that have been brainwashed by their nutty Marxist professors.

The Democrat Party lost real America back when it created the welfare state so that (as LBJ said) "I'll have those goddamn Niggras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".

Nowadays the Demcrat Party is bat shit crazy extreme Left. That is why Crooked Hillary lost and the Democrats have lost over 1,000 national seats, Congress and the Presidency.

What they are now is despicable.

The paid Leftist posters on here can spin all they want. The Left is in real trouble because-------------> They will have to keep it shut down for quite awhile to have any affect on anything. Once people figure this out, they are going to ask why under Obama, it was felt instantly, lol. (spin that one leftist suckers)

And then, by the time it is felt, guess what is going to be released, lol!

Yep, the Democrats are screwed, aware Leftist posters on here aside-)

Good luck in 18 Leftists-) This is just the tip of the iceberg, and this whole year coming, is going to be a very, wonderful, year........for us. For you with handling the upcoming OBAMAGATE, not so much-)
The FISA memo will be the nail in the coffin for them.

It won't be the last nail Steve, trust me on this. All it is going to do is prove what some people did, and start lower level prosecutions. As the year goes by till November, it will link OTHER people to the scandal, if you catch my drift-)
That's right:

D = Democrats
A = Against
C = (Legal) Citizens (of)
A = America

What those slimy bastards did last night, led by the Israel Firster/ Anti-American Jew Chuck Schumer, was unprecedented. They put illegal aliens as priority number one over our military service members, their families, and last but not least, the lawful abiding American natural born citizen. We must never forget when the 2018 November midterms arrive. It's apparent they reject the motto 'America First'.

Government Shutdown Begins as Budget Talks Falter in Senate

Ill say it again. It is easiest to understand if you just think of the two parties as the GOP being the American Party to keep things for Americans (what passes for conservation now) and the Democratic Party as a Foreign Influenced and Foreign Infiltrated Party bought, backed and owned now all looking to take over America like a big apple pie in order to give it to their foreign friends and partners (for a price, of course). Since America (in their eyes) is fundamentally flawed, any change is seen as progress, thus the term: Progressive Movement.

All one needs to do is look at how democrats, Trump-bashers and GOP haters so often rail against America and have so many flagrant foreign influences. The Democratic Party in its modern form is now a threat to America as a political coup aimed at overthrowing America, it is a foreign driven, Soros-backed political coup and its adherents, especially in Washington, are all sell-outs to their country, sold out like Hillary to make a buck and foreign governments know they all have a friend in the Democratic Party where they can always be sure there is another Democrat that can be easily bought.

In a sane world, such people are considered traitors and summarily shot, except America has become so infiltrated and compromised now at the highest levels that it is almost impossible to prosecute any of them because the prosecutors are themselves, compromised.

The GOP is not the party of America. It is the party of hate and shares the same Aryan philosophy that Hitler shared. Standing up to this dangerous philosophy is not hate. It is a duty of real Americans to fight this. If anyone should be summarily shot, it would be people like you.

The Democrat Party is the scum of America. It is a filthy ass coalition of all the despicable greedy assholes in this country. Blacks that too dumb to think for themselves. welfare queens, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts, Feminazis, union bosses, illegals, Moon Bats and confused college kids that have been brainwashed by their nutty Marxist professors.

The Democrat Party lost real America back when it created the welfare state so that (as LBJ said) "I'll have those goddamn Niggras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".

Nowadays the Demcrat Party is bat shit crazy extreme Left. That is why Crooked Hillary lost and the Democrats have lost over 1,000 national seats, Congress and the Presidency.

What they are now is despicable.

The paid Leftist posters on here can spin all they want. The Left is in real trouble because-------------> They will have to keep it shut down for quite awhile to have any affect on anything. Once people figure this out, they are going to ask why under Obama, it was felt instantly, lol. (spin that one leftist suckers)

And then, by the time it is felt, guess what is going to be released, lol!

Yep, the Democrats are screwed, aware Leftist posters on here aside-)

Good luck in 18 Leftists-) This is just the tip of the iceberg, and this whole year coming, is going to be a very, wonderful, year........for us. For you with handling the upcoming OBAMAGATE, not so much-)
The FISA memo will be the nail in the coffin for them.

I want to know what the Leftists are going to do when all the independents, and 1/2 the Democrats, start insisting the swamp be drained to after OBAMAGATE comes to light, and is proven beyond all reasonable doubt-)

While Leftists will deny ANY of this is happening on here..........today, even they know what will happen if it is all true; and guess what Leftists, it looks like it is!
That's right:

D = Democrats
A = Against
C = (Legal) Citizens (of)
A = America

What those slimy bastards did last night, led by the Israel Firster/ Anti-American Jew Chuck Schumer, was unprecedented. They put illegal aliens as priority number one over our military service members, their families, and last but not least, the lawful abiding American natural born citizen. We must never forget when the 2018 November midterms arrive. It's apparent they reject the motto 'America First'.

Government Shutdown Begins as Budget Talks Falter in Senate

Ill say it again. It is easiest to understand if you just think of the two parties as the GOP being the American Party to keep things for Americans (what passes for conservation now) and the Democratic Party as a Foreign Influenced and Foreign Infiltrated Party bought, backed and owned now all looking to take over America like a big apple pie in order to give it to their foreign friends and partners (for a price, of course). Since America (in their eyes) is fundamentally flawed, any change is seen as progress, thus the term: Progressive Movement.

All one needs to do is look at how democrats, Trump-bashers and GOP haters so often rail against America and have so many flagrant foreign influences. The Democratic Party in its modern form is now a threat to America as a political coup aimed at overthrowing America, it is a foreign driven, Soros-backed political coup and its adherents, especially in Washington, are all sell-outs to their country, sold out like Hillary to make a buck and foreign governments know they all have a friend in the Democratic Party where they can always be sure there is another Democrat that can be easily bought.

In a sane world, such people are considered traitors and summarily shot, except America has become so infiltrated and compromised now at the highest levels that it is almost impossible to prosecute any of them because the prosecutors are themselves, compromised.

The GOP is not the party of America. It is the party of hate and shares the same Aryan philosophy that Hitler shared. Standing up to this dangerous philosophy is not hate. It is a duty of real Americans to fight this. If anyone should be summarily shot, it would be people like you.
That is what Reverend Jim Jones told his liberal followers.
Yeah to shut down the US Government over placating non-citizens, does prove once and for all the Democratic Party doesn't serve American Citizens' best interests. I'm shocked they chose to shut it down and screw Americans. Definitely an all time low for the Party. Shame on em.

American citizens support the Democrat position on DACA. It includes support for DACA from conservatives, moderates, liberals, people with degrees and people without, men women, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.
Sure. In your Sacramento neighborhood perhaps. Everywhere else...nah.
That's right:

D = Democrats
A = Against
C = (Legal) Citizens (of)
A = America

What those slimy bastards did last night, led by the Israel Firster/ Anti-American Jew Chuck Schumer, was unprecedented. They put illegal aliens as priority number one over our military service members, their families, and last but not least, the lawful abiding American natural born citizen. We must never forget when the 2018 November midterms arrive. It's apparent they reject the motto 'America First'.

Government Shutdown Begins as Budget Talks Falter in Senate

Ill say it again. It is easiest to understand if you just think of the two parties as the GOP being the American Party to keep things for Americans (what passes for conservation now) and the Democratic Party as a Foreign Influenced and Foreign Infiltrated Party bought, backed and owned now all looking to take over America like a big apple pie in order to give it to their foreign friends and partners (for a price, of course). Since America (in their eyes) is fundamentally flawed, any change is seen as progress, thus the term: Progressive Movement.

All one needs to do is look at how democrats, Trump-bashers and GOP haters so often rail against America and have so many flagrant foreign influences. The Democratic Party in its modern form is now a threat to America as a political coup aimed at overthrowing America, it is a foreign driven, Soros-backed political coup and its adherents, especially in Washington, are all sell-outs to their country, sold out like Hillary to make a buck and foreign governments know they all have a friend in the Democratic Party where they can always be sure there is another Democrat that can be easily bought.

In a sane world, such people are considered traitors and summarily shot, except America has become so infiltrated and compromised now at the highest levels that it is almost impossible to prosecute any of them because the prosecutors are themselves, compromised.

The GOP is not the party of America. It is the party of hate and shares the same Aryan philosophy that Hitler shared. Standing up to this dangerous philosophy is not hate. It is a duty of real Americans to fight this. If anyone should be summarily shot, it would be people like you.
That is what Reverend Jim Jones told his liberal followers.

The Left knows this is all a losing proposition. Let them continue on, lololol. They have bamboozled themselves, and that is the best thing about this whole situation.
Yeah to shut down the US Government over placating non-citizens, does prove once and for all the Democratic Party doesn't serve American Citizens' best interests. I'm shocked they chose to shut it down and screw Americans. Definitely an all time low for the Party. Shame on em.

American citizens support the Democrat position on DACA. It includes support for DACA from conservatives, moderates, liberals, people with degrees and people without, men women, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.
Sure. In your Sacramento neighborhood perhaps. Everywhere else...nah.

Democrats have chosen non-citizen interests over American Citizen interests. We'll see if most Americans understand that.

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