Democrats Don't Hate America......They Simply Hate Americans

Who do you think cares more about us. The President or the Democrats

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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Trump decided to call the Democrat's bluff and he re-opened the government yesterday. The Democrats are acting like they just made it to the Superbowl and much of the media is happy to tell the lie that Trump caved. But what really happened is quite different from what those folks on the left think happened.

Trump showed that he is the only person in this dispute that cares about people. Democrats showed that they could care less what happens to all of the folks that were suffering because of the shutdown. Instead of negotiating in good faith Democrats chose to take vacations. Meanwhile Trump stayed in Washington waiting for a rational decent person to show up and negotiate. He's gone nowhere since before Christmas, while the Democrats have been flying all over the world acting like Marie Antoinette.


Why are the Democrats so against a wall? Only a few years ago they were saying a wall was essential. Why did it just become immoral? Well, because Trump wants it. It's immoral because Trump is the Devil they have created. He's standing up to Globalism and Democrats have other people to answer to than the American people. The only people Trump answers to is you and me.


Don't believe the media. They'll tell us that Trump is a fool and that he caved. *The media hates us just as much as the Democrats in Washington.* They'll claim that Nazi Pelosi outmaneuvered Trump. But actually it's the other way around. Trump got the media to cover his speech. Everyone on TV and radio heard it, so he doesn't even need a SOTU address. But now Nazi Pelosi has no excuse to delay it any longer. If she does, she's just showing that she's afraid of what the President will say about her. And to top it off, when it happens, every Tom, Dick, & Harry will want to watch it. Trump trumped them all. And in the end Trump proved that all of the lies are nonsense.

The president was already proving himself the more level-headed figure during the shutdown. Now that image has been undeniably confirmed. He was always willing to negotiate. Always willing to talk. Always willing to work together to do what is right for the American people.

The Democrats were looking far less so, and they knew it. That’s a primary reason why the media frenzy to portray suffering federal workers was escalated many times over the last 48-hours. Democrats were getting desperate. Some were openly breaking with the leadership and demanding President Trump be given his $5 billion for the wall.

Read more at No, President Trump Didn't Cave On The Border Wall... -

January 26, 2019
The Left Doesn't Hate the US; It Hates Us
By William L. Gensert
It may be hard for some to believe, but the Democrats today are interchangeable with the left, because there are no longer any moderate Democrats. And along with their journey away from the middle, the Democrats have become ever more illiberal in how they feel about their political opponents. To disagree with the left has become heresy punishable by excommunication and often preceded by what has become their specialty, hatred accompanied by personal, political, and career destruction.

When Barack Obama became president with full control of both houses of Congress, the left was ecstatic. Some were proud of their country for the first time, blissfully unaware that most Americans had always been proud of America.

It was clear to Democrats that citizens had finally agreed to give them the opportunity and power to realize their dream of a “fair” America of equal outcome with an unchecked government elite making all decisions for everybody in a socialist utopia where everyone can have everything they want, and no decisions or policies could ever be wrong and thus ever reviewable.

When voters began to realize that Obama wasn’t as moderate as he pretended to be to get elected, they began the eight-year trek away from the Democratic utopia. First, Democrats lost the House, then the Senate, and 2016, they lost the presidency.


The left, which had become convinced they would never again be relegated to the minority, were not only surprised, they were outraged. Who were these people to go against the “arc of history?” This is “not who we are” they complained.

It can be said that Trump’s election was the point where the Democrats abandoned the deplorable bastards who stole Hillary Clinton’s presidency, but it had been coming for a long time.

When Barack Obama went on his worldwide apology tour, he wasn’t apologizing for America, he was apologizing for Americans. To himself, He was America; and Americans were merely the evil people who refused to accept this higher truth. It wasn’t America that cost him the House and the Senate, it was Americans who rejected the truth that his radical transformation of the United States of America was god’s plan.

Trump wasn’t the beginning, he was the last straw. That’s what sanctuary cities, abolish ICE, open borders, DACA, amnesty, and a path to citizenship are all about. These things are not a function of compassion for the poor paperless migrant searching for a better life -- remember, Democrats were anti-illegal immigration when they thought illegals were a boon to business and increased profit. These policies are nothing more than a means by which the left can switch out Americans for people who aren’t so depraved as to think they have a right to vote against them.

The left doesn’t stifle, bury, and ridicule conservative opinion in the media, Google searches, college campuses, and the public square because they won’t tolerate disagreement, they do it because they know that only they are on the side of all that is right and just and hence, any dissent is evil. And all dissenters are malevolent. It’s not a lack of tolerance, the left is tolerant of all good people, but since only evil people won’t agree with them, the beastly get what they deserve.

This is why it’s so easy for them to go to extremes to express their hatred for a Kavanaugh or a Covington kid, or lie and cheat to destroy a candidate Trump, or commit crimes to usurp his presidency, or investigate anyone ever involved with the man; these people are villainous, and hatred and extremism in the battle with evil is no vice.

This is also why everything Trump does is labeled racist. He won’t agree with them and do as he is told; he also refuses to be quiet and accept a beating as all deplorables should. Instead, he tries to implement policies that he believes are good for all us loathsome Americans. This makes everything he does malicious and obviates the need for them to look at what he says or supports on an individual basis -- we are wicked, and he is wicked and therefore, everything he espouses or tries to accomplish is wicked as well.

Democrats don’t want to destroy America, they want to destroy us, and in particular, Donald Trump. We deserve it for who we are.

Right now, they are in the process of replacing execrable Americans with people who they believe will be better for the country, for America. Therefore, they can’t ever agree on funding for a wall -- a wall would only make that harder.
Democrats hate us.....and they are trying to replace us. And when the people they replace us with stop believing their Bullshit, the same thing is going to happen to them.....unless we stop them.

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you should take a walk around the block and a breather before you make threads, prolly
Trump decided to call the Democrat's bluff and he re-opened the government yesterday. The Democrats are acting like they just made it to the Superbowl and much of the media is happy to tell the lie that Trump caved. But what really happened is quite different from what those folks on the left think happened.

Trump showed that he is the only person in this dispute that cares about people. Democrats showed that they could care less what happens to all of the folks that were suffering because of the shutdown. Instead of negotiating in good faith Democrats chose to take vacations. Meanwhile Trump stayed in Washington waiting for a rational decent person to show up and negotiate. He's gone nowhere since before Christmas, while the Democrats have been flying all over the world acting like Marie Antoinette.


Why are the Democrats so against a wall? Only a few years ago they were saying a wall was essential. Why did it just become immoral? Well, because Trump wants it. It's immoral because Trump is the Devil they have created. He's standing up to Globalism and Democrats have other people to answer to than the American people. The only people Trump answers to is you and me.


Don't believe the media. They'll tell us that Trump is a fool and that he caved. *The media hates us just as much as the Democrats in Washington.* They'll claim that Nazi Pelosi outmaneuvered Trump. But actually it's the other way around. Trump got the media to cover his speech. Everyone on TV and radio heard it, so he doesn't even need a SOTU address. But now Nazi Pelosi has no excuse to delay it any longer. If she does, she's just showing that she's afraid of what the President will say about her. And to top it off, when it happens, every Tom, Dick, & Harry will want to watch it. Trump trumped them all. And in the end Trump proved that all of the lies are nonsense.

The president was already proving himself the more level-headed figure during the shutdown. Now that image has been undeniably confirmed. He was always willing to negotiate. Always willing to talk. Always willing to work together to do what is right for the American people.

The Democrats were looking far less so, and they knew it. That’s a primary reason why the media frenzy to portray suffering federal workers was escalated many times over the last 48-hours. Democrats were getting desperate. Some were openly breaking with the leadership and demanding President Trump be given his $5 billion for the wall.

Read more at No, President Trump Didn't Cave On The Border Wall... -

January 26, 2019
The Left Doesn't Hate the US; It Hates Us
By William L. Gensert
It may be hard for some to believe, but the Democrats today are interchangeable with the left, because there are no longer any moderate Democrats. And along with their journey away from the middle, the Democrats have become ever more illiberal in how they feel about their political opponents. To disagree with the left has become heresy punishable by excommunication and often preceded by what has become their specialty, hatred accompanied by personal, political, and career destruction.

When Barack Obama became president with full control of both houses of Congress, the left was ecstatic. Some were proud of their country for the first time, blissfully unaware that most Americans had always been proud of America.

It was clear to Democrats that citizens had finally agreed to give them the opportunity and power to realize their dream of a “fair” America of equal outcome with an unchecked government elite making all decisions for everybody in a socialist utopia where everyone can have everything they want, and no decisions or policies could ever be wrong and thus ever reviewable.

When voters began to realize that Obama wasn’t as moderate as he pretended to be to get elected, they began the eight-year trek away from the Democratic utopia. First, Democrats lost the House, then the Senate, and 2016, they lost the presidency.


The left, which had become convinced they would never again be relegated to the minority, were not only surprised, they were outraged. Who were these people to go against the “arc of history?” This is “not who we are” they complained.

It can be said that Trump’s election was the point where the Democrats abandoned the deplorable bastards who stole Hillary Clinton’s presidency, but it had been coming for a long time.

When Barack Obama went on his worldwide apology tour, he wasn’t apologizing for America, he was apologizing for Americans. To himself, He was America; and Americans were merely the evil people who refused to accept this higher truth. It wasn’t America that cost him the House and the Senate, it was Americans who rejected the truth that his radical transformation of the United States of America was god’s plan.

Trump wasn’t the beginning, he was the last straw. That’s what sanctuary cities, abolish ICE, open borders, DACA, amnesty, and a path to citizenship are all about. These things are not a function of compassion for the poor paperless migrant searching for a better life -- remember, Democrats were anti-illegal immigration when they thought illegals were a boon to business and increased profit. These policies are nothing more than a means by which the left can switch out Americans for people who aren’t so depraved as to think they have a right to vote against them.

The left doesn’t stifle, bury, and ridicule conservative opinion in the media, Google searches, college campuses, and the public square because they won’t tolerate disagreement, they do it because they know that only they are on the side of all that is right and just and hence, any dissent is evil. And all dissenters are malevolent. It’s not a lack of tolerance, the left is tolerant of all good people, but since only evil people won’t agree with them, the beastly get what they deserve.

This is why it’s so easy for them to go to extremes to express their hatred for a Kavanaugh or a Covington kid, or lie and cheat to destroy a candidate Trump, or commit crimes to usurp his presidency, or investigate anyone ever involved with the man; these people are villainous, and hatred and extremism in the battle with evil is no vice.

This is also why everything Trump does is labeled racist. He won’t agree with them and do as he is told; he also refuses to be quiet and accept a beating as all deplorables should. Instead, he tries to implement policies that he believes are good for all us loathsome Americans. This makes everything he does malicious and obviates the need for them to look at what he says or supports on an individual basis -- we are wicked, and he is wicked and therefore, everything he espouses or tries to accomplish is wicked as well.

Democrats don’t want to destroy America, they want to destroy us, and in particular, Donald Trump. We deserve it for who we are.

Right now, they are in the process of replacing execrable Americans with people who they believe will be better for the country, for America. Therefore, they can’t ever agree on funding for a wall -- a wall would only make that harder.
Democrats hate us.....and they are trying to replace us. And when the people they replace us with stop believing their Bullshit, the same thing is going to happen to them.....unless we stop them.

I hate them right back. I have never hated anyone in my life. But I do now.

And while I wish ill on no individual, I want them collectively to come to a very bad end.
It is a bit of a broad statement about the party as a whole.
Like the Republicans, Democrats simply will not vote other than Democrat in sufficient numbers to create change. Thus the house has an abysmal 18% approval rating but 96.5% reelection chance. There is someting very wrong with this picture.
So, what happens is the fringe takes over. And the fringe has completely taken over the Democrat party.
Trump decided to call the Democrat's bluff and he re-opened the government yesterday. The Democrats are acting like they just made it to the Superbowl and much of the media is happy to tell the lie that Trump caved. But what really happened is quite different from what those folks on the left think happened.

Trump showed that he is the only person in this dispute that cares about people. Democrats showed that they could care less what happens to all of the folks that were suffering because of the shutdown. Instead of negotiating in good faith Democrats chose to take vacations. Meanwhile Trump stayed in Washington waiting for a rational decent person to show up and negotiate. He's gone nowhere since before Christmas, while the Democrats have been flying all over the world acting like Marie Antoinette.


Why are the Democrats so against a wall? Only a few years ago they were saying a wall was essential. Why did it just become immoral? Well, because Trump wants it. It's immoral because Trump is the Devil they have created. He's standing up to Globalism and Democrats have other people to answer to than the American people. The only people Trump answers to is you and me.


Don't believe the media. They'll tell us that Trump is a fool and that he caved. *The media hates us just as much as the Democrats in Washington.* They'll claim that Nazi Pelosi outmaneuvered Trump. But actually it's the other way around. Trump got the media to cover his speech. Everyone on TV and radio heard it, so he doesn't even need a SOTU address. But now Nazi Pelosi has no excuse to delay it any longer. If she does, she's just showing that she's afraid of what the President will say about her. And to top it off, when it happens, every Tom, Dick, & Harry will want to watch it. Trump trumped them all. And in the end Trump proved that all of the lies are nonsense.

The president was already proving himself the more level-headed figure during the shutdown. Now that image has been undeniably confirmed. He was always willing to negotiate. Always willing to talk. Always willing to work together to do what is right for the American people.

The Democrats were looking far less so, and they knew it. That’s a primary reason why the media frenzy to portray suffering federal workers was escalated many times over the last 48-hours. Democrats were getting desperate. Some were openly breaking with the leadership and demanding President Trump be given his $5 billion for the wall.

Read more at No, President Trump Didn't Cave On The Border Wall... -

January 26, 2019
The Left Doesn't Hate the US; It Hates Us
By William L. Gensert
It may be hard for some to believe, but the Democrats today are interchangeable with the left, because there are no longer any moderate Democrats. And along with their journey away from the middle, the Democrats have become ever more illiberal in how they feel about their political opponents. To disagree with the left has become heresy punishable by excommunication and often preceded by what has become their specialty, hatred accompanied by personal, political, and career destruction.

When Barack Obama became president with full control of both houses of Congress, the left was ecstatic. Some were proud of their country for the first time, blissfully unaware that most Americans had always been proud of America.

It was clear to Democrats that citizens had finally agreed to give them the opportunity and power to realize their dream of a “fair” America of equal outcome with an unchecked government elite making all decisions for everybody in a socialist utopia where everyone can have everything they want, and no decisions or policies could ever be wrong and thus ever reviewable.

When voters began to realize that Obama wasn’t as moderate as he pretended to be to get elected, they began the eight-year trek away from the Democratic utopia. First, Democrats lost the House, then the Senate, and 2016, they lost the presidency.


The left, which had become convinced they would never again be relegated to the minority, were not only surprised, they were outraged. Who were these people to go against the “arc of history?” This is “not who we are” they complained.

It can be said that Trump’s election was the point where the Democrats abandoned the deplorable bastards who stole Hillary Clinton’s presidency, but it had been coming for a long time.

When Barack Obama went on his worldwide apology tour, he wasn’t apologizing for America, he was apologizing for Americans. To himself, He was America; and Americans were merely the evil people who refused to accept this higher truth. It wasn’t America that cost him the House and the Senate, it was Americans who rejected the truth that his radical transformation of the United States of America was god’s plan.

Trump wasn’t the beginning, he was the last straw. That’s what sanctuary cities, abolish ICE, open borders, DACA, amnesty, and a path to citizenship are all about. These things are not a function of compassion for the poor paperless migrant searching for a better life -- remember, Democrats were anti-illegal immigration when they thought illegals were a boon to business and increased profit. These policies are nothing more than a means by which the left can switch out Americans for people who aren’t so depraved as to think they have a right to vote against them.

The left doesn’t stifle, bury, and ridicule conservative opinion in the media, Google searches, college campuses, and the public square because they won’t tolerate disagreement, they do it because they know that only they are on the side of all that is right and just and hence, any dissent is evil. And all dissenters are malevolent. It’s not a lack of tolerance, the left is tolerant of all good people, but since only evil people won’t agree with them, the beastly get what they deserve.

This is why it’s so easy for them to go to extremes to express their hatred for a Kavanaugh or a Covington kid, or lie and cheat to destroy a candidate Trump, or commit crimes to usurp his presidency, or investigate anyone ever involved with the man; these people are villainous, and hatred and extremism in the battle with evil is no vice.

This is also why everything Trump does is labeled racist. He won’t agree with them and do as he is told; he also refuses to be quiet and accept a beating as all deplorables should. Instead, he tries to implement policies that he believes are good for all us loathsome Americans. This makes everything he does malicious and obviates the need for them to look at what he says or supports on an individual basis -- we are wicked, and he is wicked and therefore, everything he espouses or tries to accomplish is wicked as well.

Democrats don’t want to destroy America, they want to destroy us, and in particular, Donald Trump. We deserve it for who we are.

Right now, they are in the process of replacing execrable Americans with people who they believe will be better for the country, for America. Therefore, they can’t ever agree on funding for a wall -- a wall would only make that harder.
Democrats hate us.....and they are trying to replace us. And when the people they replace us with stop believing their Bullshit, the same thing is going to happen to them.....unless we stop them.


Democrats hate stupidity.

We hate the idea that so many people can be so easily duped by an oversized Con man like Trump

Please, don't confuse your ignorance with patriotrism
I don’t hate African-Americans.

Republicans do.

I don’t hate Hispanics.

Republicans do.

I don’t hate gay people.

Republicans do.

I don’t hate Muslims.

Republicans do.

What was this thread about again?
I don’t hate African-Americans.

Republicans do.

I don’t hate Hispanics.

Republicans do.

I don’t hate gay people.

Republicans do.

I don’t hate Muslims.

Republicans do.

What was this thread about again?

Reflecting upon your stupidity. It's always about you, ya know.
I don’t hate African-Americans.

Republicans do.

I don’t hate Hispanics.

Republicans do.

I don’t hate gay people.

Republicans do.

I don’t hate Muslims.

Republicans do.

What was this thread about again?
You hate everybody. You just admitted it.
I don’t hate African-Americans.

Republicans do.

I don’t hate Hispanics.

Republicans do.

I don’t hate gay people.

Republicans do.

I don’t hate Muslims.

Republicans do.

What was this thread about again?
no you just hate anyone who doesnt agree with you....including any of those you mentioned above,who dont agree with you......

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