*CWN Complaint Thread, Love My Style?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Well here it is your chance to let it all hang out, or support my posting style.
2. I so used to this method, its automatic now.
3. It can be annoying to those whose disagree, thats how its supposed to work, that my intention.
4. But if you agree with my opinions then you can easily over look my style.
5. I want to know how many folks here really appreciate my input here, I am a conservative, born of a liberal grew out of my stupidness when I was in my early 20's, 21 I think.
6. My journey into a political ring started then, I voted for,...the Peanut Man, Jimmy Carter, my dear mother told me too, I didn't know shit, so I said ok.
7. I want everyone to know, I feel for you, having to endure my, sorry bout that, and regards, at the end.
8. I am now 65, and going strong.
9. Most people I know and respect, except the liberal ones, we fight like cats and dogs.
10. Lets hear you views.

Sorry bout that,

1. Well here it is your chance to let it all hang out, or support my posting style.
2. I so used to this method, its automatic now.
3. It can be annoying to those whose disagree, thats how its supposed to work, that my intention.
4. But if you agree with my opinions then you can easily over look my style.
5. I want to know how many folks here really appreciate my input here, I am a conservative, born of a liberal grew out of my stupidness when I was in my early 20's, 21 I think.
6. My journey into a political ring started then, I voted for,...the Peanut Man, Jimmy Carter, my dear mother told me too, I didn't know shit, so I said ok.
7. I want everyone to know, I feel for you, having to endure my, sorry bout that, and regards, at the end.
8. I am now 65, and going strong.
9. Most people I know and respect, except the liberal ones, we fight like cats and dogs.
10. Lets hear you views.

Your style is an irritant.

But your posts are generally pretty thoughtful.
How long has Jimmy Carter been on death's door now? It's been 20 years at least since they told us he had melanoma in his brain yet he refuses to die. I smell something rotten in the state of Georgia going on with that.
Sorry bout that,

1. Well here it is your chance to let it all hang out, or support my posting style.
2. I so used to this method, its automatic now.
3. It can be annoying to those whose disagree, thats how its supposed to work, that my intention.
4. But if you agree with my opinions then you can easily over look my style.
5. I want to know how many folks here really appreciate my input here, I am a conservative, born of a liberal grew out of my stupidness when I was in my early 20's, 21 I think.
6. My journey into a political ring started then, I voted for,...the Peanut Man, Jimmy Carter, my dear mother told me too, I didn't know shit, so I said ok.
7. I want everyone to know, I feel for you, having to endure my, sorry bout that, and regards, at the end.
8. I am now 65, and going strong.
9. Most people I know and respect, except the liberal ones, we fight like cats and dogs.
10. Lets hear you views.

You smell funny.
Sorry bout that,

1. Well here it is your chance to let it all hang out, or support my posting style.
2. I so used to this method, its automatic now.
3. It can be annoying to those whose disagree, thats how its supposed to work, that my intention.
4. But if you agree with my opinions then you can easily over look my style.
5. I want to know how many folks here really appreciate my input here, I am a conservative, born of a liberal grew out of my stupidness when I was in my early 20's, 21 I think.
6. My journey into a political ring started then, I voted for,...the Peanut Man, Jimmy Carter, my dear mother told me too, I didn't know shit, so I said ok.
7. I want everyone to know, I feel for you, having to endure my, sorry bout that, and regards, at the end.
8. I am now 65, and going strong.
9. Most people I know and respect, except the liberal ones, we fight like cats and dogs.
10. Lets hear you views.

I don't know why I even opened the thread. I usually don't with yours.

I find you to be ridiculously self important and generally clueless. When you add in the condescending attitude you just come across as an egotistical idiot who likes to hear himself talk even though he can't think of anything meaningful to say.

This thread BTW is the perfect example of what I'm talking about.
I don't know why I even opened the thread. I usually don't with yours.

I find you to be ridiculously self important and generally clueless. When you add in the condescending attitude you just come across as an egotistical idiot who likes to hear himself talk even though he can't think of anything meaningful to say.

This thread BTW is the perfect example of what I'm talking about.
Ah. Projection.
Your watchword.

Try to smarten up.
I am trying but every time I read one of your posts it just saps the IQ right outta me. You're like a black hole for brains.

See? Because I just read your post I had to go back and edit for spelling.
Sorry bout that,

1. Anything else rubbing you the wrong way champ?
2. Oh this is good, real good.
3. My expressed views are here, let it all hang out, there is no time limit.
4. I know what I'm saying when I say it, and most the time I am sorry bout that.
5. Just to tolerate some of your posts is something to bear up on, and its difficult to say what is meant to be said, without some sorrow.
6. Most of you are ok, but there is a part of you folks that weight a lot on my mind.
7. But you to have opinions and I get that.
8. Nothings perfect, and most of you express that here.
9. Some of you are ok almost all the time, and I tip my hat to you.

I am trying but every time I read one of your posts it just saps the IQ right outta me. You're like a black hole for brains.
You can’t have anything “sapped out of you” which you didn’t have to begin with, Crapitus. And your IQ is just a polite myth.

Muddle on.
Sorry bout that,

1. I feel like the first to join this site.
2. I'm sure there are earlier posters for sure, but not with my quality.
3. But I've been here since 2007, and if you were to research my style, its not changed.
4. And what I post about hasn't changed much either.
5. I keep blasting out threads, and will continue my ways.
6. I forget how many times Taz Bro has banned me for awhile, he chills out after a bit, and I come back.
7. I won't ever think like you, so get used to it, I'm only going to get more outspoken as I age, so fair warning.
8. So there is no lets try to get along, cause it ain't happening with you.
9. I'm never going to change, so might as well get used to it.
10. Some things get better with age, I'm one.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Let's pep it up a bit here, 😄, not very many posts, let it all hang out.
2. It's not every day some one puts out a post that says,😚 bring it!!!
3 . I hope I don't regret this ...

Opinion is the life's blood of the forum and the moderators are more than fair. Maybe I don't get the post but I don't have any complaints.
Sorry bout that,

1. I am one of the oldest surviving posters on this site.
2. All the mods joined after me.
3. Only one posters has been here longer, Billo_Rielly.~,2005
4. Nice one, Billy coodoos, for sticking around as long as you have, you are a fun read I might add as well.
5. We are the old school posters, we have a certain flair in style, my style drives people up the wall, but its a craft I think.
6. Dont taz me bro, has been around since 2009 an older poster as well, not great but he's head butt kicker these days.
7. All in all the mods are fair, and we appreciate them, for all the effort, they put into this place.
8. Some of you are like, ANIMALS!!!!lol!!!!!!!

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