Cutting Spending


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Why is it so many of you pretend that cutting spending is not an option for dealing with deficits and debt? Especially, when, in reality, it's the easiest way.

Are you honestly telling me you cant think of one program in the Federal government that we aren't spending too much on?

Did we really need to be paying the salaries of all those financial regulators who had their office computers full of pornography while the wall street wizards were ignore financial regulations?

Do we really need to be spending money for genital cleaning?

Why exactly are we spending so much money telling people how to eat?

Why exactly are we increasing health care costs throughout the country?

Why are we wasting so much money through inefficient use of our military?

Why hasn't the Department of Energy been abolished since the entire mission of that department was to make us energy independent and our situation has gotten incredibly worse since their creation?

Why do we have a Department of Education to take money away from the local communities to send to Washington to give back to the local communities?

What the heck are we paying immigration for if they don't do jack about the illegal immigration problem?

Are you honestly telling me none of these programs can be looked and cut even alittle? Seriously?

We need to stop pretending the option isnt there or the option will never be used.
Why is it so many of you pretend that cutting spending is not an option for dealing with deficits and debt? Especially, when, in reality, it's the easiest way.

Are you honestly telling me you cant think of one program in the Federal government that we aren't spending too much on?

Did we really need to be paying the salaries of all those financial regulators who had their office computers full of pornography while the wall street wizards were ignore financial regulations?

Do we really need to be spending money for genital cleaning?

Why exactly are we spending so much money telling people how to eat?

Why exactly are we increasing health care costs throughout the country?

Why are we wasting so much money through inefficient use of our military?

Why hasn't the Department of Energy been abolished since the entire mission of that department was to make us energy independent and our situation has gotten incredibly worse since their creation?

Why do we have a Department of Education to take money away from the local communities to send to Washington to give back to the local communities?

What the heck are we paying immigration for if they don't do jack about the illegal immigration problem?

Are you honestly telling me none of these programs can be looked and cut even alittle? Seriously?

We need to stop pretending the option isnt there or the option will never be used.

Why is it so many of you pretend that cutting spending is not an option for dealing with deficits and debt? Especially, when, in reality, it's the easiest way.

Are you honestly telling me you cant think of one program in the Federal government that we aren't spending too much on?

Did we really need to be paying the salaries of all those financial regulators who had their office computers full of pornography while the wall street wizards were ignore financial regulations?

Do we really need to be spending money for genital cleaning?

Why exactly are we spending so much money telling people how to eat?

Why exactly are we increasing health care costs throughout the country?

Why are we wasting so much money through inefficient use of our military?

Why hasn't the Department of Energy been abolished since the entire mission of that department was to make us energy independent and our situation has gotten incredibly worse since their creation?

Why do we have a Department of Education to take money away from the local communities to send to Washington to give back to the local communities?

What the heck are we paying immigration for if they don't do jack about the illegal immigration problem?

Are you honestly telling me none of these programs can be looked and cut even alittle? Seriously?

We need to stop pretending the option isnt there or the option will never be used.

Who is saying that cutting spending is not an option?
Why is it so many of you pretend that cutting spending is not an option for dealing with deficits and debt? Especially, when, in reality, it's the easiest way.

Are you honestly telling me you cant think of one program in the Federal government that we aren't spending too much on?

Did we really need to be paying the salaries of all those financial regulators who had their office computers full of pornography while the wall street wizards were ignore financial regulations?

Do we really need to be spending money for genital cleaning?

Why exactly are we spending so much money telling people how to eat?

Why exactly are we increasing health care costs throughout the country?

Why are we wasting so much money through inefficient use of our military?

Why hasn't the Department of Energy been abolished since the entire mission of that department was to make us energy independent and our situation has gotten incredibly worse since their creation?

Why do we have a Department of Education to take money away from the local communities to send to Washington to give back to the local communities?

What the heck are we paying immigration for if they don't do jack about the illegal immigration problem?

Are you honestly telling me none of these programs can be looked and cut even alittle? Seriously?

We need to stop pretending the option isnt there or the option will never be used.

cutting spending is crucial....

however, if you LOOK at our figures of deficit and debt, you can not cut enough to pay down our debt, no matter how many times you rattle it off.... you simply can't.

we need more tax revenues as excellent economy could make a dent in it....along with cutting spending and tax increases....

just look at the numbers avatar....can you comprehend numbers, the budget and tax revenues we bring in?

or are you not a numbers person, like my hubby?
My simple solution is to cut spending as much as they tax. If the government wasnts say 20% out of all of us... I damn well want 20% out of government spending cut across the board, nothing spared, nothing sacred, nothing untouched.

The more you tax the people the more government gets cut on an equal level and everyone is happy!
Cutting government spending is a start, but that alone will not remedy the financial fiasco.
As Timothy Geithner (US Treasury Secretary says ) -; "It is very hard to reduce a very complicated question to a single number or a single indicator. "
A single indicator "format" CAN be done BUT no politician wants to touch it because of greed.
The FALGAFT Plan suggests this position.
What is really required is a "Quantum Shift" in thinking and approach to all economic pursuits.
Cutting government spending is a start, but that alone will not remedy the financial fiasco.
As Timothy Geithner (US Treasury Secretary says ) -; "It is very hard to reduce a very complicated question to a single number or a single indicator. "
A single indicator "format" CAN be done BUT no politician wants to touch it because of greed.
The FALGAFT Plan suggests this position.
What is really required is a "Quantum Shift" in thinking and approach to all economic pursuits.

Does it take a "Quantum Shit" in thinking to balance your check book every month?

Its a simple don't spend what you don't have. You don't borrow what you cant pay back. If you are in trouble you cut out the luxuries, pinch pennies, don't waste, and make what you do have go farther.
Why is it so many of you pretend that cutting spending is not an option for dealing with deficits and debt? Especially, when, in reality, it's the easiest way.

Are you honestly telling me you cant think of one program in the Federal government that we aren't spending too much on?

Did we really need to be paying the salaries of all those financial regulators who had their office computers full of pornography while the wall street wizards were ignore financial regulations?

Do we really need to be spending money for genital cleaning?

Why exactly are we spending so much money telling people how to eat?

Why exactly are we increasing health care costs throughout the country?

Why are we wasting so much money through inefficient use of our military?

Why hasn't the Department of Energy been abolished since the entire mission of that department was to make us energy independent and our situation has gotten incredibly worse since their creation?

Why do we have a Department of Education to take money away from the local communities to send to Washington to give back to the local communities?

What the heck are we paying immigration for if they don't do jack about the illegal immigration problem?

Are you honestly telling me none of these programs can be looked and cut even alittle? Seriously?

We need to stop pretending the option isnt there or the option will never be used.

You mean like the recent compromise that both the DEMs and REPs signed onto?
Spending should have been cut BEFORE we agreed to cutting taxes

It is the only way to balance the budget
Why is it so many of you pretend that cutting spending is not an option for dealing with deficits and debt? Especially, when, in reality, it's the easiest way.

Are you honestly telling me you cant think of one program in the Federal government that we aren't spending too much on?

Did we really need to be paying the salaries of all those financial regulators who had their office computers full of pornography while the wall street wizards were ignore financial regulations?

Do we really need to be spending money for genital cleaning?

Why exactly are we spending so much money telling people how to eat?

Why exactly are we increasing health care costs throughout the country?

Why are we wasting so much money through inefficient use of our military?

Why hasn't the Department of Energy been abolished since the entire mission of that department was to make us energy independent and our situation has gotten incredibly worse since their creation?

Why do we have a Department of Education to take money away from the local communities to send to Washington to give back to the local communities?

What the heck are we paying immigration for if they don't do jack about the illegal immigration problem?

Are you honestly telling me none of these programs can be looked and cut even alittle? Seriously?

We need to stop pretending the option isnt there or the option will never be used.

I don't recall anyone saying spending cuts were off the board??? As a matter of fact, we have all been waiting on baited breath to hear about the new House GOP plans to cut spending. Where are those plans again?
Spending should have been cut BEFORE we agreed to cutting taxes

It is the only way to balance the budget

Fine, let's cut spending and in two years we'll look at taxes again.

I still don't understand why the "new and improved and now fiscally conservative" GOP didn't DEMAND spending cuts at the same time they were demanding extending Bush's tax cuts? How is extending tax cuts without ANY spending cuts fiscally conservative or even responsible?
Spending should have been cut BEFORE we agreed to cutting taxes

It is the only way to balance the budget

Fine, let's cut spending and in two years we'll look at taxes again.

I still don't understand why the "new and improved and now fiscally conservative" GOP didn't DEMAND spending cuts at the same time they were demanding extending Bush's tax cuts? How is extending tax cuts without ANY spending cuts fiscally conservative or even responsible?

I'm amazed they got the tax rates extended with both houses and the presidency controlled by Democrats who had vocally opposed them for years.

Obviously demanding cuts under those circumstances was a bridge too far.

The real question is, why didn't the Democrats address the deficit when they controlled everything for 2 years?

And when I say address, I mean reductions...they did address increasing it.
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cutting spending alone will never put a dent in the deficit or the debt. currently is you add up social security, medicare, medicaid, defense and interest on the debt, it account for approximately 80-85% of the federal budget. now if we cut the entire other 15-20% we still do not put anywhere near a down payment on a debt / deficit reduction. on the other hand if we make drastic cuts to SS, medicare, medicaid and defense we are at risk of alienating seniors and the poor who rely on those services. if we make huge cuts in defense, we also run the risk of increasing unemployment beyond 10%.

when the GOP says that want to go back to 2008 spending levels, those levels still include a huge budget shortfall. approximately $407 billion. (not including the wars).

i am still waiting to hear any member of the GOP tell us how they are going to tackle SS, medicare, medicaid and increase taxes to pay for everything.
cutting spending alone will never put a dent in the deficit or the debt. currently is you add up social security, medicare, medicaid, defense and interest on the debt, it account for approximately 80-85% of the federal budget. now if we cut the entire other 15-20% we still do not put anywhere near a down payment on a debt / deficit reduction. on the other hand if we make drastic cuts to SS, medicare, medicaid and defense we are at risk of alienating seniors and the poor who rely on those services. if we make huge cuts in defense, we also run the risk of increasing unemployment beyond 10%.

when the GOP says that want to go back to 2008 spending levels, those levels still include a huge budget shortfall. approximately $407 billion. (not including the wars).

i am still waiting to hear any member of the GOP tell us how they are going to tackle SS, medicare, medicaid and increase taxes to pay for everything.

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