Culture War Results ...

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
It looks like the liberals won and here's a few results... (yup, there's plenty more)

1) 2+ generations of pot-heads

2) Children not safe on the streets or in the womb

3) Liberal politicians can lie at will and be beloved. (the ends justify the means)
It looks like the liberals won and here's a few results... (yup, there's plenty more)

1) 2+ generations of pot-heads

2) Children not safe on the streets or in the womb

3) Liberal politicians can lie at will and be beloved. (the ends justify the means)
1) Black people can use any bathroom

2) Highest survival rate for children in the history of mankind

3) The GOP is slowly weeding out the crazy ones

It looks like the liberals won and here's a few results... (yup, there's plenty more)

1) 2+ generations of pot-heads

2) Children not safe on the streets or in the womb

3) Liberal politicians can lie at will and be beloved. (the ends justify the means)

Butt hurt that christ insanity is about over
"The “culture wars” have been a feature of American politics for almost a century, but recently a number of commentators have declared their end. Conservatives have lost, swept aside by a wave of enthusiasm for marriage equality and sexualized mass culture, and so liberals, the reasoning goes, must have won. But conflating the lessons of a winner-take-all political system and the state of pop culture obscures an important point: in television, movies, and music, just because conservative ideals are receding does not mean that liberalism has actually carried the day."
If conservatives lost the culture war that doesn t mean liberals won - The Washington Post
As I have said many times, 18th century liberals bare no resemblance to the 21st Century wack jobs. You have as much connection to them as a cat has to a goldfish.
We are the same, but I am 230 years smarter and live in different times. You, by contrast, have yet to even live in the real world.

If liberals founded this nation we'd still be sucking Britain's buttocks...:laugh:
Conservatives in those days were known as Tories, and fled to Canada. It's American history, which you are unaware of.
It looks like the liberals won and here's a few results... (yup, there's plenty more)

1) 2+ generations of pot-heads

2) Children not safe on the streets or in the womb

3) Liberal politicians can lie at will and be beloved. (the ends justify the means)

Butt hurt that christ insanity is about over

I'm a tad butt hurt that idiots like you infect this message board with moronic comments...:tongue-44:.

If liberals founded this nation we'd still be sucking Britain's buttocks...:laugh:
Conservatives in those days were known as Tories, and fled to Canada. It's American history, which you are unaware of.

Liberally educated is my guess...

Quote from the article...

In the late 1700's, radical writings were circulated throughout England. These writings sought political, social and economic reforms in Great Britain. Some of the more radical elements sought republicanism, the abolition of titles, equal rights, frequent elections, economic freedom and freedom of the press. The term "radical" means getting to the root of the problem and making fundamental changes. The supporters of this approach, who were mainly from the middle classes, became known as the Radical Whigs. The Radical Whigs had a great influence on the American and the French Revolutions. Some of these Radical Whigs included philosophers such as John Locke, Adam Smith, Adam Ferguson, Thomas Paine and David Hume.

The writings of the Radical Whigs played a significant role in the development of the American Revolution. Their writings were widely read by the North American colonists. As the English Crown denied the colonists equal rights as Englishmen (including the right to be represented in the English Parliament), and imposed an onerous tax system, the colonists decided to break away from the Kingdom of Great Britain to form an independent country where the government was by the people and for the people.

When the American Revolution started, the word Whig was first used to refer to any American patriot who supported independence. These patriot Whigs were the leading figures who, in July 1776, declared the United States of America an independent nation. They are also known as the Founding Fathers: John Adams, John Dickinson, Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Paine, Paul Revere, Nathanael Greene, Nathan Hale, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.

1700s - The Enlightenment Modern Whig Party
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..and more quotes....

Historical Background

The Whig Party, in the United States, was for most of its history concerned with promoting internal improvements, such as roads, canals, railroads, deepening of rivers, etc. This was of interest to many Westerners in this period, isolated as they were and in need of markets. Abraham Lincoln was a Whig for most of this period.
The name came into use in the 1680s in England when there was the threat of establishment of a line of Catholic Kings, starting with James II. The Protestant element, who held that Parliament could prevent such a succession, came to be called Whigs after a radical Presbyterian group in Scotland, the Whigamores, while the party tending to the doctrine of the rights of King James II (and naturally containing Catholic as well as simply royalist elements), were calledTories after some bands of Irish Catholics who had been driven to become outlaws due to the crusade of the English against the church they clung to.

The designation of British loyalists during the American Revolution - as Tories - is well known. And many on the revolutionary side must have identified with the English Whigs, which continued to be the party in favor of Parliament's keeping the king in check.

During Andrew Jackson's presidency the first really well organized political parties came into existence. The Democratic Party, with Jackson himself as the rallying point, brought about radical changes, including a presidency that for the first time threatened to overshadow Congress.

Historical Background The American Whig Party 1834-1856 - Hal Morris 1801-1900 Essays American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond
"Culture War Results ..."

You and others on the right will likely never give up on the culture wars, particularly since it's all you've got.
Well, the results of liberalism are unsustainable, so yup, conservatism may have one last shot but alas probably far too late.
It looks like the liberals won and here's a few results... (yup, there's plenty more)

1) 2+ generations of pot-heads

2) Children not safe on the streets or in the womb

3) Liberal politicians can lie at will and be beloved. (the ends justify the means)
1) Black people can use any bathroom

2) Highest survival rate for children in the history of mankind

3) The GOP is slowly weeding out the crazy ones

3) Not nearly fast enough.

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