Cult of the Dead Cow

Who knew? We have a Cult of the Dead Cow, AOC want's to eliminate cows (or at least their farting), and can't forget NYC wanting meatless Mondays. Why do Liberals hate cows?
Cult of the Dead Cow - Wikipedia
Right. The Cult of the Dead Cow has nothing to do with liberals or AOC or the environment. Just so everyone knows.

Sure...nothing at all.
Beto O’Rourke was a member of the Cult of the Dead Cow, America’s oldest hacking group | Politics | Dallas News
Who knew? We have a Cult of the Dead Cow, AOC want's to eliminate cows (or at least their farting), and can't forget NYC wanting meatless Mondays. Why do Liberals hate cows?
Cult of the Dead Cow - Wikipedia

"Liberals" hate cows??

Might want to ask yourself why the beef industry hates cows. A dumb sluggish creature that could never in a million years survive on its own, bred deliberately as nothing but a food source, fattened up artificially, exploiting the land FAR less efficiently than agriculture does, just so it can make profits propping up McDonald's with its Big McFats Cancerburgers.

Your links say nothing about any "AOC", "farting", or "meatless Mondays".
I've never heard of "meatless Mondays". Why would you limit it to one day a week?
Might want to ask yourself why the beef industry hates cows. A dumb sluggish creature that could never in a million years survive on its own, bred deliberately as nothing but a food source, fattened up artificially, exploiting the land FAR less efficiently than agriculture does, just so it can make profits propping up McDonald's with its Big McFats Cancerburgers

I’ll taje three of those Cancerburgers, with cheese for every meal before I ever allow my diet to consist exclusively, or nearly so, of fruits and vegetables.
Might want to ask yourself why the beef industry hates cows. A dumb sluggish creature that could never in a million years survive on its own, bred deliberately as nothing but a food source, fattened up artificially, exploiting the land FAR less efficiently than agriculture does, just so it can make profits propping up McDonald's with its Big McFats Cancerburgers

I’ll taje three of those Cancerburgers, with cheese for every meal before I ever allow my diet to consist exclusively, or nearly so, of fruits and vegetables.

No doubt you will. You have a death wish.
Who knew? We have a Cult of the Dead Cow, AOC want's to eliminate cows (or at least their farting), and can't forget NYC wanting meatless Mondays. Why do Liberals hate cows?
Cult of the Dead Cow - Wikipedia

"Liberals" hate cows??

Might want to ask yourself why the beef industry hates cows. A dumb sluggish creature that could never in a million years survive on its own, bred deliberately as nothing but a food source, fattened up artificially, exploiting the land FAR less efficiently than agriculture does, just so it can make profits propping up McDonald's with its Big McFats Cancerburgers.

Your links say nothing about any "AOC", "farting", or "meatless Mondays".
I've never heard of "meatless Mondays". Why would you limit it to one day a week?

Dang Pogo, you really need to get your news someplace other than Fakebook.
Mayor de Blasio: NYC will have 'Meatless Mondays' in all public schools
Who knew? We have a Cult of the Dead Cow, AOC want's to eliminate cows (or at least their farting), and can't forget NYC wanting meatless Mondays. Why do Liberals hate cows?
Cult of the Dead Cow - Wikipedia

"Liberals" hate cows??

Might want to ask yourself why the beef industry hates cows. A dumb sluggish creature that could never in a million years survive on its own, bred deliberately as nothing but a food source, fattened up artificially, exploiting the land FAR less efficiently than agriculture does, just so it can make profits propping up McDonald's with its Big McFats Cancerburgers.

Your links say nothing about any "AOC", "farting", or "meatless Mondays".
I've never heard of "meatless Mondays". Why would you limit it to one day a week?

Dang Pogo, you really need to get your news someplace other than Fakebook.
Mayor de Blasio: NYC will have 'Meatless Mondays' in all public schools
Bing - Search History

I grew up with meatless Fridays, so I guess this is better alliteration.... it was however often called "fish on Fridays" although there was no reason fish had to be involved.
I like fruits and veggies but i will never give up meat. I have rarely ate a meal without meat in some form
Who knew? We have a Cult of the Dead Cow, AOC want's to eliminate cows (or at least their farting), and can't forget NYC wanting meatless Mondays. Why do Liberals hate cows?
Cult of the Dead Cow - Wikipedia
Right. The Cult of the Dead Cow has nothing to do with liberals or AOC or the environment. Just so everyone knows.

Sure...nothing at all.
Beto O’Rourke was a member of the Cult of the Dead Cow, America’s oldest hacking group | Politics | Dallas News
I couldn't read your link--it went to an ad I couldn't get rid of--so here's another one people can read. Beto O'Rourke was a member of hacking group Cult of the Dead Cow
In the 80's he pirated video games and went on early chat boards.
It had nothing to do with COWS even.
I like fruits and veggies but i will never give up meat. I have rarely ate a meal without meat in some form

'Specially all that crow you have to eat after I quote one o' your posts... :scared1:
You dont make eat crow. When you try to argue with me i only end up bathing in righteousness.
I thank you for always giving me that boost of confidence!
When you factor in Beto's poem asking a cow to "wax his ass" you have to say there is something very very strange going on in left wing politics.
Who knew? We have a Cult of the Dead Cow, AOC want's to eliminate cows (or at least their farting), and can't forget NYC wanting meatless Mondays. Why do Liberals hate cows?
Cult of the Dead Cow - Wikipedia

"Liberals" hate cows??

Might want to ask yourself why the beef industry hates cows. A dumb sluggish creature that could never in a million years survive on its own, bred deliberately as nothing but a food source, fattened up artificially, exploiting the land FAR less efficiently than agriculture does, just so it can make profits propping up McDonald's with its Big McFats Cancerburgers.

Your links say nothing about any "AOC", "farting", or "meatless Mondays".
I've never heard of "meatless Mondays". Why would you limit it to one day a week?

Not true. The part about cows not being able to survive on their own. To prove this point, if you are ever out west where free grazing is still very common you can drive out into the boonies and spot these free range cattle. These cattle spend a year surviving bad weather, cougars, bears, feral dogs and in some cases wolves. Domestic cattle are no more stupid then American Buffalo.

As far as “meatless” Monday go’s, to say it diddnt happen because there is no link is weak on your part as there has not been 20 minutes of news on any medium that hasn’t mentioned Deblasio and his token black woman and “meatless Monday”.
Who knew? We have a Cult of the Dead Cow, AOC want's to eliminate cows (or at least their farting), and can't forget NYC wanting meatless Mondays. Why do Liberals hate cows?
Cult of the Dead Cow - Wikipedia

"Liberals" hate cows??

Might want to ask yourself why the beef industry hates cows. A dumb sluggish creature that could never in a million years survive on its own, bred deliberately as nothing but a food source, fattened up artificially, exploiting the land FAR less efficiently than agriculture does, just so it can make profits propping up McDonald's with its Big McFats Cancerburgers.

Your links say nothing about any "AOC", "farting", or "meatless Mondays".
I've never heard of "meatless Mondays". Why would you limit it to one day a week?

Not true. The part about cows not being able to survive on their own. To prove this point, if you are ever out west where free grazing is still very common you can drive out into the boonies and spot these free range cattle. These cattle spend a year surviving bad weather, cougars, bears, feral dogs and in some cases wolves. Domestic cattle are no more stupid then American Buffalo.

As far as “meatless” Monday go’s, to say it diddnt happen because there is no link is weak on your part as there has not been 20 minutes of news on any medium that hasn’t mentioned Deblasio and his token black woman and “meatless Monday”.
Cut Pogo a break. He's just not that bright.
Might want to ask yourself why the beef industry hates cows. A dumb sluggish creature that could never in a million years survive on its own, bred deliberately as nothing but a food source, fattened up artificially, exploiting the land FAR less efficiently than agriculture does, just so it can make profits propping up McDonald's with its Big McFats Cancerburgers

I’ll taje three of those Cancerburgers, with cheese for every meal before I ever allow my diet to consist exclusively, or nearly so, of fruits and vegetables.

I agree. I like a nice salad. But I like it next to a T-bone steak and a baked potato loaded with butter.

You can take that vegan crap and shove it up a vegans ass.
Who knew? We have a Cult of the Dead Cow, AOC want's to eliminate cows (or at least their farting), and can't forget NYC wanting meatless Mondays. Why do Liberals hate cows?
Cult of the Dead Cow - Wikipedia

"Liberals" hate cows??

Might want to ask yourself why the beef industry hates cows. A dumb sluggish creature that could never in a million years survive on its own, bred deliberately as nothing but a food source, fattened up artificially, exploiting the land FAR less efficiently than agriculture does, just so it can make profits propping up McDonald's with its Big McFats Cancerburgers.

Your links say nothing about any "AOC", "farting", or "meatless Mondays".
I've never heard of "meatless Mondays". Why would you limit it to one day a week?

Not true. The part about cows not being able to survive on their own. To prove this point, if you are ever out west where free grazing is still very common you can drive out into the boonies and spot these free range cattle. These cattle spend a year surviving bad weather, cougars, bears, feral dogs and in some cases wolves. Domestic cattle are no more stupid then American Buffalo.

As far as “meatless” Monday go’s, to say it diddnt happen because there is no link is weak on your part as there has not been 20 minutes of news on any medium that hasn’t mentioned Deblasio and his token black woman and “meatless Monday”.

Belted Galloways. Sometimes folks up here raise them. Tough buggers.

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