CU Sea Level Research Group says +3.3 mm/yr since 1993

But that is all the deniers like Defcon4 have. Failed attempts at sarcasm and irony. The real irony is that he is using a computer to post on the internet his contempt for scientists.
I am not sure what contempt are you talking about. I do have issues with pseudo scientists and scientists who falsify research results in order to push for an agenda.
Really? You sure suck up the crap that the denier scientists put out. And, again, all you offer is flap-yap. Link to some credible proof that what you say is happening actually is.
But that is all the deniers like Defcon4 have. Failed attempts at sarcasm and irony. The real irony is that he is using a computer to post on the internet his contempt for scientists.
I am not sure what contempt are you talking about. I do have issues with pseudo scientists and scientists who falsify research results in order to push for an agenda.

Who do you believe to be a pseudo scientist and who do you believe has falsified research? Anthony Watts? Willie Soon?
Willie Soon - SourceWatch

Dr. Willie Wei-Hock Soon (who is most commonly referred to as Willie Soon) is a global warming denier. He is a physicist at the Solar, Stellar, and Planetary Sciences Division of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and, since 1992[1], has been an astronomer at the Mount Wilson Observatory,[2], where climate denier and Marshall Institute co-founder Robert Jastrow was Director[3] from 1992-2003.[4]

"U.S. oil and coal companies, including ExxonMobil, the American Petroleum Institute, Koch Industries, and the world’s largest coal-burning utility, Southern Company, have contributed more than $1 million over the past decade to his research. According to Greenpeace, every grant Dr. Soon has received since 2002 has been from oil or coal interests."[5]

For sure, he costs more than Lindzen and Singer.

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