Crystal Test!


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Crystal Test | What Crystal Do You Need Quiz - Energy Muse

These are the ones that they said I should have:


The Stabilizer
Red Jasper almost seems to hug you with its comforting essence. Jasperā€™s energy is the support you can lean on when stress is tearing you down. As a supreme nurturer, jasper soothes the mind of anxiety so that it can focus on other things. Jasperā€™s encouragement helps you to take on new pursuits, deal with conflicts and approach problems with creative solutions.


Rescue Me
Keep calm and carry on is the message that rhodonite inspires within the heart chakra. When stirring feelings are causing waves of turmoil in your spiritual body, tame the emotional seas with rhodoniteā€™s love, grounding and insight. Discover new passions, attract a more fulfilling kind of love and boost humanitarian efforts with the help of this crystal for calm connectedness.


The Compassionate Cheerleader
The self-love stone, Rhodochrosite will combat feelings of inadequacy with a treat yourself mentality of self-worth. You deserve the love you receive, and Rhodochrosite energy helps you to accept that by filling you up with love and joy for yourself. This stone of empowerment will be your cheerleader, infuse your heart chakra with the courage and positivity to take on new challenges.


Odds are in Your Favor to Manifest Your Dreams
If youā€™re heading to Las Vegas, forget about lady luckā€”aventurine is the one you want by your side! The whimsical energy of this shimmering crystal is especially conducive to the power of plenty. While itā€™s playfully referred to as a gamblerā€™s stone, Aventurine is helpful to everyone. Sometimes a gamble looks less like a game, and more like a fork in the road of your life; a time when you have to decide between what is sound and secure, or taking a risk. In connecting with the heart chakra, Aventurine graces the spirit with an easy sense of confidence. The excitement it stimulates can promote a more optimistic outlook that will make jumping out of your comfort zone less scary.


The Transformer
Tough love from a tough crystal, Malachite is the friend you go to when you need that unfiltered relationship advice. If some reason or another, something always seems to go wrong in your relationships, Malachite can cleanse the chakras and bring you to a realization about whatā€™s not working. Itā€™s one of the most powerful transformational crystals for the heart. The emotional balance it provides will encourage you to take the action you need to remove negative patterns and enhance your transformational energy.


The Earth Warrior
If thoughts about your past are haunting your present, use Rhyolite to tap into your inner zen and stop thinking about ā€œback then.ā€ The self-esteem boosting energy of this crystal helps foster acceptance and emotional release. With a profound wisdom, you can see the past through a new lens, and take the lessons you learn to create positive changes for your future.


Go With the Flow
Bring in the tide of high vibes with Ocean Jasper. Detox from the stress of life and allow the energy of ocean jasper to assuage your overburdened mind with positivity. Embrace and enjoy your journey with other humans, and let happiness be the current you flow to. When difficulties arise, ocean jasper will help your to avoid a crash by lending you the insight to peacefully navigate around them.


It's All About New Beginnings
If you are constantly looking toward the horizon, Chrysocolla is the energy your free spirit needs to stop dreaming about adventure and start one. Inspired by the energy of willpower, creativity, confidence and tranquility, you will feel motivated to transform your future ambitions into present realities. Use chrysocolla to commence a new beginning, and be on your way to happily ever after.


The Harmonizer
The way Sodalite grounds you with energies like self-esteem, acceptance and trust will have you begging to get grounded. This harmony inducing stone reestablishes the connection between the higher mind and the body, releasing the fears and tensions held in both. Use sodaliteā€™s encouraging energy to strengthen bonds with others and bring balance into every area of your life.


The Rainbow Keeper
Embrace the energy of fluorite, and flow right into those sweet dreams. Let fluorite guide you from a state of anxiety to one of tranquility by cleansing both your mind and environment. This is an absorbent crystal that will neutralize all of the negativity around it. Sleeping near or meditating with fluorite ensures mental clarity, and harmony between chakras.


The Shape Shifter
Tigerā€™s Eye not only gets its name from its amber hues, but also its ability to bestow fierce focus and primal power only bolsters its tiger-like reputation. This crystal helps you to see through a fresh set of eyes, so that you can gain clarity on situations that have become blurry or confusing. Tigerā€™s eye shifts your outlook so that you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself. Is there a new hobby youā€™d like to try? A solution to a problem you havenā€™t considered? An aspect to yourself that you havenā€™t indulged? Tigerā€™s eye connects to the solar plexus and sacral chakras to ground you in the power you need to pursue those ventures.


The Magician
With the mystical energy of labradorite, sparks of neon will illuminate the path to your destiny. Labradorite is a stone of magic and curiosity. Wearing or holding Labradorite helps you tap into a higher state of consciousness. Itā€™s a protective stone as well, so it will keep your energy body grounded, while allowing you to explore the expanded states of the universe. By connecting to and healing all chakras, it boosts mental and spiritual power. Labradorite opens you up, forcing you to become self-aware enough to see what you want your true intentions to be.


Crystal Clear
Clear Quartz maybe a rockstar among crystals, but itā€™s no divaā€”it shares its spotlight. For those whose spirit needs illumination, clear quartz brings clarity to shadows within the mind. The reason there is so much lore surrounding the Clear Quartz is because of how intensely it resonates with the body. A universal healer, it links to all chakras to provide balance and harmony. Its ability to be programed for manifestation is unlike any other crystal. By elevating thoughts and perspective, it will help manifest your intentions like never before.

ROTFL -- That "quiz" is straight out of the gyspy fortune teller's handbook, so to speak.

How does the "quiz" determine what crystals one "needs?"

What Crystal Do I Need Quiz?
Take a look at all the crystals below, and take note of which ones your eyes linger on. Click the stones you feel most attracted to....

One clicks on the rocks one is most attracted to, therefore those are the crystals the "quiz" asserts one needs.

ROTFL -- That "quiz" is straight out of the gyspy fortune teller's handbook, so to speak.

How does the "quiz" determine what crystals one "needs?"

What Crystal Do I Need Quiz?
Take a look at all the crystals below, and take note of which ones your eyes linger on. Click the stones you feel most attracted to....

One clicks on the rocks one is most attracted to, therefore those are the crystals the "quiz" asserts one needs.
Have you always been a humorless, boring twit or is this a recent manifestation?

ROTFL -- That "quiz" is straight out of the gyspy fortune teller's handbook, so to speak.

How does the "quiz" determine what crystals one "needs?"

What Crystal Do I Need Quiz?
Take a look at all the crystals below, and take note of which ones your eyes linger on. Click the stones you feel most attracted to....

One clicks on the rocks one is most attracted to, therefore those are the crystals the "quiz" asserts one needs.
Have you always been a humorless, boring twit or is this a recent manifestation?
Humorless?!? Did you not notice that I opened the post by writing "ROTFL?"
ROTFL -- That "quiz" is straight out of the gyspy fortune teller's handbook, so to speak.
I was laughing the whole time I wrote it. What I remarked upon is precisely what I found funny about the "crystal test."

ROTFL -- That "quiz" is straight out of the gyspy fortune teller's handbook, so to speak.

How does the "quiz" determine what crystals one "needs?"

What Crystal Do I Need Quiz?
Take a look at all the crystals below, and take note of which ones your eyes linger on. Click the stones you feel most attracted to....

One clicks on the rocks one is most attracted to, therefore those are the crystals the "quiz" asserts one needs.
Have you always been a humorless, boring twit or is this a recent manifestation?
Humorless?!? Did you not notice that I opened the post by writing "ROTFL?"
ROTFL -- That "quiz" is straight out of the gyspy fortune teller's handbook, so to speak.
I was laughing the whole time I wrote it. What I remarked upon is precisely what I found funny about the "crystal test."
Try to apply facial expressions........ So as not to be misinterpreted....... :eusa_whistle:


ROTFL -- That "quiz" is straight out of the gyspy fortune teller's handbook, so to speak.

How does the "quiz" determine what crystals one "needs?"

What Crystal Do I Need Quiz?
Take a look at all the crystals below, and take note of which ones your eyes linger on. Click the stones you feel most attracted to....

One clicks on the rocks one is most attracted to, therefore those are the crystals the "quiz" asserts one needs.
Have you always been a humorless, boring twit or is this a recent manifestation?
Humorless?!? Did you not notice that I opened the post by writing "ROTFL?"
ROTFL -- That "quiz" is straight out of the gyspy fortune teller's handbook, so to speak.
I was laughing the whole time I wrote it. What I remarked upon is precisely what I found funny about the "crystal test."
Try to apply facial expressions........ So as not to be misinterpreted....... :eusa_whistle:

WOW! You actually think that's necessary?


I never thought I'd see the day when someone misconstrued one's writing "ROTFL" as something other than one finding humor in the remarks/behavior about which one wrote "ROTFL." The last letter in that acronym, "L," does, after all, stand for "laughing."

ROTFL -- That "quiz" is straight out of the gyspy fortune teller's handbook, so to speak.

How does the "quiz" determine what crystals one "needs?"

What Crystal Do I Need Quiz?
Take a look at all the crystals below, and take note of which ones your eyes linger on. Click the stones you feel most attracted to....

One clicks on the rocks one is most attracted to, therefore those are the crystals the "quiz" asserts one needs.
Have you always been a humorless, boring twit or is this a recent manifestation?
Humorless?!? Did you not notice that I opened the post by writing "ROTFL?"
ROTFL -- That "quiz" is straight out of the gyspy fortune teller's handbook, so to speak.
I was laughing the whole time I wrote it. What I remarked upon is precisely what I found funny about the "crystal test."
Try to apply facial expressions........ So as not to be misinterpreted....... :eusa_whistle:

WOW! You actually think that's necessary?


I never thought I'd see the day when someone misconstrued one's writing "ROTFL" as something other than one finding humor in the remarks/behavior about which one wrote "ROTFL." The last letter in that acronym, "L," does, after all, stand for "laughing."
Wow, you mean all the posters who use ROTFL here in a derogatory sense are actually not using it that way? It's simply amazing that your personal insight projection is so spot on........ Let me guess, you're a self anointed God.

ROTFL -- That "quiz" is straight out of the gyspy fortune teller's handbook, so to speak.

How does the "quiz" determine what crystals one "needs?"

What Crystal Do I Need Quiz?
Take a look at all the crystals below, and take note of which ones your eyes linger on. Click the stones you feel most attracted to....

One clicks on the rocks one is most attracted to, therefore those are the crystals the "quiz" asserts one needs.
Have you always been a humorless, boring twit or is this a recent manifestation?
Humorless?!? Did you not notice that I opened the post by writing "ROTFL?"
ROTFL -- That "quiz" is straight out of the gyspy fortune teller's handbook, so to speak.
I was laughing the whole time I wrote it. What I remarked upon is precisely what I found funny about the "crystal test."
Try to apply facial expressions........ So as not to be misinterpreted....... :eusa_whistle:

WOW! You actually think that's necessary?


I never thought I'd see the day when someone misconstrued one's writing "ROTFL" as something other than one finding humor in the remarks/behavior about which one wrote "ROTFL." The last letter in that acronym, "L," does, after all, stand for "laughing."
Wow, you mean all the posters who use ROTFL here in a derogatory sense are actually not using it that way? It's simply amazing that your personal insight projection is so spot on........ Let me guess, you're a self anointed God.
Are there truly people who take the pronouncements and prognosticating ways/techniques of gypsy fortune tellers as anything but entertainment? As anything but fun/funny? Are you such an individual? If so, that'd explain in part why you didn't see my initial remarks as humor and did take the "ROTFL" as derogatory.

Wow, you mean all the posters who use ROTFL here in a derogatory sense are actually not using it that way?
No. I made no remarks or inferences about "all the posters who use ROTFL."

If your observance of many or a preponderance of posters using ROTFL derogatively is what led you to view my specific use of it as such, fine, but why didn't you just say so from the get go? That, I would most certainly have understood for I've often not recognized when a member was indeed laughing sardonically. That lack of awareness often enough happens for me when there is no "ROTFL," "LOL," a supremely preposterous hyperbole, or emoticon of some sort to indicate that I'm reading humor, smug or otherwise. When such an indicator is precedes or follows one's sardonic humor, I construe that they're being funny somehow, even when I don't "get" that their being disparagingly so.

Perhaps that happens because I don't actually actually know anyone here, and, short of someone repeatedly replying to me with abjecting insipid or ignorant remarks, I don't take much notice of most posters. Why is that so? Because I don't consider USMB as a community of which I'm a part or that I seek to be a "favored"/popular member of. I post; folks respond or don't. With any luck, the responses are substantive in much the same way as are responses I receive from comments I make to people with whom in "the real world" I engage in discussion about topics similar to those in which I here participate.

I have my reasons for participating here, but community, socialization and the like aren't among them. Yes, of course, some small measure of socialization happens -- how could it not -- but it's not something I value; it's just something that occurs and that I see no need to rebuke.
Amethyst Gemstone meaning. Crystalline quartz in shades of purple, lilac or mauve is called amethyst, a stone traditionally worn to guard against drunkeness and to instill a sober mind. The word amethyst comes from the Greek meaning "without drunkenness" andamethyst is believed to protect one from poison.
Amethyst meaning - Crystal
Amethyst meaning
I prefer my birthstone. Alexandrite. I wear no jewelry save tattoos, and one pendant of my birthstone.
Amethyst Gemstone meaning. Crystalline quartz in shades of purple, lilac or mauve is called amethyst, a stone traditionally worn to guard against drunkeness and to instill a sober mind. The word amethyst comes from the Greek meaning "without drunkenness" andamethyst is believed to protect one from poison.
Amethyst meaning - Crystal
Amethyst meaning
I prefer my birthstone. Alexandrite. I wear no jewelry save tattoos, and one pendant of my birthstone.
Argh! Jooolry! :uhoh3:
Amethyst Gemstone meaning. Crystalline quartz in shades of purple, lilac or mauve is called amethyst, a stone traditionally worn to guard against drunkeness and to instill a sober mind. The word amethyst comes from the Greek meaning "without drunkenness" andamethyst is believed to protect one from poison.
Amethyst meaning - Crystal
Amethyst meaning
I prefer my birthstone. Alexandrite. I wear no jewelry save tattoos, and one pendant of my birthstone.
Argh! Jooolry! :uhoh3:
I hate it too. If it ain't ink that is...

ROTFL -- That "quiz" is straight out of the gyspy fortune teller's handbook, so to speak.

How does the "quiz" determine what crystals one "needs?"

What Crystal Do I Need Quiz?
Take a look at all the crystals below, and take note of which ones your eyes linger on. Click the stones you feel most attracted to....

One clicks on the rocks one is most attracted to, therefore those are the crystals the "quiz" asserts one needs.
Have you always been a humorless, boring twit or is this a recent manifestation?
Humorless?!? Did you not notice that I opened the post by writing "ROTFL?"
ROTFL -- That "quiz" is straight out of the gyspy fortune teller's handbook, so to speak.
I was laughing the whole time I wrote it. What I remarked upon is precisely what I found funny about the "crystal test."
Try to apply facial expressions........ So as not to be misinterpreted....... :eusa_whistle:

WOW! You actually think that's necessary?


I never thought I'd see the day when someone misconstrued one's writing "ROTFL" as something other than one finding humor in the remarks/behavior about which one wrote "ROTFL." The last letter in that acronym, "L," does, after all, stand for "laughing."
Wow, you mean all the posters who use ROTFL here in a derogatory sense are actually not using it that way? It's simply amazing that your personal insight projection is so spot on........ Let me guess, you're a self anointed God.
Are there truly people who take the pronouncements and prognosticating ways/techniques of gypsy fortune tellers as anything but entertainment? As anything but fun/funny? Are you such an individual? If so, that'd explain in part why you didn't see my initial remarks as humor and did take the "ROTFL" as derogatory.

Wow, you mean all the posters who use ROTFL here in a derogatory sense are actually not using it that way?
No. I made no remarks or inferences about "all the posters who use ROTFL."

If your observance of many or a preponderance of posters using ROTFL derogatively is what led you to view my specific use of it as such, fine, but why didn't you just say so from the get go? That, I would most certainly have understood for I've often not recognized when a member was indeed laughing sardonically. That lack of awareness often enough happens for me when there is no "ROTFL," "LOL," a supremely preposterous hyperbole, or emoticon of some sort to indicate that I'm reading humor, smug or otherwise. When such an indicator is precedes or follows one's sardonic humor, I construe that they're being funny somehow, even when I don't "get" that their being disparagingly so.

Perhaps that happens because I don't actually actually know anyone here, and, short of someone repeatedly replying to me with abjecting insipid or ignorant remarks, I don't take much notice of most posters. Why is that so? Because I don't consider USMB as a community of which I'm a part or that I seek to be a "favored"/popular member of. I post; folks respond or don't. With any luck, the responses are substantive in much the same way as are responses I receive from comments I make to people with whom in "the real world" I engage in discussion about topics similar to those in which I here participate.

I have my reasons for participating here, but community, socialization and the like aren't among them. Yes, of course, some small measure of socialization happens -- how could it not -- but it's not something I value; it's just something that occurs and that I see no need to rebuke.
Do you always take yourself this seriously.....? Or think I do?

ROTFL -- That "quiz" is straight out of the gyspy fortune teller's handbook, so to speak.

How does the "quiz" determine what crystals one "needs?"

What Crystal Do I Need Quiz?
Take a look at all the crystals below, and take note of which ones your eyes linger on. Click the stones you feel most attracted to....

One clicks on the rocks one is most attracted to, therefore those are the crystals the "quiz" asserts one needs.
Have you always been a humorless, boring twit or is this a recent manifestation?
Humorless?!? Did you not notice that I opened the post by writing "ROTFL?"
ROTFL -- That "quiz" is straight out of the gyspy fortune teller's handbook, so to speak.
I was laughing the whole time I wrote it. What I remarked upon is precisely what I found funny about the "crystal test."
Try to apply facial expressions........ So as not to be misinterpreted....... :eusa_whistle:

WOW! You actually think that's necessary?


I never thought I'd see the day when someone misconstrued one's writing "ROTFL" as something other than one finding humor in the remarks/behavior about which one wrote "ROTFL." The last letter in that acronym, "L," does, after all, stand for "laughing."
Wow, you mean all the posters who use ROTFL here in a derogatory sense are actually not using it that way? It's simply amazing that your personal insight projection is so spot on........ Let me guess, you're a self anointed God.
Are there truly people who take the pronouncements and prognosticating ways/techniques of gypsy fortune tellers as anything but entertainment? As anything but fun/funny? Are you such an individual? If so, that'd explain in part why you didn't see my initial remarks as humor and did take the "ROTFL" as derogatory.

Wow, you mean all the posters who use ROTFL here in a derogatory sense are actually not using it that way?
No. I made no remarks or inferences about "all the posters who use ROTFL."

If your observance of many or a preponderance of posters using ROTFL derogatively is what led you to view my specific use of it as such, fine, but why didn't you just say so from the get go? That, I would most certainly have understood for I've often not recognized when a member was indeed laughing sardonically. That lack of awareness often enough happens for me when there is no "ROTFL," "LOL," a supremely preposterous hyperbole, or emoticon of some sort to indicate that I'm reading humor, smug or otherwise. When such an indicator is precedes or follows one's sardonic humor, I construe that they're being funny somehow, even when I don't "get" that their being disparagingly so.

Perhaps that happens because I don't actually actually know anyone here, and, short of someone repeatedly replying to me with abjecting insipid or ignorant remarks, I don't take much notice of most posters. Why is that so? Because I don't consider USMB as a community of which I'm a part or that I seek to be a "favored"/popular member of. I post; folks respond or don't. With any luck, the responses are substantive in much the same way as are responses I receive from comments I make to people with whom in "the real world" I engage in discussion about topics similar to those in which I here participate.

I have my reasons for participating here, but community, socialization and the like aren't among them. Yes, of course, some small measure of socialization happens -- how could it not -- but it's not something I value; it's just something that occurs and that I see no need to rebuke.
Do you always take yourself this seriously.....? Or think I do?

Never typed "TL; DR"? This is a case for that, surely.

ROTFL -- That "quiz" is straight out of the gyspy fortune teller's handbook, so to speak.

How does the "quiz" determine what crystals one "needs?"

What Crystal Do I Need Quiz?
Take a look at all the crystals below, and take note of which ones your eyes linger on. Click the stones you feel most attracted to....

One clicks on the rocks one is most attracted to, therefore those are the crystals the "quiz" asserts one needs.
Have you always been a humorless, boring twit or is this a recent manifestation?
Humorless?!? Did you not notice that I opened the post by writing "ROTFL?"
I was laughing the whole time I wrote it. What I remarked upon is precisely what I found funny about the "crystal test."
Try to apply facial expressions........ So as not to be misinterpreted....... :eusa_whistle:

WOW! You actually think that's necessary?


I never thought I'd see the day when someone misconstrued one's writing "ROTFL" as something other than one finding humor in the remarks/behavior about which one wrote "ROTFL." The last letter in that acronym, "L," does, after all, stand for "laughing."
Wow, you mean all the posters who use ROTFL here in a derogatory sense are actually not using it that way? It's simply amazing that your personal insight projection is so spot on........ Let me guess, you're a self anointed God.
Are there truly people who take the pronouncements and prognosticating ways/techniques of gypsy fortune tellers as anything but entertainment? As anything but fun/funny? Are you such an individual? If so, that'd explain in part why you didn't see my initial remarks as humor and did take the "ROTFL" as derogatory.

Wow, you mean all the posters who use ROTFL here in a derogatory sense are actually not using it that way?
No. I made no remarks or inferences about "all the posters who use ROTFL."

If your observance of many or a preponderance of posters using ROTFL derogatively is what led you to view my specific use of it as such, fine, but why didn't you just say so from the get go? That, I would most certainly have understood for I've often not recognized when a member was indeed laughing sardonically. That lack of awareness often enough happens for me when there is no "ROTFL," "LOL," a supremely preposterous hyperbole, or emoticon of some sort to indicate that I'm reading humor, smug or otherwise. When such an indicator is precedes or follows one's sardonic humor, I construe that they're being funny somehow, even when I don't "get" that their being disparagingly so.

Perhaps that happens because I don't actually actually know anyone here, and, short of someone repeatedly replying to me with abjecting insipid or ignorant remarks, I don't take much notice of most posters. Why is that so? Because I don't consider USMB as a community of which I'm a part or that I seek to be a "favored"/popular member of. I post; folks respond or don't. With any luck, the responses are substantive in much the same way as are responses I receive from comments I make to people with whom in "the real world" I engage in discussion about topics similar to those in which I here participate.

I have my reasons for participating here, but community, socialization and the like aren't among them. Yes, of course, some small measure of socialization happens -- how could it not -- but it's not something I value; it's just something that occurs and that I see no need to rebuke.
Do you always take yourself this seriously.....? Or think I do?

Never typed "TL; DR"? This is a case for that, surely.
WTF does that mean?
WOW! You actually think that's necessary?


I never thought I'd see the day when someone misconstrued one's writing "ROTFL" as something other than one finding humor in the remarks/behavior about which one wrote "ROTFL." The last letter in that acronym, "L," does, after all, stand for "laughing."
Wow, you mean all the posters who use ROTFL here in a derogatory sense are actually not using it that way? It's simply amazing that your personal insight projection is so spot on........ Let me guess, you're a self anointed God.
Are there truly people who take the pronouncements and prognosticating ways/techniques of gypsy fortune tellers as anything but entertainment? As anything but fun/funny? Are you such an individual? If so, that'd explain in part why you didn't see my initial remarks as humor and did take the "ROTFL" as derogatory.

Wow, you mean all the posters who use ROTFL here in a derogatory sense are actually not using it that way?
No. I made no remarks or inferences about "all the posters who use ROTFL."

If your observance of many or a preponderance of posters using ROTFL derogatively is what led you to view my specific use of it as such, fine, but why didn't you just say so from the get go? That, I would most certainly have understood for I've often not recognized when a member was indeed laughing sardonically. That lack of awareness often enough happens for me when there is no "ROTFL," "LOL," a supremely preposterous hyperbole, or emoticon of some sort to indicate that I'm reading humor, smug or otherwise. When such an indicator is precedes or follows one's sardonic humor, I construe that they're being funny somehow, even when I don't "get" that their being disparagingly so.

Perhaps that happens because I don't actually actually know anyone here, and, short of someone repeatedly replying to me with abjecting insipid or ignorant remarks, I don't take much notice of most posters. Why is that so? Because I don't consider USMB as a community of which I'm a part or that I seek to be a "favored"/popular member of. I post; folks respond or don't. With any luck, the responses are substantive in much the same way as are responses I receive from comments I make to people with whom in "the real world" I engage in discussion about topics similar to those in which I here participate.

I have my reasons for participating here, but community, socialization and the like aren't among them. Yes, of course, some small measure of socialization happens -- how could it not -- but it's not something I value; it's just something that occurs and that I see no need to rebuke.
Do you always take yourself this seriously.....? Or think I do?

Never typed "TL; DR"? This is a case for that, surely.
WTF does that mean?
Too Long; Didn't Read.


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