Crying Boehner Is Due For Another Good Cry!

"First, let’s talk about the very basic reality that the legislation enabling Boehner to sue the President is dead in the water. No doubt, the romper room members of the House will pass it, but it won’t pass the Senate and it sure as hell won’t be signed in to law by the President. Either Mr. Boehner knows that, which makes this yet another exercise in bovine fecal matter, or he is unfamiliar with the constitutional requirements to make law."

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dear gawd, liberals pass that crap off as writing and people are suppose to take it seriously?

shiny objects for his Intellectual challenged base

really people, you care to be insulted go to any left wing site?

this is the type of garbage they put out about YOU

never go to that site folks and this op should be shunned

nothing but trash politics
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How fanatically funny these statements coming from you when you scream so loud about wasting tax payers money. Yet how convenient now when it fits your small-minded agenda..."...Throughout Barack Obama’s Presidency the Tea Party controlled Republicans have indulged in paranoid fantasies about the president’s birth certificate, waged off the top rhetoric that only the most intellectually challenged would accept, wasted millions of taxpayer dollars on sham hearings and held the economy and the government hostage with obscene ransom demands..."
When you have a consistency to your bitching and your posts maybe someone will start to take you serious. Until then all you are is a bloviating fool.

dear gawd, liberals pass that crap off as writing and people are suppose to take it seriously?

shiny objects for his Intellectual challenged base

really people, you care to be insulted go to any left wing site?

this is the type of garbage they put out about YOU

never go to that site folks and this op should be shunned

nothing but trash politics

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