#CruzSexScandal Trending

Why do Trump supporters care?

The man has lied and cheated on multiple wives. Why do they give a shit what others do?

Was just thinking the same thing.

Trumpery cheated on wives and had bastard kids.
Cruz thumps his bible, threatens sharia law and sleeps around.

RWNJs continue to twist themselves into pretzels to support either of these jerks or, for that matter, almost all of the rest of the Do Nothings.

They wouldn't care if one of them were caught in the bathroom with an eight year old.

Lie, cheat, steal - its all SSDD for the GOP

Prove that bastard kids thing, or stand before the forum as the lying cock sucker, and whore that you are!
his child with marla maples was born out of wedlock....before they married, is what he might be referring to??

Was he divorced at the time? Or doesn't that count?

Bill Clinton
Gary Condit
Ed Schrock
Strom Thurmond
Steven C. LaTourette
Larry Craig
Tim Mahoney
John Edwards
Chip Pickering
Anthony Weiner
Scott DesJarlais
David Wu
Vance McAllister

Many more...

Don’t be shocked if Ted Cruz has an affair...It is a Washington disease.....
Uh oh.

Anonymous is piling on now. They were threatening him a few days ago.
Anonymous Claims They HAVE PROOF of Cruz Affairs Rumors Did Not Start with Donald Trump
The Gateway Pundit ^ | 2-25-16 | Jim Hoft
”Have you heard of the expression “candy wrappers”? Do you recall visiting prostitutes? Mr. Cruz, we are now demanding you exit this race immediately or Anonymous will release all of the information that we have found. Your so-called underground acts that you think were done in the dark, will be brought out for all the public to see. It will be sent to every media outlet to publicize your disgusting behavior. We assure you it will go viral on every social media platforms in a matter of minutes.”
That's the worst thing he said since he weaponized the Brussels terrorist attack to score cheap political points while victims were still bleeding to death.

None of Trump's clownish gaffs come even close to the insidious, destructive politics of Lying Ted. He's a real asshole.

Yo, we know who is behind the article? Donald Trump will stop at nothing to become President! He has nothing to lose by lying! Rubio is like a lady I had years ago, GONE! So, don`t try to change the story! I see Marco Rubio filing a Lawsuit in the near future against the Paper? And if he does? Trumps name will come out!!!!! I guess Rubio had all of the pictures too? Foolish!!!

.... and Sanders is suing the Democratic Party
.... and Hilary "should" be going to jail for lying to congress, then should be tried for treason. Should not do comedy. Should not tell women they have to vote for her, or who their "others" have to vote for......
Uh oh.

Anonymous is piling on now. They were threatening him a few days ago.
Anonymous Claims They HAVE PROOF of Cruz Affairs Rumors Did Not Start with Donald Trump
The Gateway Pundit ^ | 2-25-16 | Jim Hoft
”Have you heard of the expression “candy wrappers”? Do you recall visiting prostitutes? Mr. Cruz, we are now demanding you exit this race immediately or Anonymous will release all of the information that we have found. Your so-called underground acts that you think were done in the dark, will be brought out for all the public to see. It will be sent to every media outlet to publicize your disgusting behavior. We assure you it will go viral on every social media platforms in a matter of minutes.”

or the factious muslim trump daughter ......................

Yo, we know who is behind the article? Donald Trump will stop at nothing to become President! He has nothing to lose by lying! Rubio is like a lady I had years ago, GONE! So, don`t try to change the story! I see Marco Rubio filing a Lawsuit in the near future against the Paper? And if he does? Trumps name will come out!!!!! I guess Rubio had all of the pictures too? Foolish!!!

Numerous reports claim Ted Cruz had extramarital affairs - Red...

The story took another strange turn when it was discovered that several consultants who supported Florida Sen. Marco Rubio (R) heard about the affair months ago and tweeted about it using #TheThing. They hoped the story would drop before Super Tuesday, allowing Rubio to win and finish off Cruz.

Do they actually give out gullible pills to you Trumpettes, or are you just naturally this credulous?

Donald Trump’s Alliance With the National Enquirer

Back in October, New York Magazine ran an expose on the fact that the National Enquirer is operating as the disinformation and sleaze arm of Donald Trump's campaign. Back then, it was Ben Carson eating up Trump's lead, and "mysteriously" . . .

The Enquirer published a cover story on Carson headlined “Bungling Surgeon Ben Carson Left Sponge in Patient’s Brain!” The article called Carson a “White House wannabe” and claimed he “brandished a scalpel like a meat cleaver!”

A source close to the Enquirer confirmed at the time that the Trump campaign was the source of the article.

Not only that . . .

Two weeks after Trump launched his campaign in mid-June, the Enquirer reported that Jeb Bush was “involved in the drug trade in Florida” in the '80s and that, as governor, he was plagued by “sleazy cheating scandals … [with a] Playboy Bunny turned lawyer.” In September, the Enquirer published an unflattering photograph of Bush’s adult daughter apparently taking cigarette breaks at her office. The article hit just days after Jeb told Americans they needed to work longer hours.

Oh, and then, after Carly Fiorina kicked Donny Boy's butt at a debate . . .

The Enquirer ran an article headlined “Homewrecker Carly Fiorina Lied About Druggie Daughter.”

And now, when Trump screwed the pooch by attributing the actions of an independent anti-Trump PAC to Cruz and, in truly Presidential fashion, reacted by going into the gutter, here's a story accusing Cruz of being an adulterer. Very coincidental and convenient . . . if you're a mushbrained, drooling Trumpette. To anyone with functioning gray matter, it's an obvious smear job.

You know who's the only successful candidate the National Enquirer HASN'T smeared? Donald Trump. Oh, no, for Donny Boy, we get THESE hardhitting exposes:

As talk of a Trump candidacy heated up last winter, the tabloid published an article headlined “Trump’s the One!” that reported him leading in the polls. In September, the Enquirer published a three-part series by Trump himself under the headline “The Man Behind the Legend!”

You brainless, worshiping hypocrites make me nauseated. You are everything you claim to be "angry at" such that you have to support Trump, and much, much worse.

Do they actually give out gullible pills to you Trumpettes, or are you just naturally this credulous?

Donald Trump’s Alliance With the National Enquirer

Back in October, New York Magazine ran an expose on the fact that the National Enquirer is operating as the disinformation and sleaze arm of Donald Trump's campaign. Back then, it was Ben Carson eating up Trump's lead, and "mysteriously" . . .

The Enquirer published a cover story on Carson headlined “Bungling Surgeon Ben Carson Left Sponge in Patient’s Brain!” The article called Carson a “White House wannabe” and claimed he “brandished a scalpel like a meat cleaver!”

A source close to the Enquirer confirmed at the time that the Trump campaign was the source of the article.

Not only that . . .

Two weeks after Trump launched his campaign in mid-June, the Enquirer reported that Jeb Bush was “involved in the drug trade in Florida” in the '80s and that, as governor, he was plagued by “sleazy cheating scandals … [with a] Playboy Bunny turned lawyer.” In September, the Enquirer published an unflattering photograph of Bush’s adult daughter apparently taking cigarette breaks at her office. The article hit just days after Jeb told Americans they needed to work longer hours.

Oh, and then, after Carly Fiorina kicked Donny Boy's butt at a debate . . .

The Enquirer ran an article headlined “Homewrecker Carly Fiorina Lied About Druggie Daughter.”

And now, when Trump screwed the pooch by attributing the actions of an independent anti-Trump PAC to Cruz and, in truly Presidential fashion, reacted by going into the gutter, here's a story accusing Cruz of being an adulterer. Very coincidental and convenient . . . if you're a mushbrained, drooling Trumpette. To anyone with functioning gray matter, it's an obvious smear job.

You know who's the only successful candidate the National Enquirer HASN'T smeared? Donald Trump. Oh, no, for Donny Boy, we get THESE hardhitting exposes:

As talk of a Trump candidacy heated up last winter, the tabloid published an article headlined “Trump’s the One!” that reported him leading in the polls. In September, the Enquirer published a three-part series by Trump himself under the headline “The Man Behind the Legend!”

You brainless, worshiping hypocrites make me nauseated. You are everything you claim to be "angry at" such that you have to support Trump, and much, much worse.
Totally irrelevant! Totally.
Cruz is a joke, and should be tossed from the race for Iowa and other stuff. He is the worst Candidate since Richard Nixon because he ( Cruz ) is a liar, cheat, and act like a paranoid fool...

I dislike Trump and when a candidate can make me write a defense for Trump then that candidate need to go!
Lyin' Ted was apparently banging Amanda Carpenter, an anti-Donald CNN reporter! Lyin' Ted also paid $500K to Carly "The Face" Fiorina as a payoff for going all the way with Sarah Isgur Flores!
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Lyin' Ted was apparently banging Amanda Carpenter, an anti-Donald CNN reporter! Lyin' Ted also paid $500K to Carly "The Face" Fiorina as a payoff for going all the way with Sarah Isgur Flores!

Don't you think it's kind of a coincidence for Donald that he gets two enemies with one phoney story?
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Do they actually give out gullible pills to you Trumpettes, or are you just naturally this credulous?

Donald Trump’s Alliance With the National Enquirer

Back in October, New York Magazine ran an expose on the fact that the National Enquirer is operating as the disinformation and sleaze arm of Donald Trump's campaign. Back then, it was Ben Carson eating up Trump's lead, and "mysteriously" . . .

The Enquirer published a cover story on Carson headlined “Bungling Surgeon Ben Carson Left Sponge in Patient’s Brain!” The article called Carson a “White House wannabe” and claimed he “brandished a scalpel like a meat cleaver!”

A source close to the Enquirer confirmed at the time that the Trump campaign was the source of the article.

Not only that . . .

Two weeks after Trump launched his campaign in mid-June, the Enquirer reported that Jeb Bush was “involved in the drug trade in Florida” in the '80s and that, as governor, he was plagued by “sleazy cheating scandals … [with a] Playboy Bunny turned lawyer.” In September, the Enquirer published an unflattering photograph of Bush’s adult daughter apparently taking cigarette breaks at her office. The article hit just days after Jeb told Americans they needed to work longer hours.

Oh, and then, after Carly Fiorina kicked Donny Boy's butt at a debate . . .

The Enquirer ran an article headlined “Homewrecker Carly Fiorina Lied About Druggie Daughter.”

And now, when Trump screwed the pooch by attributing the actions of an independent anti-Trump PAC to Cruz and, in truly Presidential fashion, reacted by going into the gutter, here's a story accusing Cruz of being an adulterer. Very coincidental and convenient . . . if you're a mushbrained, drooling Trumpette. To anyone with functioning gray matter, it's an obvious smear job.

You know who's the only successful candidate the National Enquirer HASN'T smeared? Donald Trump. Oh, no, for Donny Boy, we get THESE hardhitting exposes:

As talk of a Trump candidacy heated up last winter, the tabloid published an article headlined “Trump’s the One!” that reported him leading in the polls. In September, the Enquirer published a three-part series by Trump himself under the headline “The Man Behind the Legend!”

You brainless, worshiping hypocrites make me nauseated. You are everything you claim to be "angry at" such that you have to support Trump, and much, much worse.
Totally irrelevant! Totally.

Yeah, anything but "Trump is GOD!" is irrelevant to you, dribbler.

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