Cruz wins Iowa!

so he's going to face a month of digs at his personal finances, misuse of party funds, his immigration stance...

i don't think he survives
We shall see

As a democrat, Rubio is the only candidate I fear
Rubio = career politician

Trump= Career Asshole
I would trust a businessman any day over a career politician...
I deal with businessmen every day, name a career politician you can trust??
Cruz: Prez
Rubio: VP
Trump: Sec of State
Carson: Surgeon General
Sheriff Joe: Homeland Security
Palin: Press Secretary just to tick off the left
A couple of career politicians in there.
Although That would be funny...
Cruz: Prez
Rubio: VP
Trump: Sec of State
Carson: Surgeon General
Sheriff Joe: Homeland Security
Palin: Press Secretary just to tick off the left
Thats almost hte most absurd thing I've seen today.

You dont pick losers to stock your cabinet with. It's Cruz president, Nikki Haley as VP
Just like i said:cool:
Same here. :woohoo:

I consider Rubio to have really come in second, not Trump. Why? Because Rubio was at around 15 points when the voting began and I as predicted, he rose faster than any candidate and may just take the nomination even though I hope Cruz can maintain his momentum for the nod.

GOP moderates not named Marco Rubio
Iowa is not favorable terrain for centrist Republicans, and it proved that again on Monday evening. Several establishment-friendly candidates were hoping for a decent enough showing to present a positive narrative as the New Hampshire primary beckons on Feb. 9.
None of them got it. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, businesswoman Carly Fiorina, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie all failed to top three percent.
Rubio’s strong showing deepens the already-considerable problems facing these candidates, as the establishment might now finally coalesce around him.

Iowa caucus winners and losers
Cruz: Prez
Rubio: VP
Trump: Sec of State
Carson: Surgeon General
Sheriff Joe: Homeland Security
Palin: Press Secretary just to tick off the left
Thats almost hte most absurd thing I've seen today.

You dont pick losers to stock your cabinet with. It's Cruz president, Nikki Haley as VP
I prefer Jan Brewer.
As candidates drop, Rubio will get stronger. Trump and Cruz voting base, or at least 40% of it, are the same. If Trump and Cruz both ride it out until April, Rubio is going to win as the establishment solidifies around him.

Trump and Cruz? Cruz and Trump? One of them has to go for the other to win, and in the not to distant future. I do not see this happening as of this moment, so be prepared for Rubio as the nominee............and honestly, ANY establishment candidate who was close would have to be considered the favorite because those 2 are cutting each others throats, and just like always, we are going to spoon fed a rino. If they were smart, they would work together to get rid of Rubio, and that is the only way they can proceed together, without giving a rino the nomination.

Trump has been knocked back to earth a little, so I could see both him and Cruz making a little pact moving forward, especially if the next primary comes out with the same 3 on top in any order.
The Bible Belt is Establishment.
After that, Rubio is toast.

I don't think so. Cruz and Trump together are appealing to around 55% of the voters. It shows in the polls. So if they split that 55%, the 45% left will propel Rubio past them. Now I know I am assuming that all 45% will go Rubio, but besides Fiorina and Carson, the rest of the vote is establishment, so you would think that it would find a home with another establishment candidate.
The under and unemployed will go for Trump.
Outside the Bible Belt the issue is the paycheck.

what is your vote?
Trump...Ricardian Free Trade.
shame on iowa
No beheadings, Dani...learn from a modern civilized society...otherwise we will nuke the crap out of you....

That's not how it works.

Let me know when nuking millions of innocent people is civilized.
Since 1945....check your history book, Minerva.

I know my history, nuking and carpet bombing have since been deemed uncivil.
No beheadings, Dani...learn from a modern civilized society...otherwise we will nuke the crap out of you....

That's not how it works.

Let me know when nuking millions of innocent people is civilized.
Since 1945....check your history book, Minerva.

I know my history, nuking and carpet bombing have since been deemed uncivil.
As the man said..."War is the continuation of politics by another means". So let's get on with it.....yo.
That's not how it works.

Let me know when nuking millions of innocent people is civilized.
Since 1945....check your history book, Minerva.

I know my history, nuking and carpet bombing have since been deemed uncivil.
As the man said..."War is the continuation of politics by another means". So let's get on with it.....yo.

You should put that on a bumper sticker.

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