Cruz or Trump ?

Either; either one would consider your politics anathema to anything or anyone of decency.

Both terrible, but Trump's seriousness on illegal immigration, makes him the better choice...Cruz also maybe a warmonger.
Cruz, he's a smart man with a serious plan for moving America back from the bureaucratic mess we're in. Trump is all bluster and bullshit.
Trump Republican nominate 2016 off course 2020 they're next poll for Cruz if Trump disapear against Clinton or Sanders four year from 2020 how is election 2016.
I prefer a pResidunce that closely resembles his pet !
I couldn't vote for either candidate. Trump doesnt possess the demeanor or quite frankly the personal character I consider necessary to lead this nation. The man acts like a 5 year old spoiled child, lacking in discipline.
Cruz is a non-starter - as you stated - a religious zealot, one who would continue to try to legislate his brand of hardcore conservative morality. He's also run an exceptionally dishonest campaign, and a man who is called a fraud and a false prophet by distinguished colleagues of his own party makes me question his character.

So . . . what's it like actually WORKING at being an ignorant bigot? You're the first one I've ever met who wasn't just that way naturally.
When you have no argument the default is to resort to abuse.

Yeah, no, pointing out that you're a bigot is a relevant observation. To present an "argument" is to dignify your religious bigotry as a valid, serious viewpoint. It isn't, and it won't be receiving validation from me.

You hate religious people, blindly and nonsensically. You're a bigot. Own it.
I couldn't vote for either candidate. Trump doesnt possess the demeanor or quite frankly the personal character I consider necessary to lead this nation. The man acts like a 5 year old spoiled child, lacking in discipline.
Cruz is a non-starter - as you stated - a religious zealot, one who would continue to try to legislate his brand of hardcore conservative morality. He's also run an exceptionally dishonest campaign, and a man who is called a fraud and a false prophet by distinguished colleagues of his own party makes me question his character.
Its not great for the democratic process that the choice boils down to these two.
Initially I thought that Trump was the bigger threat to the World but the more that we learn about Cruz the more disturbing he becomes.
I cant see either of them being able to appeal to enough people to get elected and that is a problem for the Republican party.

They seem to be in thrall to a set of values that arent essentially conservative and are unattractive to the wider electorate.
The Tory party in the UK was like that for many years during the reign of Blair. They continued to focus on issues that people didnt give a toss about and were essentially talking to themselves.
Cameron was a bit of a moderniser and was lucky that Brown copped for the economic crisis. The tories got re-elected and were then able to carry on as traditional bastard tories.

After they lose this election the Republicans really need to consider their "offer" Its far too negative and nasty. Appealing to an evangelical Christian minority shuts out so many people it is doomed to fail.

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