Cruz Booed Off Stage At Christian Event

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Ted Cruz Gets Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Event

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was booed off the stage at an event hosted by a Christian organization in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday night.

The conservative firebrand delivered the keynote address at an event hosted by In Defense of Christians, an organization that raises awareness of persecuted Christian and minority communities in the Middle East. But the audience turned hostile when Cruz said, "Christians have no greater ally than Israel."

"I will say this: I'm saddened to see that some here, not everyone, are so consumed with hate," he said, as more members in attendance began to boo. "I will say this: If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you. Thank you, and God bless you," he said, before walking off the stage.

According to The Daily Caller, IDC Executive Director Andrew Doran then came on the stage and said, "For the love of God, we're here to talk about Christians and we're here to be united."
Ted Cruz Gets Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Event

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was booed off the stage at an event hosted by a Christian organization in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday night.

The conservative firebrand delivered the keynote address at an event hosted by In Defense of Christians, an organization that raises awareness of persecuted Christian and minority communities in the Middle East. But the audience turned hostile when Cruz said, "Christians have no greater ally than Israel."

"I will say this: I'm saddened to see that some here, not everyone, are so consumed with hate," he said, as more members in attendance began to boo. "I will say this: If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you. Thank you, and God bless you," he said, before walking off the stage.

According to The Daily Caller, IDC Executive Director Andrew Doran then came on the stage and said, "For the love of God, we're here to talk about Christians and we're here to be united."
Way to misread your audience.
Did the dirty tricks democrats stack the audience for the IDC event in Washington just to try to embarrass a republican? The IDC took it's name from a letter describing the persecution of the Jews in Germany. The IDC manifest claims that they also represent Jews who are persecuted in the Mid East. Why the hell would they boo a republican who affirms our alliance with the Jewish people unless the IDC was infiltrated by democrat party affiliated hate groups?
Did the dirty tricks democrats stack the audience for the IDC event in Washington just to try to embarrass a republican? The IDC took it's name from a letter describing the persecution of the Jews in Germany. The IDC manifest claims that they also represent Jews who are persecuted in the Mid East. Why the hell would they boo a republican who affirms our alliance with the Jewish people unless the IDC was infiltrated by democrat party affiliated hate groups?

more than likely
if it had been done to Obama we'd be seeing heads exploding all over the board
this has already been POSTED
Did the dirty tricks democrats stack the audience for the IDC event in Washington just to try to embarrass a republican? The IDC took it's name from a letter describing the persecution of the Jews in Germany. The IDC manifest claims that they also represent Jews who are persecuted in the Mid East. Why the hell would they boo a republican who affirms our alliance with the Jewish people unless the IDC was infiltrated by democrat party affiliated hate groups?

more than likely
if it had been done to Obama we'd be seeing heads exploding all over the board
this has already been POSTED
Republicans just don't have the stomach or the support for dirty tricks the way the democrats do it.
Did the dirty tricks democrats stack the audience for the IDC event in Washington just to try to embarrass a republican? The IDC took it's name from a letter describing the persecution of the Jews in Germany. The IDC manifest claims that they also represent Jews who are persecuted in the Mid East. Why the hell would they boo a republican who affirms our alliance with the Jewish people unless the IDC was infiltrated by democrat party affiliated hate groups?

more than likely
if it had been done to Obama we'd be seeing heads exploding all over the board
this has already been POSTED
Republicans just don't have the stomach or the support for dirty tricks the way the democrats do it.

Yeah, that's got to be it.

Is there no end to the lies you RW fools are willing to gobble up in order to avoid just facing FACTS?

As noted above, Cruz the radical RW jackass, misjudged his audience and paid the price for it. If he had been at an anti-American rally, he would have been embraced as a hero.
....................................^^^ You're an idiot .... :cool:

You RW nutters run from facts. This is just another example of this.
I saw no so called "facts" in your retarded post to run from. ...... :cool:
english is not your first language anyway.. farsi maybe?
Nope, fag boy.....I'm not Iranian. .. :cool:
false! not gay ..only ignorant sexually confused ass hats use that school yard slur.. :asshole:
Did the dirty tricks democrats stack the audience for the IDC event in Washington just to try to embarrass a republican? The IDC took it's name from a letter describing the persecution of the Jews in Germany. The IDC manifest claims that they also represent Jews who are persecuted in the Mid East. Why the hell would they boo a republican who affirms our alliance with the Jewish people unless the IDC was infiltrated by democrat party affiliated hate groups?

more than likely
if it had been done to Obama we'd be seeing heads exploding all over the board
this has already been POSTED
Republicans just don't have the stomach or the support for dirty tricks the way the democrats do it.

Yeah, that's got to be it.

Is there no end to the lies you RW fools are willing to gobble up in order to avoid just facing FACTS?

As noted above, Cruz the radical RW jackass, misjudged his audience and paid the price for it. If he had been at an anti-American rally, he would have been embraced as a hero.

This rhetoric doesn't make sense. The IDC claims that it supports the Jewish people. It's name comes from a letter regarding Jewish persecution. How could an elected representative of the American people misjudge that kind of audience? The last anti-American (OWS) rally in Washington invited only democrats to speak.
So how many wingnuts on here actually think this guy is gonna be President?

Change the subject? Why in the world would a elected US Representative be booed off the stage when he spoke about the strong US alliance with Israel in front of an audience that supports Israel? The only logical conclusion is that dirty tricks hate groups infiltrated the audience.
So how many wingnuts on here actually think this guy is gonna be President?

Change the subject? Why in the world would a elected US Representative be booed off the stage when he spoke about the strong US alliance with Israel in front of an audience that supports Israel? The only logical conclusion is that dirty tricks hate groups infiltrated the audience.

Or maybe it's because they're also Arabs and as such aren't too fond of Israel, be they Christian, Muslim or Pastafarian. But hey, you can let your tin-foil be your guide.

And my question still stands. :)

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