Critics Pounce On New Heisman Winner For Tweets When He Was 14


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This is how freedom dies. Organized thugs pouncing on anyone who doesn't think properly. Remember, this isn't America anymore. You don't have the right to say anything or do anything the left feels isn't politically-correct:


The little guy in the middle won the Heisman, Kyler Murray

Kyler Murray won the Heisman Trophy on Saturday night, making him the second straight quarterback from Oklahoma to win college football’s most prestigious award.

Just hours after winning the award, though, several of his old homophobic tweets surfaced on Twitter.

Warning: The following tweets contain language that may be found offensive." data-reactid="19">Warning: The following tweets contain language that may be found offensive.

I was a little shocked that he won. I felt the other two were better, and more NFL ready. But I sometimes wonder about this vote, because journalists are a large part of the voting block. It makes me a little suspicious that someone took the time to look that far back into his social media history to make an example of him.
It is possible that every time someone becomes a focus in the news, somebody is out there getting paid to make an example of them to further the progressive cause.
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Words come back to haunt people?! How crazy!
You don't want anyone to know? Don't put on the internet.
Everyone makes stupid comments at times but our past mistakes should not be a scarlet letter of shame that forever haunt us. If society stops this game of gotcha with people's lives we would all be much better off. Better yet, throw Twitter, Facebook and other social media in the dust bin of history as a real mistake that ruins lives.
Words come back to haunt people?! How crazy!
Yeah right. Like when you were 15 you could stand up to any scrutiny. Because of technology we’re living in an age of gotcha policing.
So what's next? Will the NCAA disqualify him for the rest of the season? Will Oklahoma expel him? Is he going to be barred from the NFL?
This is how freedom dies. Organized thugs pouncing on anyone who doesn't think properly. Remember, this isn't America anymore. You don't have the right to say anything or do anything the left feels isn't politically-correct:


The little guy in the middle won the Heisman, Kyler Murray

Kyler Murray won the Heisman Trophy on Saturday night, making him the second straight quarterback from Oklahoma to win college football’s most prestigious award.

Just hours after winning the award, though, several of his old homophobic tweets surfaced on Twitter.

Warning: The following tweets contain language that may be found offensive." data-reactid="19">Warning: The following tweets contain language that may be found offensive.

I keep telling my kids what you say on the internet is there for ever and will come back to bite you. This is a fucked up world. You are not even allowed to make mistakes at 14.
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Words come back to haunt people?! How crazy!
Yeah right. Like when you were 15 you could stand up to any scrutiny. Because of technology we’re living in an age of gotcha policing.

I’ve said and did numerous things dreadful as a teen. The key difference being, excuses were not made for me by other people when I did them. I took my lumps, learned from it, and moved on. Actions and words have consequences. Pretty crazy, right? lol

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