Cringe discussion of DEI on The Chris Wallace Show

The studies linking poverty, crime, and poor educational attainment are focused on the OOW rate. The higher the rate, the worse the outcome for the kids. Period.

Your uneducated ass just refuses to admit that the 72% OOW rate is the cause of a lot of problems among blacks. Grow up and take some responsibility. Escuses and denial don’t help you.
You mean the studies correlating to those things? Low marriage rates could also be caused by socio-economic inequalities. What I also know are that marriage rates are not the same as parental participation rates. When you want to seriously address the ten to one wealth gap between Black and white families then maybe I'll take you seriously Lisa.
How come you never argue, "what about Black resentment?"
Black resentment is taught, black children are taught that every white is racist, the 'system' is racist, etc.. they are raised with a chip on their shoulder and taught to resent and hate their white counterparts. It's very apparent, especially when you travel to other countries and realize this doesn't exist there. The race hustlers have destroyed race relations in this country all for their own enrichment, and will continue to do so as long as there is money to be made and foots who give it to them.
"Equity" and "equality" are related concepts, but they have distinct meanings and implications. Here's how they differ and where they share common ground:​
  • Meaning: Equality refers to the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.
  • Objective: The goal of equality is to ensure that everyone has the same starting point and is treated in the same way. It focuses on uniformity and sameness.
  • Illustration: In the context of education, equality might mean that all students have the same textbooks, attend the same classes, and have access to the same facilities.
  • Meaning: Equity involves fairness and justice in the distribution of resources, opportunities, and outcomes, accounting for differences and ensuring that everyone has what they need to be successful.
  • Objective: The goal of equity is to address and rectify systemic or historical disparities, acknowledging that individuals may require different levels of support to achieve the same outcome.
  • Illustration: In the context of education, equity might mean providing additional resources and support to students from disadvantaged backgrounds to ensure they have an equal chance of success as their more privileged peers.
How They're the Same:
  • Common Goal: Both equity and equality aim to promote fairness and justice, albeit through different means.
  • Anti-Discrimination: Both concepts reject discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, socioeconomic status, etc.
  • Social Justice: Both are often associated with broader principles of social justice and the idea of creating a more just and inclusive society.
In summary, while equality emphasizes sameness and uniform treatment, equity focuses on fairness by acknowledging and addressing existing disparities. The choice between emphasizing equality or equity often depends on the specific context and the goal of achieving justice and fairness in a particular situation.​

And this is as perfect example of why we should all be worried about AI. Often times, people blindly accept whatever AI spews because it is well written and sounds logical, only if you don’t really think about it.

The goal of equality and equity may be the same, but this answer misses the point that we should all be treated as individuals, not as groups. In order to achieve this so called social justice, individuals that part of a disparate group receive advantages at the expense of individuals that are part of a so called advantaged group. Someone may have been hired to right the wrong or even the playing field, but someone else very well may have been harmed.

As far as AI, GIGO applies. It can be a great tool when used for mensurable purposes, but very dangerous when fed subjective information.
Black resentment is taught, black children are taught that every white is racist, the 'system' is racist, etc.. they are raised with a chip on their shoulder and taught to resent and hate their white counterparts. It's very apparent, especially when you travel to other countries and realize this doesn't exist there. The race hustlers have destroyed race relations in this country all for their own enrichment, and will continue to do so as long as there is money to be made and foots who give it to them.
Rush Limbaugh was the biggest race hustler this country has ever produced, and I bet you lapped up his every syllable and word.

Didn't you?

BTW, what countries have you traveled to where the Blacks weren't experiencing racism?
I'm not going to argue with a bunch of white men about DEI. You argue against it because you want to maintain race based preferences for whites. Whites are hired and promoted based on their skin color. White is a race and I am sick and tired of you lying --- right wing whites tallking about how you don't see race in this forum when all you do is talk about race. And as long as whites are doing this:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, Iwas an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

Then DEI is necessary. This is a person who claimed not to see race, who thinks "merit" should be the only consideration for anything. And he's not the only one doing this. You guys are dishonest and purposefully forgetful of how race is the ONLY reason whites have everything they do.
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Black resentment is created by white racism. Anyone saying it's taught is a liar. White racists seem to think their racism is natural and blacks are just supposed to shut up and take it. So it's time white racists take some responsibility for their behavior.
Incompetence isn't restricted to white men. What a weird notion.

Maybe you have some fabricated calculations about competence percentages based on skin color, but I don't.

Incompetence isn't restricted to one gender, race or class of people. See Clarence Thomas.

Every time a "diversity" hire fails, the "competence" of a whole class of employees is questioned. I remember feeling flat out terror when I was moving the contents of my desk into the Consumer Loans Manager's office. That if I failed, it would be that much harder for the next woman who tried to move out of a "clerical position" into management.

Joy Reid was one of the first "affirmative action" students at Harvard. She had been one of the top black high school students in Colorado. Harvard flew recruiters to Colorado and offered a scholarship. She said she was treated as "unqualified to be there" and she was frequently told she only admitted because of "affirmative action". She hated it there.

This is why Jackie Robinson is so revered. What an exceptional human being he had to be to take on being the First Black Man in Baseball! What he endured in his career, because of it!

All of the reports and commentary I've read on Barrack Obama, from his earliest days at Harvard, and in community organizing is that everyone who ever met him or worked with him called him "exceptional", and predicted great things for him. Yet right wing posters here still refer to him as the "affirmative action President".
All of the reports and commentary I've read on Barrack Obama, from his earliest days at Harvard, and in community organizing is that everyone who ever met him or worked with him called him "exceptional", and predicted great things for him. Yet right wing posters here still refer to him as the "affirmative action President".
That's because they're ignorant rubes who appear to think they're doing a radio talk show when they're here.
The studies linking poverty, crime, and poor educational attainment are focused on the OOW rate. The higher the rate, the worse the outcome for the kids. Period.

Your uneducated ass just refuses to admit that the 72% OOW rate is the cause of a lot of problems among blacks. Grow up and take some responsibility. Excuses and denial don’t help you.

Neither does blaming whitey.

Talk about an "uneducated ass", you've just described yourself, you racist bitch. And that's why you can't successfully deal with the problem. You're putting the emPHASis on the wrong sylLAbles.

How do you account for the fact that rates for poverty, crime and poor educational outcomes were all higher in the 1950's, when OOW birth rates were MUCH lower than they are now?

"In 1950, the percent of births to unmarried women was 3.9; by 1994 it had risen to 32.6. But the ratio changed only slightly in the next 4 years, dropping to 32.2 percent in 1995, rising to 32.4 percent in 1996, remaining at that level in 1997, and increasing to 32.8 percent in 1998."

The rate of poverty in the USA in 2022, was 11.5:

"In the late 1950s, the poverty rate in the U.S. was approximately 22%, with just shy of 40 million Americans living in poverty."

Rush Limbaugh was the biggest race hustler this country has ever produced, and I bet you lapped up his every syllable and word.

Didn't you?

BTW, what countries have you traveled to where the Blacks weren't experiencing racism?

What has Rush Limbaugh to do with anything, he's dead.

I don't need someone to tell me the facts, I can watch it and experience it in real life every day.

What country isn't racist against blacks, are there any?
Apparently Meister and those with a similar mindset don't want equality and fairness.
Equality is like a 100 meter dash....everyone begins equally at the starting point, and everyone
begins equally at the sound of the starting gun. That doesn't equate to everyone finishes with the same time.

IM2 is such an idiot, he can't even comprehend equality. :cuckoo:
What has Rush Limbaugh to do with anything, he's dead.

I don't need someone to tell me the facts, I can watch it and experience it in real life every day.

What country isn't racist against blacks, are there any?

You don't need people to give your facts. You're perfectly happy with the shit FOX News and Breitbart tell you about non-whites.

Other than Apartheid South Africa, there isn't another nation in the First World that has codified racism against their black populations. I'm not saying there is no racism in these countries, but such racism isn't codified and enforced by the justice system.

No other country in the first world has created an education system which allows parents to put their children in all white "church schools" to avoid their precious snowflakes from mixing with non-white kids or the children from same-sex couple families, with taxpayer vouchers.
You don't need people to give your facts. You're perfectly happy with the shit FOX News and Breitbart tell you about non-whites.

.... system which allows parents to put their children in all white "church schools" to avoid their precious snowflakes from mixing with non-white kids or the children from same-sex couple families.

Do you see this shit that these lefties spew, they don't want to 'allow' you to raise or educate your children as you see fit, they think they know better than you do what is best for your children. They state it every day in bullshit ways just like this, this is what they really want, total control over your life and the lives of your family. They mean what they say, don't ever believe otherwise.
Sounding like a racist, IM2, Freudian slip, apparently.
No, DTMB is an Asian and what he posted was some white racist garbage.. He's been so affected by internalized racism that he ignores the fact the DEI includes Asians.

As for you and those like you, your opinions relative to this matter shows a dishonesty that is nothing less than evil.
White people will always question why a minority is there because they are racist. :dunno: It's wild that we still have to make a positive case for INCLUSION. Fuck you people are deplorable.
Your bullshit ”case for inclusion” lost all merit when this white nation elected a Kenyan to the highest office….TWICE!


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