Crimes Against Humanity Trials Ahead


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Corona criminals have already murdered more as 100m in different countries through lockdowns, hunger, destroying of supply chains, postponed operations and the 'vaccine' side effects.
Any participant on genocide shall be punished by Nuernberg 2.0 beginning from Schwab, Gates, Fauci, Drosten and ending by teachers, officials, cops and grocery owners.
No pardon for liars and murders!

Numerous voices from lawyers to academicians to doctors are in agreement: The Covid Plandemic is the greatest Crime Against Humanity in history.

Teachers and grocery owners? WTF?

You want to hang teachers and grocery owners?

What happened in the post-war Germany?
All Nazi where tried by tribunal.
If somebody was guilty on crimes he was sentenced by tribunal.
Many grocery owners, teachers, cops supported Corona Scamdemic and punished citizens.
If someone died or injured ( like numerous children due to mandatory masks in schools ) tribunal will try him.
There are more as 100m victims of the biggest genocide in the human history.
And the justice shall be done for anyone by Nuernberg 2.0
In India alone more as 10m died due to traveling restrictions.
The Corona Scamdemic is a completely lie from the beginning until the end!

BTW. No one knows what happens with already inoculated.
Most of the world leading virologists state they all will die like animals which had been tested before.
In this case 70% of humanity would probably die within few years.
And do you want the murder get unpunished?
Quit making predictions. You're not very good at it.

The International Corona Gang are not more as 10,000 persons plus maximal 2m of active supporters.
They murdered already 100m.
According to you a honest 'sorry' would be enough for them to dodge the tribunal persecution.

In Africa millions children starved to dead due to the Corona food shortages, where is your outrage?
Why allegedly 'anti-racist' 'progressives' who fervently support the Corona Tyranny don't have compassion to dying children in Africa?

Quit making predictions. You're not very good at it.

The International Corona Gang are not more as 10,000 persons plus maximal 2m of active supporters.
They murdered already 100m.
According to you a honest 'sorry' would be enough for them to dodge the tribunal persecution.

In Africa millions children starved to dead due to the Corona food shortages, where is your outrage?
Why allegedly 'anti-racist' 'progressives' who fervently support the Corona Tyranny don't have compassion to dying children in Africa?

You are a very strange person.
Justice shall be done!
Any Corona Tribunal shall be tried for genocide according the International Law by Nuernebrg 2.0
The wealth and property of Corona tribunals shall be confiscated and shared among their victims.

Lessons Learned!
The Corona Tyranny shall be never repeated again!

Quit making predictions. You're not very good at it.

The International Corona Gang are not more as 10,000 persons plus maximal 2m of active supporters.
They murdered already 100m.
According to you a honest 'sorry' would be enough for them to dodge the tribunal persecution.

In Africa millions children starved to dead due to the Corona food shortages, where is your outrage?
Why allegedly 'anti-racist' 'progressives' who fervently support the Corona Tyranny don't have compassion to dying children in Africa?

You are a very strange person.

Of course I'm very strange!
Because I try to follow the Holy Bible and the Law of God.
Quit making predictions. You're not very good at it.

The International Corona Gang are not more as 10,000 persons plus maximal 2m of active supporters.
They murdered already 100m.
According to you a honest 'sorry' would be enough for them to dodge the tribunal persecution.

In Africa millions children starved to dead due to the Corona food shortages, where is your outrage?
Why allegedly 'anti-racist' 'progressives' who fervently support the Corona Tyranny don't have compassion to dying children in Africa?

You are a very strange person.

Of course I'm very strange!
Because I try to follow the Holy Bible and the Law of God.
LOL. I guess you skipped the parts about wrath, pride and probably gluttony.
Quit making predictions. You're not very good at it.

The International Corona Gang are not more as 10,000 persons plus maximal 2m of active supporters.
They murdered already 100m.
According to you a honest 'sorry' would be enough for them to dodge the tribunal persecution.

In Africa millions children starved to dead due to the Corona food shortages, where is your outrage?
Why allegedly 'anti-racist' 'progressives' who fervently support the Corona Tyranny don't have compassion to dying children in Africa?

You are a very strange person.

Of course I'm very strange!
Because I try to follow the Holy Bible and the Law of God.
LOL. I guess you skipped the parts about wrath, pride and probably gluttony.


the Teaching of the Holy Bible is at first Justice for anyone
Quit making predictions. You're not very good at it.

The International Corona Gang are not more as 10,000 persons plus maximal 2m of active supporters.
They murdered already 100m.
According to you a honest 'sorry' would be enough for them to dodge the tribunal persecution.

In Africa millions children starved to dead due to the Corona food shortages, where is your outrage?
Why allegedly 'anti-racist' 'progressives' who fervently support the Corona Tyranny don't have compassion to dying children in Africa?

You are a very strange person.

Of course I'm very strange!
Because I try to follow the Holy Bible and the Law of God.
LOL. I guess you skipped the parts about wrath, pride and probably gluttony.


the Teaching of the Holy Bible is at first Justice for anyone
Don't preach at me about the bible. I know it well enough to spot a holier than thou hypocrite.
Quit making predictions. You're not very good at it.

The International Corona Gang are not more as 10,000 persons plus maximal 2m of active supporters.
They murdered already 100m.
According to you a honest 'sorry' would be enough for them to dodge the tribunal persecution.

In Africa millions children starved to dead due to the Corona food shortages, where is your outrage?
Why allegedly 'anti-racist' 'progressives' who fervently support the Corona Tyranny don't have compassion to dying children in Africa?

You are a very strange person.

Of course I'm very strange!
Because I try to follow the Holy Bible and the Law of God.
LOL. I guess you skipped the parts about wrath, pride and probably gluttony.


the Teaching of the Holy Bible is at first Justice for anyone
Don't preach at me about the bible. I know it well enough to spot a holier than thou hypocrite.

I don't know 'the bible', i know the Holy Bible, please don't disrespect the Holy Scripture
Quit making predictions. You're not very good at it.

The International Corona Gang are not more as 10,000 persons plus maximal 2m of active supporters.
They murdered already 100m.
According to you a honest 'sorry' would be enough for them to dodge the tribunal persecution.

In Africa millions children starved to dead due to the Corona food shortages, where is your outrage?
Why allegedly 'anti-racist' 'progressives' who fervently support the Corona Tyranny don't have compassion to dying children in Africa?

You are a very strange person.

Of course I'm very strange!
Because I try to follow the Holy Bible and the Law of God.
LOL. I guess you skipped the parts about wrath, pride and probably gluttony.


the Teaching of the Holy Bible is at first Justice for anyone
Don't preach at me about the bible. I know it well enough to spot a holier than thou hypocrite.

I don't know 'the bible', i know the Holy Bible, please don't disrespect the Holy Scripture
Why are you trying to derail your own thread? Did you realize too late that it's ridiculous?

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